
Garden, fireplace area, sunny room 88 create a dream garden of Eden

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The picture of drinking tea and chatting in the flowers is so beautiful that it is connected to eat barbecue and drink wine. As long as there are flowers as companions, it becomes much more elegant. Come, this is the balcony of Hua 88ping. Look at her elegant life dancing with the flowers. A lot of things that seem beautiful.

The picture of drinking tea and chatting in the flowers is so beautiful that it is connected to eat barbecue and drink wine. As long as there are flowers as companions, it becomes much more elegant. Come, this is the balcony of Hua 88ping. Look at her elegant life dancing with the flowers.

Many seemingly beautiful things, in fact, have to pay a lot of hard work, in the final analysis, there is a pay will have a harvest. Xiao Y wants to say that there must be no shortage of such friends around us. There is a great balcony and terrace at home, and the best they can do is to dry some clothes. They either have no idea or no time. In the final analysis, love gardening, love photography, love baking, all from the love of life.

Birch's home is on the outskirts of Chengdu, because it lives on the top floor, so there is an 88-inch terrace. This area is larger than that of ordinary people's homes.

The terrace is divided into two floors, which can be divided into three parts: the lower terrace makes a garden, and near the door of the room is an outdoor dining room; then, under the glass roof is the fireplace sitting area, made a raised wooden platform; you can walk to the upper platform through the zigzag stairs, which is a sunny room for family and friends to get together.

Fireplace sitting area

At the beginning of the balcony design, birch was moved by a beautiful picture: in the picture, there is a fireplace, the fire in the fireplace is burning red, several soft chairs are surrounded at will, and all kinds of potted plants full of flowers are scattered on the fireplace. At that moment she decided to have exactly the same one.

A high terrace was set up on the first floor, with anticorrosive wood floors, a glass roof and, most importantly, a fireplace of red brick.

Around the fireplace are all kinds of blooming flowers, and a simple and comfortable sofa is placed among the flowers. After three years of hard work, the terrace has gradually become what Betula wanted at first.

The flowers on the terrace have chosen potted plants, which are not only easier to take care of, but also easier to put out the effect.

Birch likes the fireplace area best and has almost become her private property. Spend your time here in your spare time, drinking tea, reading and basking in the sun.

My girlfriends are here, and they all like to stay here.

Birch makes dessert herself (just learning to bake, please automatically ignore the imperfect appearance) and brew lemon black tea to entertain best friends. When everyone sits in the flowers, they feel beautiful even if they do nothing.

Terrace garden

When we first started to plant flowers, birch was also a rookie. At that time, every time we got a new plant, we had to go to Baidu to check the growth habits and maintenance points. In less than a year, a terrace was filled with rose, geranium, hydrangea, alum root, fern. Flowerpots are also dense and layered.

But what she likes most is the rose, and the super-long flowering period is also gorgeous. At most, there are more than 200 trees on the terrace, which is a little colorful.

As more and more flowers are planted and the garden becomes more and more full, birch's eyes begin to focus on the dazzling garden groceries ~ stools, tables, tin cans. In this way, there is room for pots and pots, and the level of the garden comes out, killing more than one stone. Of course, for a crazy nymphomaniac, this is far from enough, all the space that can be thought of should be used: walls, railings, windows, exterior walls, and even over the garden.

Retro iron frame is also a good choice, layer by layer full seems to be able to make room for new varieties, florists are always "greedy".

Near the door is an outdoor restaurant, where the family sits around for dinner when the weather is fine. This picture is definitely a romantic place in the resort.

On a romantic night, wind lanterns and string lanterns must not be absent.

Sunny room

Pick up the steps and come to the sunny room on the second floor, when the flowers on the winter terrace begin to fall, it is still blooming.

The sun room was built just for fear of geraniums and petunia showers in summer, but it brought a different kind of scenery.

A fairy-like white gauze curtain

The color is also a refreshing blue and white tone.

No matter how noisy it is outside, the sunny room can always bring peace and beauty.

Birch sometimes has cats here.

Drink tea and be in a daze

A happy gardening life

The daily life of a florist: pruning, watering, fertilizing, applying medicine, and the most important thing-- flapping flowers.

Since having this garden, birch doesn't want to go anywhere and wants to stay here all the time.

Before, birch was still used to staying up late and getting up late, sitting in front of the computer all day long, probably because of taking two children (Xiao Y indicated disbelief after seeing the photo of the owner), her health became very bad, and even her hands holding chopsticks trembled for a while.

Since there was a garden, the routine of life has changed. I get up early every morning and go to the garden to change soil and fertilize.

Then make a delicious breakfast for your family.

Will also learn to make some desserts.

No matter how it tastes, the children always come to support it.

After having a garden, children do not like to stay at home and play games. They prefer to read books and play games in the garden and chase cats around.

Whether it's a terrace, a balcony or a small corner.

If we want to.

Can make it the garden of Eden in my heart.

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