
Four common misunderstandings in the maintenance of flowers and plants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Now there are more and more friends who like flowers and plants, but there are not many friends who can raise flowers and plants well. in some maintenance methods of flowers and plants, many friends still have some misunderstandings. The editor has sorted out the four common misunderstandings of flower and plant maintenance for you. Let's take a look at whether you have done these wrong practices.

Now like flowers and friends have been more and more, but can raise flowers and friends are not many, in some flowers and maintenance methods, many friends still have some errors. Xiao Bian has sorted out four common mistakes in flower maintenance for you. Let's see if you have done these wrong practices.

Chinese rose

Mistake 1: Cover the egg shell directly on the soil as fertilizer

Many citizens say that they like to use egg shells directly "buckled" on the soil, when fertilizing, feel this is convenient and effective. There are also citizens who feed milk and soy milk to plants.

Experts say it's easy to produce mold, fungi, rotten roots and mosquitoes. "Of course, these can be used as fertilizer, but they must be fermented." He said that milk and soy milk can be poured into bottles and sealed, placed in a high temperature environment, fermented successfully in about ten days, and then watered with water.

Mistake 2: Always water at a fixed time

Experts said, Many citizens like to water flowers and plants at a fixed time, In fact is not scientific,"If flowers and plants placed indoors, The environment is moderate, Can water three or four days, Even longer time, But if to balcony, Humidity reduced, Temperature is higher, Need to water every day." Summer, under the conditions of exposure, need twice a day morning and evening, remember, summer morning after ten o 'clock and afternoon before the sun goes down, it is best not to water plants! That will make the soil environment suddenly change, easy to burn roots! Watering is closely related to the season, temperature, and humidity in the soil. In addition, you can keep in mind the "eight-character policy", that is,"do not dry not pour, pour is poured thoroughly."

Misunderstanding 3 The more indoor plants, the better

It seems very comfortable to rest indoors with plants, but in fact the more indoor plants are not the better,"if too much, it is harmful to the human body." Experts say plants breathe at night,"taking in" oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Especially in the bedroom put a lot of plants, and people will rob "oxygen", so the bedroom put plants to be particularly careful.

Mistake 4 Plants kept indoors for a long time

Many people buy plants and put them indoors, thinking that they can be kept for a long time. "Most plants that are kept indoors can live for at most a year." Experts said, In the indoor, Plants difficult to carry out photosynthesis,"Many citizens reflect, Buy taro at home, The longer the leaves smaller, The lighter color, Is because do not see sunlight." It is recommended that the plant be placed indoors for a week and then moved to the balcony to allow it to "ventilate". After a week, it can be moved back indoors, so repeatedly, do not be afraid of trouble. At the same time also pay attention to the adaptability of plants,"Do not immediately move from the indoor to the sun, lest the leaves are burned, you can first put on the windowsill with sunshine, transition for a day or two."

Four Misunderstandings of Potted Plants in the Sun!

Sunlight is an essential element for the growth of all things, especially green plants, which rely more on sunlight. Because of this, there is always an idea that potted plants in the home receive more light, the better. In fact, this is a big misunderstanding, potted plants although like sunlight, but if blind sun, there will be a big problem. The following is for everyone to sort out the four mistakes of potted plants in the sun, together to understand it.

Photo: Potted plants

Mistake 1: The direction of the flowerpot does not change

Many people in the sun to the flowers, just a cursory flower pot placed in the light suitable position to ignore, but do not know, this method, in fact, the growth of flowers is a great disadvantage. We all know that the growth of plants has phototaxis. When the flowerpot direction is fixed, the flowers will grow unconsciously in the direction of the sun. For a long time, it will cause the branches and stems of the plants to bend, affecting the ornamental value of the flowers. The correct approach is actually very simple, as long as the flowerpot is rotated every once in a while, so that the plants can enjoy the light evenly, the flowers are naturally upright, and the time interval for rotating the flowerpot is about seven days.

Photo: Potted plants

Mistake 2: Flowers like light, the stronger the light, the better

Different varieties of flowers have different growth habits, some flowers like shade, corresponding flowers like yang. This also caused a lot of people to produce cognitive misunderstanding_sunny flowers should be more light. So many friends hastily exposed flowers directly to the scorching sun, this practice for flowers really hurt a lot ah. It is important to know that even light-loving plants are often damaged when exposed to sunlight, which may cause the plant's leaves to dry out, drop leaves, and blacken. The correct method is to receive the right amount of light, when the summer light is strong, pay attention to shade the plants, ensure that the flowers avoid direct sunlight, and put the sunburned plants in a cool and ventilated place for maintenance.

Photo: Potted plants

Misunderstanding 3: Indoor sunbathing through glass is the same as outdoor sunbathing

If it is winter, plants through the glass sun, or can, but spring and summer, the vigorous period of plant growth, has been through the glass sun, may affect the growth rate of plants, you know, glass has a certain blocking effect on ultraviolet rays, longer wavelength ultraviolet rays can promote plant growth, and promote the absorption of nutrients, therefore, long-term through the glass sun is also a problematic way. The solution to the problem is very simple, in the right weather, open the window, not only can improve this problem, but also conducive to indoor ventilation, reduce the breeding of bacteria; conditional friends can move flowers outdoors reasonable to receive light, but pay attention to, remember to shade flowers in summer.

Photo: Potted plants

Mistake 4: Shade flowers don't need light

Many friends in the process of breeding flowers will appear, flowers long, easy to lodge, disease resistance is weak and yellow leaves fall phenomenon, this time you may have to look for reasons in the light. Plant growth requires photosynthesis, and long-term lack of light will directly affect the growth and health of plants. The correct approach is that shade-loving plants can accept scattered light in an appropriate amount, and timely pruning in the face of excessive growth of plants. In addition, pay attention to the moisture of the pot soil. Long-term lack of light may cause bacteria breeding in the pot. Therefore, ventilation and disinfection of the pot soil are more beneficial to the growth of flowers.

Sufficient light is an essential element for plant growth, but if you step into the wrong area when you are in the sun, it will backfire and cause great harm to plants. The above for everyone to introduce the potted plants basking in the sun four mistakes, I hope to be able to help everyone!