
Daily maintenance of Orchid in October

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, October is the crisp season of autumn. in October in China, the environmental temperature in most areas is very suitable, and there is a great temperature difference between day and night, which is the golden season for the growth of orchids in a year. At this time, the daily maintenance of orchids is more important. So how to raise orchids in October?

October is the crisp season of autumn. in October in China, the environmental temperature in most areas is very suitable, and there is a great temperature difference between day and night, which is the golden season for the growth of orchids in a year. At this time, the daily maintenance of orchids is more important. So how to raise orchids in October?


Comprehensive fertilization to promote growth. It is another golden season for the growth of orchids in a year because of the crisp autumn in October, the appropriate temperature in most parts of China and the large temperature difference between day and night, so it is necessary to apply comprehensive fertilizer according to the actual situation of orchid seedlings. More phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to robust orchid seedlings to enhance their ability to keep out the cold and lay a solid foundation for early germination and strong sprouting in the coming year; for orchids sprouting in autumn, organic fertilizer with full nutrients should be applied to meet the various nutrients needed for the growth of orchids. Urge it to grow strong before winter comes. But in principle, fertilization should be stopped at the end of the month.

Let the orchids bask in the sun. This month, Cold Dew and Frosts Descent have two seasons, the sun is soft, there is no need for shade during the day, you can rest assured that orchids can receive full-day light, which is very good for promoting orchid growth, enhancing orchid plant resistance and safe winter.

Increase the humidity in the orchid room. The precipitation this month is small, the air humidity is low, and the plant in the basin is easy to dry, so we should pay attention to increase the air humidity of the orchid room to prevent the orchid leaf from withering and scorching. Areas with good air quality can be drenched in autumn rain, but should be sheltered in case of continuous rain. Do not let orchid plants be drenched in the rain for a long time to prevent waterlogged roots and orchid leaves from breeding black spot.

Pay attention to extreme weather and prevent frost. If extreme weather occurs later this month, there may be early frost in the south of the Yangtze River, and the temperature in the temperate and high cold regions of the north will sometimes be below 0 ℃. Outdoor orchid farmers should pay attention to watch the weather forecast and do a good job of frost prevention and frost prevention at any time.

Daily maintenance and Management of White Orchid White Orchid is one of the famous fragrant flowers in China, also known as Burmese cinnamon and Huang Gran, while Guangdong is called Magnolia. Evergreen trees of Magnoliaceae. Its leaves are green, blooming in summer and autumn, white as jade, fragrant Ruolan. When it is budding, its fragrance is the strongest and refreshing. White orchids have a long flowering period from June to October. White orchid is a single flower, the petals are fat and thick, the budding period is longer, but after a few days, it will suddenly open. Exude an unusual fragrance, if you put one in your pocket, or a few beside the pillow in the living room, the aroma can last for more than ten days. At the same time, smoked tea can be used to extract essence. Most of the cultivation in various places are those who sell flowers. White orchid is also a traditional precious flower for potted plants in the north, which is placed in the living room and balcony of the building. It can watch the leaves indoors in winter and enjoy the flowers and smell fragrance in summer. Magnolia flowers like sunny and warm and humid climate, and are not resistant to cold. The soil is the most suitable for slightly acidic sandy loam, which is rich in humus and good drainage. In the north, white orchids are usually transported from the south for potted plants. There are two kinds of white orchids on the market, potted or muddy. The time to bring mud into the basin should be after the Qingming Festival, and it is easy to freeze if you buy it too early. Potted white orchids can be made from self-made culture soil plus 1 pound 4 perlite and a small amount of base fertilizer. After potting, pour enough water and place it in a warm half-shade for about 15 days. The balcony can be moved to the sunny place and transferred to normal maintenance and management. White orchids are neither drought-resistant nor wet-resistant. In summer and autumn, the hot weather evaporates quickly, water demand is large, watering should be timely, and it is appropriate to keep the basin slightly wet. Its roots are thick and fleshy, and it is most afraid of stagnant water. Don't get caught in the rain during the mildew season. If the potted soil is often wet, the roots will rot, causing the leaves to yellowed and fall off and die, which is difficult to save. In winter, the basin soil should be slightly dry and watered every few days. If the soil inside the basin is not dry, it must not be watered. Sometimes see the table _ ten, in fact, the heart of the basin is not yet ten, at this time watering is easy to cause the basin often wet and death. White orchids like to be fat, but avoid thick ones. Potted white orchids, in addition to applying sufficient basic fertilizer, are killed every 7 seconds and watered. Secondary cooked bean cake fertilizer or fishy water. It is necessary to grasp the principle of frequent application of light fertilizer and harvesting in the evening. Most of the northern areas are alkaline water and soil, so some ferrous sulfate should be mixed in the soil to make the soil slightly acidic, so as to promote the exuberant plant growth and moist leaf color. It is not suitable to apply fertilizer after autumn is cool. The basin should be changed every 2-3 years. White orchid afraid of cold, Xi Yang, should be placed in the balcony toward the sun, there should be more than 10 hours of sunshine every day, even if moved into the room from the balcony into dormancy in winter, can not be long-term shade, should be placed in a sunny place, otherwise it will affect the coming year flowering, the indoor temperature should be maintained at about 15 ℃. Mid-April can be moved out of the room and placed on a leeward and sunny balcony for maintenance. Summer and autumn are the peak growth period of white orchid and the blooming period of pregnant camp, so there should be enough light. If there is plenty of light and luxuriant growth, it will blossom more and fragrant. When the white orchid blossoms, you can move the flowerpot from the balcony to watch it indoors, and prolong the flowering period. In order to prevent the pollution of furnace soot indoors, the flowers should be placed in a ventilated place. The number of days placed indoors should not be too long, otherwise it is disadvantageous to its growth and is vulnerable to red spiders and shell insects. White orchids can be propagated by high-altitude striping, grafting and other methods. The ability of reproduction and regeneration of white orchids is poor, and it is not easy to root and survive by cutting, so most of them are not adopted. In the north, the grafting effect is better, generally using the 2-3-year-old Zhuo of Magnolia and Huanglan as rootstocks, and can be grafted on the branches of Magnolia plants in June. Their incisions are 3-5 cm long and tied tightly with plastic strips after joining. After about 3 months, the rootstock basically grows with the scion, it can be cut off from the mother plant, and the upper part of the rootstock is removed to become a new plant. The high-altitude striping is carried out in June, first take the 2-year-old fully developed branches, pierce the epidermis or ring peeling with a knife (the ring stripping bandwidth is about 3-4 cm), then clamp the peeling part of the strip with split bamboo (or wrap the lower part of the cut or ring-peeled branch with plastic film, turn it up and turn it into a bag), fill the tube or bag with culture soil, and finally tie it with plastic rope And keep the soil moist in the simple or bag, it can take root after about 60 days, and then separated from the mother, it can become a new plant. Cultivation and maintenance of Chinese Orchid

China Garden Network, August 4 news: special correspondents Wang Haiyong and Yang Jie reported that orchid flowers belong to perennial evergreen herbs, with a wide variety of species and varieties and unique ornamental value, while requiring higher cultivation skills.

1 morphology, biological characteristics and varieties

Chinese orchids are native to the mountains and forests of provinces south of the Yangtze River in China. There are more than 10000 species of orchids belonging to about 500 genera. With transverse underground stem, fat nodes, thin internodes, only long leaves and scape in the aboveground part, long sword-shaped leaves, tough texture, emerald green and glossy, small flowers, but rich in variety and rich fragrance. The orchids we usually cultivate and watch usually refer to several main varieties of the genus Cymbidium, such as Cymbidium, Jian Orchid, Chunlan, Cymbidium, Cymbidium, Rabbit Orchid, Cold Orchid and so on. Most of these orchids grow in the soil, so they are also called terrestrial orchids. They are evergreen perennial flowers, and different varieties of orchids bloom in each season.

2Propagation and cultivation management the seeds of Chinese orchids are powdery, and it is very difficult to sow. At present, the split-plant method is used for propagation, but the orchids grow slowly because they only produce new roots and leaves once a year. Generally, the ramets are divided once in 3-4 years, and the ramet time varies with different species. Orchids that bloom in winter and early spring, such as Cymbidium, Cold Orchid, Cymbidium and Cymbidium, should be divided after stopping growth in September and October in autumn, while orchids flowering in autumn, such as Jian Lan and Rabbit's Orchid, should be divided in March and early April.

2.1 ramet propagation


Stop watering before ramet, spray water into the air twice a day, and the fleshy root becomes soft after a week.


Remove the root mass of the orchid from the basin, gently shake off the soil from the root of the plant, and separate the connection of the root of the orchid with both hands. Each plant must keep more than 3 false bulbs.


Cut off the rotten and broken roots, do not hurt the leaf buds and fleshy roots during pruning, and cut off the upper withered and yellow leaves, then wash the roots with clean water.

2.2 cultivation and management

2.2.1 cultivated soil

Orchids like warm and humid, potted plants require good permeability, fertile and loose acid culture soil, PH value 5.5-6.5, brown peat or pine needle soil can be directly used in the north, and red mountain mud is often used in the south to dry into small pieces to basin.

2.2.2 upper basin

The basin generally adopts a well-drained and well-ventilated mud-burning basin with a diameter of about 20cm, with 6 pieces of broken tiles at the bottom of the basin, and some broken wood. In order to avoid easy root breakage on the basin, the treated plants can be placed in a cool and ventilated place for 5 hours to dry the fleshy roots. When the roots are slightly wrinkled, the roots should be naturally extended and not curled, and at the same time, the culture soil should be closely connected with the roots, and the soil should be added to half of the depth of the basin. Gently lift the plant 1-2cm to make the root stretch straight. After filling, lift the flowerpot and squat on the ground. Do not suppress it with your hands.

2.2.3 temperature and light

Orchid is a semi-negative plant, the most suitable temperature for orchid growth is 18-25 ℃, the orchid can grow normally in the range of 8-33 ℃, the orchid grows slowly outside the range of 8-33 ℃, and there should be a better shading environment in summer, sufficient sunshine and enhanced ventilation in autumn and winter.

2.2.4 watering

Strengthening the management of fertilizer and water is the key to raising orchids. Watering depends on the seasonal change and the degree of dryness and wetness of the basin soil. The relative humidity should be between 70-85%, not less than 50%. After the new buds are unearthed in early spring, the temperature is still low, and the basin soil should be dry, which can be watered once in 3 days; early summer is the growing period of new roots and leaf buds, and should be watered once in the morning and in the evening; after the middle of September, the amount of water should be gradually reduced, usually once every 2-3 days; after entering the house in winter, the soil should be watered once every 10-15 days. Orchids also have certain requirements for air humidity. In summer, in addition to watering, the ground should be sprayed or water sprayed 5 times at ordinary times. Indoor furnishings are best to put potted orchids on the top of the water plate. When watering, you should grasp the principle of dry and thorough watering. It is best to irrigate with Rain Water, river water or cold boiled water to prevent soil alkalinization. If the leaves are yellowed, you should water the Feso4 solution of 1Unix 500 once a week.

2.2.5 fertilization

Orchid fertilization should be light rather than thick, less should be more, from new bud germination to winter dormancy 15 days before applying rotten cake fertilizer water, the ratio of fertilizer to water is about 1:10, spray a small amount of water after fertilization, to prevent fertilizer liquid from touching leaves, before scape, use chopsticks in the basin soil outside the hole, drop sesame oil into the hole, can also apply 0.1% ammonium sulfate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate to supplement the nutrients needed during flowering.

(3) Disease and pest control

There are not many orchid diseases and insect pests, such as brown spot, white silk disease, anthracnose and so on, mostly caused by poor ventilation in the rainy season and greenhouse maintenance stage, too wet basin soil and long-term lack of sunlight and careless sprinkling on the leaves. In areas where the disease is serious, in addition to cultivating disease-resistant varieties, the basin distance should be opened during indoor maintenance, reduce fog after the disease, pay attention to ventilation, and spray carbendazim 800 times of carbendazim, once every 3 days, 4 times in a row. It is best to cut off the seriously affected leaves and burn them. If you find scale insects, you can use 0.2-0.3% stone sulfur mixture to spray.