
Application method of carbon dioxide Gas Fertilizer for Grape in greenhouse

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Application method of carbon dioxide Gas Fertilizer for Grape in greenhouse

The main raw materials for plant photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water. The organic matter and starch produced by photosynthesis are precipitated in the plant as nutrients for plant growth. Therefore, the quality of photosynthesis also affects the growth and development of plants. Nowadays, grape cultivation is mostly planted in greenhouse, but greenhouse planting not only plays a role in heat preservation, but also because it is often in a closed state, resulting in the lack of timely replenishment of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse, not tender to meet the needs of grape growth and development, so timely supplement of carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse is particularly important. Here is a brief introduction to the application of carbon dioxide gas fertilizer for greenhouse grapes.

1. Application time

Usually from the end of February to the end of April, air fertilizer should be applied after the grapes have sprouted. Because of the low temperature in the early stage, the gas application time is slightly longer in the early stage, and can be slightly shortened in the later stage. The specific time of gas application is 6: 50, 50: 00, 8: 00 every day, that is, after sunrise, the greenhouse is closed to 9:00, and the temperature is cooled by film-opening ventilation after 9:00. Give more in sunny days, less in cloudy days, and stop in rainy days.

2. Application concentration and method

According to experience, the appropriate amount of carbon dioxide per cubic meter of gas is 1.0-1.3 grams. If the temperature is low and the shed is closed for a long time, the dosage can be increased appropriately. The specific methods of gas application are:

1. First of all, the volume and amount of carbon dioxide required are calculated according to the length, width and height of the greenhouse.

two。 The carbon dioxide generator is placed in the middle of the greenhouse, which is beneficial for the gas to spread around.

3. Put ammonium bicarbonate into a plastic bucket, then add an appropriate amount of water and mix it, then hang the dilute sulfuric acid bucket at a high place and slowly drip it into the plastic bucket through a catheter, and react with ammonium bicarbonate to produce carbon dioxide.

4. Carbon dioxide is released through another catheter and the valve is closed immediately after the release. The ammonium bicarbonate in the plastic bucket can be used continuously and can be replaced in time after the reaction.

Third, application effect

After applying carbon dioxide fertilizer to greenhouse grapes, it is mainly reflected in leaves and fruits. The leaf color is obviously dark green, the glossiness deepens, the thickness increases, the fruit coloring is early, the grain is big and sweet, the ripening period is more than one week earlier than that of open field cultivation, and the yield per mu can be increased by 150kg to 250kg.

IV. matters needing attention

As the ammonium bicarbonate and dilute sulfuric acid used are corrosive to a certain extent, attention should be paid to:

1. The reaction solution should not be in direct contact with the root and stem of the plant.

two。 Children are not allowed to come into contact with the reaction solution.

3. Pay attention to personal safety when using it to prevent the reaction solution from splashing on the human skin.

4. The temperature in the shed must be strictly controlled and the time of ventilation must be paid attention to.

5. If the residue in the reaction bucket is used as fertilizer, it should be prevented from causing drug damage to crops.

If you accidentally come into contact with dilute sulfuric acid, if it is a small amount, rinse immediately with a lot of water and apply sodium bicarbonate solution (baking soda) to minimize the damage caused by sulfuric acid.

The above is the method of how to apply carbon dioxide gas fertilizer to the greenhouse grapes sorted out by the pro-agricultural network. The method of using the residue in the reaction bucket as fertilizer means that after the end of the reaction, ten times the water is applied to the remaining ammonium sulfate aqueous solution, which can be used as topdressing for other crops, which can not only save costs, but also avoid burn crops.