
Maintenance and Management of Black Pine Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Black pine is a good material for making bonsai, because the color of black pine is very special, so it is often accompanied by rocks to make pine bonsai. The ornamental value of black pine bonsai is relatively high, so the maintenance of black pine bonsai also needs to pay attention to some details in order to improve the ornamental value of black pine bonsai.

Black pine is a good material for making bonsai, because the color of black pine is very special, so it is often accompanied by rocks to make pine bonsai. The ornamental value of black pine bonsai is relatively high, so the maintenance of black pine bonsai also needs to pay attention to some details in order to improve the ornamental value of black pine bonsai.

Black pine bonsai

1. Place of placement: black pine is suitable for being born in a sunny, moist and ventilated environment, but small bonsai should not be exposed to strong light at high temperature in midsummer. Winter can be placed outdoors, it is best to bury sparrow plum bonsai maintenance and management and watch into the sunny leeward field, only the branches exposed to the soil surface. If you spend the winter indoors, the indoor temperature should not be too high, and you must leave the room before Qingming Festival.

2, watering: black pine likes to dry, watering should not be too much, it should be dry and rewatered, but it is often sprayed on the leaf surface, which is beneficial to growth. Proper buckling of water in spring and summer can make the new branches low and the needles short.

3. Fertilization: black pine does not like fertilizer, thin and rotten cake fertilizer can be applied twice in spring every year, and fermented cake crumbs can be applied again in autumn.

4. Pruning: the pruning of black pine is mainly to pick buds, and the new buds elongate from March to April every year, but before the needles are produced. Generally take off the 1B2 of each top bud, if you do not need to grow the bonsai branches, you can pick all the terminal buds. In addition, the branches and leaves that affect the appearance of trees can be cut off during the winter dormant period.

5. Turning the basin: the turning of the black pine can be carried out every 3-5 years, and it is appropriate to turn the basin between 2 and 3 months, or after autumn. When turning the basin, remove the old soil 1B2 or so, cut off the withered roots, rotten roots, cut short part of the long roots, it is best to prune the branches and leaves at the same time.

6. pest control: the main diseases of black pine are leaf rust, needle falling disease, twig disease, pine tumor disease and so on. Common pests are aphids, shell insects, red spiders and pine tip borer.

Pine needle rust is pine tumour disease can be sprayed with 65% wettable thiram or zinc 300 times solution for prevention and control; needle drop disease can be sprayed with Baume 0.5 degree stone sulfur mixture. Pests such as pine tip borer and red spider can be sprayed with 50% borer killing EC 1000-1500 times or with 40% dimethoate EC 2000 times.

Key points of maintenance and management of black pine bonsai

Flower bonsai network guide: today's flower bonsai network editor to share with you is about the black pine bonsai maintenance and management tips of the article, have a favorite flower friends to have a look.

The picture in this article is taken by the black pine brought back by the editor from Japan. If you like, you can directly contact the editor Wechat at the end of the article!

Pine, evergreen all the year round, verdant, not afraid of the cold, thin and hard charm, has been the object of praise by literati since ancient times. Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, said in a poem: "for grass as orchid, for wood as pine; orchid fragrance is far away, pine cold does not change." The pine tree is vigorous and straight, although it is cold and does not change its appearance, which shows the author's perseverance. Yu Qian, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a poem entitled "the hearts of cold pines and cypresses will protect each other forever", which is used to express that husband and wife should always maintain the same faithful sentiment as old Han pines and cypresses.

As early as 2000 years ago in the Qin Dynasty, people transplanted pine trees from the mountains into the courtyard to watch. Pine is very popular in the courtyard in the Tang Dynasty. Wang Shipeng, the number one scholar in the Song Dynasty and a native of Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province, "planted the pine in a tile basin and placed it in a small room", creating a precedent of pine bonsai in China. Pine bonsai was more popular in Ming and Qing dynasties. In modern times, people loved pine bonsai as much as the ancients.

Black pine, also known as white bud pine, is an evergreen tree of Pinus pinaceae. Bark grayish black, lobed dehiscence. Winter buds cylindrical, silvery white. Leaves 2 needles in a bunch, clustered on short branches, the front end sharp, rough, dark green, shiny. It blossoms from April to May and bears fruit after flowering. The cone is conical and ovate. It matures from September to October of the following year and is chestnut brown when it matures.

China is rich in black pine resources and has strong adaptability, which can grow well in both the south and the north. Black pine branches spread horizontally, the four seasons are dark green, the roots are tangled, the posture is vigorous, showing tenacious vitality. Black pine is one of the commonly used tree species in bonsai production. Black pine seedlings of about three years are often used as rootstocks of five-needle pine for grafting bonsai.

Tree making

There are two sources of materials for making black pine bonsai: one is to propagate with seeds to obtain black pine seedlings. More seedlings can be obtained by seed propagation at one time. But it takes 5 to 10 years to process these seedlings into bonsai with ornamental value. It is commonly used for young black pine trees with strong growth of 2-3 years. According to the characteristics of the young trees, they are tied into many styles, such as curved dry type, oblique dry type, water-facing type, cliff style and so on. Young black pine trees, with soft branches, great plasticity and strong vitality, can be processed into bonsai of various styles. Second, go to the mountain black pine woodland to choose to dig and grow in the hilly barren land, between the mountains or in the tuyere where the natural conditions are more harsh, and the old tree stump with thick and short trunk and twisted branches is the most suitable to dig back and "plant and raise embryos" for about two years. After rejuvenation, processing shape. Black pine old pile bonsai production, to cut and use, guide according to the situation, because of the material attached shape, so that the bonsai made is natural and beautiful.

The processing of black pine bonsai should be carried out from January to March when the sap flows slowly, when there is basically no turpentine spill at the branch cut, which has little effect on the growth of black pine.

Planting and using pot

Black pine has strong adaptability and lax requirements on soil, but it grows well in loose and fertile soil with rich humus and good drainage. The planting or turning of black pine bonsai should be carried out before sprouting in spring. Because of the vast territory of our country and the great difference in temperature between the north and the south, the specific time should be controlled flexibly according to the local temperature. When cultivating young trees of Pinus elliottii, the soil should be barren and less, so as to promote the growth of roots and make the branches short and short in the shape of "small old trees".

Black pine bonsai is commonly used in purple sand pots and glazed pots. Because of the strong adaptability and developed root system of black pine, in addition to cliff type and water-facing type, straight dry type, curved dry type and oblique dry type are commonly used in shallow rectangular and oval pots. The shallow basin can better reveal the elegant charm of not hanging roots and showing claws.

Maintenance and management

1. Maintenance of the site. Black pine likes light, and the maintenance place should be sunny and well-ventilated. But small bonsai made of young trees should be properly shaded in the hot summer. In Beijing, field growers can spend the winter outdoors. Pot growers should move indoors at the beginning of winter, and black pines can survive the winter safely as long as the maintenance site does not freeze. If the temperature is too high, it is disadvantageous to the growth of black pine in the coming year. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the black pine can also be buried in the leeward and sunny ground. The upper mouth of the bowl should be below the ground, pour water thoroughly first, and fill the pit the next day. Tree cadres cultivate soil beyond the ground level so that they can also survive the winter outdoors.

2. Watering. Raise black pine bonsai, the pot soil is dry is better. If it is not dry or irrigated, it will be thoroughly watered (water leaking from the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin is watered through). Watering must not be wet and dry on the basin soil, and the lower root system can not get enough water. Especially in summer, the ground temperature is higher and water is no longer available, which is disadvantageous to plant growth. Black pine likes humid environment, should often spray water to the ground, branches and leaves, especially in hot summer, should spray water in the morning and evening respectively. 3. Fertilization. Black pine does not like big fertilizer, so it can be applied once a year in spring, summer and autumn. Hypertrophy can easily cause the branches to grow, but the shape of the tree is not beautiful.

4. Plastic surgery. Every spring, the black pine grows sturdy and low new buds. When the needles are not yet unfolded, cut off the new buds of different lengths according to the needs of the shape, generally cutting off half of the new buds and shortening the nodules of the branches. If the branches are not allowed to extend, you can also cut off all the new buds. If you want to change the shape of the tree, the larger branches should be cut off during the winter dormancy period.

5. Prevent diseases and insect pests. The main diseases of black pine are leaf rust, needle drop disease, pine tumor disease and so on. The main pests are Jieke insect, red spider, pine tip borer and so on, so we should pay attention to timely control.

Maintenance, Management and appreciation of Black Pine Bonsai

News from China Garden Network on November 29: (1) maintenance and management

Place: black pine is suitable for being born in a sunny, moist and ventilated environment, but small bonsai should not be exposed to strong light when it is hot in midsummer. Winter can be placed outdoors, it is best to even the basin buried in the sun leeward ground, only the branches exposed to the soil surface. If you spend the winter indoors, the indoor temperature should not be too high, and you must leave the room before Qingming Festival.

Watering: black pine likes to dry, watering should not be too much, it should be dry and rewatered, but it is often sprayed on the leaf surface, which is beneficial to growth. Proper buckling of water in spring and summer can make the new branches low and the needles short.

Fertilization: black pine does not like fertilizer, the thin and rotten cake fertilizer can be applied twice every spring, and the fermented cake crumbs can be applied again in autumn.

Pruning: the pruning of black pine is mainly to pick buds, and the new buds elongate from March to April every year, but when the needles are not yet produced. Generally take off the 1B2 of each top bud, if you do not need to grow the bonsai branches, you can pick all the terminal buds. In addition, the branches and leaves that affect the appearance of trees can be cut off during the winter dormant period.

Turn the basin: the basin of the black pine can be turned every 3-5 years, and the period is appropriate between 2 and 3 months, or after autumn. When turning the basin, remove the old soil 1B2 or so, cut off the withered roots, rotten roots, cut short part of the long roots, it is best to prune the branches and leaves at the same time.

Pest control: the main diseases of black pine are leaf rust, needle falling disease, twig disease, pine tumor disease and so on. Common pests are aphids, shell insects, red spiders and pine tip borer.

Pine needle rust is pine tumour disease can be sprayed with 65% wettable thiram or zinc 300 times solution for prevention and control; needle drop disease can be sprayed with Baume 0.5 degree stone sulfur mixture. Pests such as pine tip borer and red spider can be sprayed with 50% borer killing EC 1000-1500 times or with 40% dimethoate EC 2000 times.

(2) viewing

Black pine branches spread horizontally, the crown is like an umbrella cover, the needles are dark green all the year round, and the winter buds are silver and white, which can be displayed all the year round. Black pine is a positive tree, which requires sufficient light. In the growing period, especially in the period of budding and leaves, it can not be placed indoors for a long time to watch. The bonsai of black pine cultivated for many years shows the strange appearance of dragon and Phoenix, the old stem is vigorous, and the Qiu root is curved, showing the vitality of tenacity. "Baizhang pine in the forest, old green scale frowning" is a poem by Su Dongpo, a writer in the Song Dynasty, praising the posture of the pine tree.