
Maintenance methods of indoor cultivated flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Indoor cultivation of flowers is generally more difficult to see the sun, so the methods used in the process of cultivation will be different. Indoor cultivation of flowers can be considered from different varieties and work out their own cultivation methods for each variety.

Indoor cultivation of flowers is generally more difficult to see the sun, so the methods used in the process of cultivation will be different. Indoor cultivation of flowers can be considered from different varieties and develop their own cultivation methods for each variety.

Gentleman orchid

Bulb flowers: such as daffodils, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths (details) are seasonal flowers, the flowering period is very short, generally only 1 week to 2 weeks, in the room can be put in sufficient sunshine, low temperature, the temperature is too high, so that the flowers bloom quickly and shorten the flowering period.

Orchid flowers: such as Cymbidium, Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis, Cartland, Dendrobium grow under tropical trees in nature, like dampness and shade, avoid direct sunlight, and grow well in bright semi-shade. Therefore, more water should be sprayed in the family to increase air humidity. It can be exposed to soft sunlight in winter so that it can carry out photosynthesis and increase nutrition. Orchid flowers are easily affected by snails and scale insects, which can be dropped with toothbrushes. Take the common orchid as an example, it is native to the forests of subtropical South Africa, where the four seasons are as warm as spring, with an average temperature of no less than 10 ℃ and a maximum temperature of no more than 22 ℃. The gentleman orchid likes the soft light, avoid the scorching sun exposure, the gentleman orchid is the fleshy root, has the certain drought resistance ability, the watering is too big, will cause the root system to rot. The water content of the magnolia basin soil should be squeezed into a ball with the hand, and it is appropriate to press it gently and loosely.

Amorphophallus and ferns: taro plants such as peacock taro, purple-backed taro, ferns such as Boston fern, like semi-shady, warm, high humidity and well-drained environment, bright light, not resistant to direct sunlight.

Breeding methods of common indoor flowers 1. Cymbidium is a fleshy root, afraid of water stains. The leaves of Cymbidium have waxy layer, the temperature is low in winter, and the transpiration and evaporation of water are less. Therefore, watering should not be too much, just keep the basin soil moist. Must not be flooded with water, resulting in rotten roots and dead seedlings. The most suitable growth temperature of Cymbidium is from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃. In winter, magnolia must keep warm and prevent frost. After the flower stem is extracted, it is suitable to keep it at about 18 ℃. If the temperature is too high, the leaves and flower moss are only long and thin, the flower is small and poor, and the florescence is short; if the temperature is too low, the flower stem will be short, affecting the ornamental value. Gentleman orchid likes to scatter light and avoid direct strong light. Winter indoor maintenance, flowerpots should be placed in a place with plenty of light. Especially before flowering, there should be good light, which is beneficial to the development of flower buds. After flowering, proper cooling, avoiding strong light and maintaining good ventilation are helpful to prolong the flowering period. 2. The breeding methods and matters needing attention of green pineapple should be analyzed and done well from the following five aspects. As long as it is done according to the requirements of the following five aspects, it will certainly produce a very good green pineapple. The main results are as follows: 1. Indoor green pineapple culture should choose loose and well-drained soil for pot cultivation, and green pineapple is suitable for acidic soil. 2. Temperature: the suitable temperature for breeding green pineapple is 20 to 30 degrees, and the lowest temperature can not be lower than 15 degrees. About 10 degrees will freeze to death. Of course, most families are suitable for the growth temperature conditions of green pineapple farming, that is, we should pay attention to the work of heat preservation in winter. 3. Light: sex likes shade, so the demand for light is not strong, so as long as the green pineapple culture is usually put indoors to see the sun, with its better photosynthesis, and then put it back indoors. Although the green pineapple is very shady, it is not good to keep it in the dark for a long time. It should be illuminated with strong light for at least half a month. 4, moisture: green pineapple culture can not be too much watering, at most in its root spray water, as long as to ensure that the soil is wet. Summer can be properly watered, the principle is to keep the basin soil moist and not stagnant water, winter should be controlled watering, once every two or three days, and indoor heating on, can be appropriate more watering, indoor temperature is too low to pay attention to reduce watering. 5. Fertilizer: in the growing period of green pineapple, fertilization can be increased appropriately, and spraying liquid fertilizer can be used as the main fertilizer. 6. The culture method of green pineapple is different from other plant culture methods in that it is easy to feed because of the air root on its stem node, so it is generally propagated by cutting method. Especially from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃ is the fastest growing stage. 3. Phalaenopsis is native to tropical Asia and belongs to epiphytic orchids. Phalaenopsis should be cultivated in high temperature greenhouse in winter in the north. To create suitable environmental conditions for the growth of Phalaenopsis, the main work is as follows: first, temperature: the optimum temperature for Phalaenopsis growth is 25 ℃-30 ℃ in daytime, more than 32 ℃, which is disadvantageous to growth and flower bud differentiation, 18 ℃-20 ℃ at night, no less than 15 ℃, if the temperature is kept high all the time, it is beneficial to its flowering. Second, humidity: Phalaenopsis likes higher air humidity and should be kept at 70% MUR 80% during growth. Therefore, water should be often sprayed into the surrounding space to increase humidity, but the moisture of the matrix should not be too large, otherwise it is easy to rot the root. The dry substrate is conducive to the growth of new roots. Third, lighting: open the shade net in time according to the weather conditions every day to promote the photosynthesis of Phalaenopsis, and open the skylight to make it ventilated when the temperature or humidity is too high. 4. Fertilization: Phalaenopsis fertilization adheres to the principle of "thin fertilizer and frequent application". 1500 times compound fertilizer and 5000 times boric acid can be sprayed, and then 1500 times compound fertilizer can be applied every other week. in addition, Phalaenopsis is fleshy root, to make its root system thicker, the application of potash fertilizer is more important. 4. Asparagus likes warm, ventilated, semi-overcast and semi-humid environment, is not resistant to cold and avoid direct sunlight, so it is suitable to grow in sandy soil rich in humus and good drainage. The key to asparagus cultivation is watering. Too much watering, basin soil is too wet, easy to cause root rot and yellow leaves fall off: too little watering, basin soil is too dry, it is easy to lead to leaf tip yellowing, scorch shedding. Therefore, usually watering depends on the weather, growth, and basin soil conditions, correctly do not dry do not water, watering thoroughly, not "half of the water", that is, watering only wet soil surface, the lower basin soil is still dry. Indoor central heating in winter, indoor air is easy to dry, we should pay attention to more water spraying leaves, in order to increase humidity, otherwise it is very easy to lead to leaf scorch. Secondly, asparagus will continue to grow in the warm winter, in addition to the lack of water, a little thin fertilizer should be properly applied, and withered and dishevelled branches should be properly trimmed. Please add us: Wechat public platform name: Earth property Wechat public platform account: ddwy_21089**** follow the earth trends, make your life secure every day. The essence of summer flower cultivation and maintenance methods is hot and rainy in summer, which is not only the peak season for the growth of some flowers, but also the dormant period for some flowers. In order to make flowers go through this stage smoothly, the management should be strengthened in the aspects of watering, shading, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. First of all, the summer temperature is high, water evaporation is fast, should be more watering every day, such as watering once in the morning and evening. At the same time, in the high temperature season, in addition to jasmine, rose and other exuberant flowers, it is generally not suitable to apply fertilizer, especially the cuckoo that enters the semi-dormant period and the dormant bulbous flowers such as cyclamen and freesia. Secondly, for some semi-overcast and negative flowers, avoid high temperature and direct sunlight in summer. Shading measures should be taken and water should be sprayed to cool down. Even drought-tolerant plants such as cacti are at risk of being burned when the temperature exceeds 38 ℃. In addition to daily watering, cuckoos should also spray water on the leaves and the ground to moisturize and cool down, but there are often heavy rains in summer. After the basin soil is stagnant, nutrients are easy to be lost, so the basin should be tilted to drip out of Rain Water after rain. Finally, the muggy summer is also the season with high incidence of diseases and insect pests. It is necessary to remove the diseased branches and leaves in time, supplemented by drugs for prevention and treatment. Such as monthly and summer prone to black spot disease and powdery mildew, the former with Bordeaux liquid, the latter with carbendazim, spray once every semimonthly. Orchids are prone to anthracnose in plum rain and high temperature seasons. in addition to improving ventilation and light transmission, topiramate can be sprayed every 10 days when the disease occurs. Summer flower cultivation and conservation methods watering summer flower management summer flower spraying time: before 9: 00 a.m. and after 6: 00 p.m. There are roughly the following situations and methods for watering potted flowers: (1) watering before 10:00 in spring, summer and autumn, and at 2pm in winter. The water temperature is close to the soil temperature, slightly higher in winter and lower in summer. However, the temperature difference between water and soil should not exceed about 5 ℃, and the amount of water should be moist from the basin surface to the basin bottom. Watering taboos to block the waist (upper wet and lower dry), nest water (basin bottom stagnant water), but also to avoid the loss of soil and fertilizer in the basin hole, resulting in voids in the basin core, seriously affecting the growth and development of potted flowers. When watering, it should be noted that the flowers that like to dry can control the amount of water, keep the basin soil slightly tidal, and the topsoil can be seen white stubble but not completely dry. Wet flowers often keep the basin soil moist, the topsoil does not see white stubble, but do not accumulate water for a long time. (2) during the dry season when looking for water, 15:00-16:00 to see that the basin soil is dry and wet, irrigate the right amount of water as appropriate, in order to keep the basin soil moist. When the weather suddenly changes and water is needed under special circumstances, watering is not limited by the number of times. (3) in the period of vigorous growth and development, the potted flower can release strips, grow plants, promote flowers and strengthen fruit, combined with topdressing can increase the amount of water, keep the topsoil from white stubble and leaves without wilting. (4) in the dormant period or low temperature season, or in order to squat seedlings, promote pregnant buds, prevent excessive growth, and correct the phenomenon of rhubarb leaves and falling buds, we should properly control the amount of watering, keep the basin soil moist, and combine with loosening soil to preserve soil moisture. (5) in the dry season of spraying water in spring and autumn, in addition to normal watering and holding water, water should be sprayed on the leaves and flowers, so as to increase environmental humidity, prevent tender leaves from scorching and flowers withering early, and keep plants fresh, especially southern flowers should pay more attention to the humid environment. If it is suddenly sunny after rain in summer or muggy at night, you should spray water to cool down and prevent disease; spray water on the leaf surface at any time to prevent residual water spots and leaf dust from condensing into waterlogging points, which is not easy to remove. Watering potted flowers is a regular labor, the above hot summer, indoor air conditioning can cool down, but close the doors and windows, blocking air circulation. Therefore, keeping some flowers with complementary functions in the room can act as an "air filter". Most flowers carry out photosynthesis during the day, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, breathe at night, absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, while cactus, tile pine and other types are just the opposite. Keeping flowers with complementary functions in the same room can not only balance the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the room, but also keep the indoor air fresh. Summer flower cultivation and conservation methods summer flower management it is introduced that daffodils, purple jasmine, chrysanthemum and cockscomb can convert nitrogen oxides into protein, thus relieving toxicity. Hanging orchid, aloe, tiger tail orchid can absorb a large number of indoor formaldehyde and other pollutants, eliminate and prevent indoor air pollution. Especially hanging orchid, put a pot in the room, within 24 hours, its leaves will "eat" the harmful gases such as carbon monoxide in the indoor air, and its effect even exceeds the air filter; Milan, orchids, cloves, cactus, Tianzhu and so on can effectively purify the air. Camellia can resist the damage of harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide, and crape myrtle has strong resistance to indoor sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, hydrogen fluoride and other toxic gases. Plum has the ability to monitor the pollution of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, ethylene, benzene and aldehydes in the environment. Once sulfides appear in the environment, markings will appear on its leaves, even withered and yellow. It should be pointed out that these functions of sandalwood are limited, and their effects are enhanced with the increase of the number of plants planted, and it is impossible to be satisfied entirely by indoor plants. Therefore, it is also necessary to open windows frequently to make the air convection. In addition, a special reminder: do not use the room as a "greenhouse" in summer. If there are too many flowers and trees and limited indoor ventilation, the air will be as thin as in the plateau, especially at night, most flowers will release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen. "compete" with people, and most of the rooms are closed at night, plus the carbon dioxide breathed by the soil, human body and pets in the flowerpot will increase the concentration of carbon dioxide. It causes hypoxia in the human body and affects health, but has the opposite result. The method should be used flexibly, step by step and persevere. Summer flower cultivation and maintenance methods watering for summer flower management hot and rainy summer is the peak season for the growth of some flowers, and it is also the dormant period for some flowers. In order to make flowers go through this stage smoothly, the management should be strengthened in the aspects of watering, shading, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. First of all, the temperature is high in summer, so you should water more every day, such as one in the morning and one in the evening. At the same time, in the high temperature season, in addition to jasmine, rose and other exuberant flowers, it is generally not suitable to apply fertilizer, especially the cuckoo that enters the semi-dormant period and the dormant bulbous flowers such as cyclamen and freesia. Secondly, for some semi-overcast and negative flowers, avoid high temperature and direct sunlight in summer. Shading measures should be taken and water should be sprayed to cool down. Even drought-tolerant plants such as cacti are at risk of being burned when the temperature exceeds 38 ℃. Summer flower cultivation and conservation methods; management points of summer flower management muggy summer is the season with high incidence of diseases and insect pests. It is necessary to remove the diseased branches and leaves in time, supplemented by drugs for prevention and treatment. Such as monthly and summer prone to black spot disease and powdery mildew, the former with Bordeaux liquid, the latter with carbendazim, once a semimonthly spray. Orchids are prone to anthracnose in plum rain and high temperature seasons. in addition to improving ventilation and light transmission, topiramate can be sprayed every 10 days when the disease occurs. Jasmine summer is the blooming season of jasmine. Spraying foliar surface with clear water on a sunny day can obviously stimulate flowering. During this period, there should be sufficient water and fertilizer to facilitate the blooming of flowers and leaves. Orchid summer is the peak growing season of orchids, so it is necessary to ensure the necessary water and nutrients for orchid growth. Anthracnose is easy to occur in high-temperature plum and rainy season. in addition to maintaining a ventilated and transparent environment, topiramate can be sprayed every 10 days when the disease occurs. Cuckoo summer growth is slow, in a semi-dormant state, avoid scorching sun exposure and excessive fertilization, should be shaded. Water once or twice a day, and spray water to the leaf surface and the ground to moisturize and cool down. Peony avoid heat and humidity, summer plants should be placed in a ventilated and cool place, do not need too much watering, keep the basin soil moist, so as to avoid rotting roots. Rose likes fertilizer and water, so it is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of water and fertilizer, apply mature bean cake water every half a month, and stop fertilizing in mid-July. Black spot and powdery mildew are easy to occur in summer. the former is sprayed with Bordeaux solution and the latter with carbendazim every half a month. Milan likes light and heat and grows vigorously in summer. Before and after flowering, apply thin alum fertilizer every 10 days, often spraying water to the leaves. Cultivation and maintenance methods of flowers in summer