
The reason why the leaves of the money tree are yellow, what about the yellow leaves of the money tree?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, What if the leaves of the tree turn yellow? it is a perennial evergreen herb and a rare foliage plant with underground tubers. The leaves are small, opposite, very much like gold coins, so they are called money trees. Money trees pay attention to shade in summer.

Artemisia mandshurica is a perennial evergreen herb, which is a rare foliage plant with underground tubers. The leaves are small and opposite, very much like gold coins, so they are called money trees. Originated in Africa, it is more resistant to drought, waterlogging and sun exposure, so pay special attention to not stagnant water when planting and shade in summer. The reasons for yellowing of leaves are generally as follows:

What if the leaves of the tree turn yellow? 1. The leaves of the tree turn yellow: too much watering

Money leaves thick meat, there are underground tubers, can store a certain amount of water, more drought resistant. Ordinary watering can not be stagnant water, it is appropriate to maintain the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly" principle. After producing rotten roots, most of the new leaves begin to turn yellow.


If the yellow leaves are caused by overwatering rotten roots, you need to take off the pot in time to see if there are rotten roots. If there are no rotten roots, you can pad the flowerpot high and place it in a ventilated place to let the water out in time. If the roots are rotten, the rotten roots and yellow leaves need to be cut off and replanted with soil. The replanted money tree should be placed in a cool place until it comes back to life before it is transferred to a suitable place.

2. The leaves of the tree turn yellow: the air is dry.

Chronic lack of water or too dry air can also lead to yellow leaves.


Replenish moisture in time, and spray to the leaf surface to increase humidity.

3. The leaves of the money tree turn yellow: exposure to the sun

The money tree is not sun-resistant and may get sunburned if it is exposed to high intensity of light in summer. The leaves will turn slightly white and the edges of the leaves will be scorched.


Pay attention to shade and sunscreen in summer.

4. The leaves of the tree turn yellow: diseases and insect pests

Insect pests are also one of the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the money tree, which is vulnerable to the piercing harm of aphids and shell insects.


When the amount is small, it can be killed manually. If there are many, spray 1000 times of prolactin wettable powder, the insecticidal effect is good.

5. The leaves of the tree turn yellow: thick fat

Fertilization should generally be applied frequently and thinly. If there is too much fertilizer, or too much fertilizer at one time, it is easy to burn roots and cause yellow leaves, or even plant death. The general performance is that the tip of the new leaf appears brown and the old leaf is scorched and yellow.


Irrigate the root with flood in time, wash away the excess fertility, and change the soil to wash the root and replant it when it is serious.

6. The leaves of the tree turn yellow: frostbite

The suitable temperature for the growth of Artemisia angustifolia is 20-32 ℃. If it is lower than 10 ℃, it should be transferred indoors as soon as possible, which is less than 5 ℃, which is prone to frostbite.


Cut off the frostbitten branches and leaves and gradually restore the environmental growth temperature.

What if the leaves of the tree turn yellow?

The money tree is native to the tropical (prairie) climate region with less rainfall in eastern Africa. It likes the environment where the temperature is slightly dry, half-shaded and the annual temperature change is small. It is more resistant to drought, but is afraid of cold, avoid strong light exposure, and is afraid of soil sticky weight and stagnant water in the basin soil. if the basin soil is not permeable, it is easy to cause its tuber to rot. The soil is required to be loose and fertile, well drained, rich in organic matter and acidic to slightly acidic. The sprouting power of the tree is strong, and after the thick compound leaves are cut off, the tip of its tuber will soon produce new leaves. If it grows so fast, how can it still have yellow leaves?

What is the reason why the leaves of the money tree turn yellow?

Watering is too wet

Money tree leaves fleshy, can store water, so it can withstand drought, but avoid wet water, too much watering will often lead to rotten roots, resulting in yellow leaves.

The air is too dry

The money tree likes the humid environment, and the suitable air humidity is about 85%. If the leaves are too dry, they will cause yellow leaves.

What if the leaves of the tree turn yellow?

The root system has rotted: take off the basin immediately

The plant can be removed from the basin to check whether the roots are rotten. If so, it should be clear that the rotten roots and yellow leaves should be replanted with sterilized culture soil, or their bases should be buried in clean sand to keep the semi-shade and control watering, but often spray to and around the branches and leaves to re-send new roots before normal maintenance can be restored.

The root system is not rotten: move to the semi-shade

If the root is not rotten, the plant should be half-shaded, because there are few leaves, it is not easy to dry after watering, watering should be controlled, and foliar water is often sprayed to let it slowly return to normal growth.

Editor's summary

In order to maintain the potted money tree, efforts should be made to create an environment in which the air is moist and the basin soil is dry. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, we should reduce watering, or spray instead of watering, in order to maintain the safety of newly drawn tender leaves through the winter. In winter, we should pay special attention to the dry basin soil, but we should still pay attention to spraying water to the leaf surface and the surrounding environment, so that the relative small environment air humidity can reach more than 50%. Otherwise, under the condition of low temperature, it is easy to lead to root rot, leaf color yellowing, and even death of the whole plant.

How to treat the yellowing leaves of the money tree many people like to raise the money tree, its meaning is better, the decoration effect is also wrong, can make the indoor more vibrant. It also seems to protect the eyes and make people more relaxed. When raising the money tree, many friends have encountered the situation that the leaves of the money tree are yellowing. How to treat the yellow leaves of the money tree? The following province more decoration network for your advice, let's have a look at it. What about the yellow leaves of the money tree? how about the yellow leaves of the money tree? how about the yellow leaves of the money tree? what about the yellow leaves of the money tree? Many flower friends are very concerned about plants, water three times a day, several times "touch", the first taboo of growing flowers, too much watering, the second taboo, constantly fiddling with flowers and plants. 2, money tree leaves yellow how to do, first look at the degree of yellow leaves, if the leaves are still light green, there is still salvation, too yellow, it is meaningless, buy another pot.

3. What if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? Conservation money tree to understand its growth habits: money tree likes warm, slightly dry, semi-shady and annual temperature change of small environment, more resistant to drought, but afraid of cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of soil clay weight and basin soil stagnant water, requires loose and fertile soil, good drainage, rich in organic matter, acidic to slightly acidic. The sprouting power is strong, after cutting off the thick compound leaves, the tip of the tuber will soon produce new leaves.

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the money tree and the solution one: if only the outermost circle of leaves are yellow, it is a normal physiological aging phenomenon, like an old pearl yellow, time is up, caused by destiny! What if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow: cut off the yellow ones. Reason 2: for a long time without watering, the dry basin soil leads to the yellowing of the leaves. What to do if the leaves of the tree turn yellow: water it in time. I believe that no flower friend's money tree is dry, most of them will remember to water it. Reason 3: too much watering causes root problems. To raise money trees, please remember the word "fundamental". If there is no good root, there are no good leaves, and many plants are watered to death. If the soil is poorly permeable and water accumulates in the basin, it is easy to cause its tubers to rot. What to do if the leaves of the tree turn yellow: pause watering, control moisture, do not dry and do not water. Reason 4: more than half a year did not change the basin, the soil in the basin has no nutrients, resulting in the old leaves first yellow, unable to grow new roots, leading to tender leaves first yellow. What to do if the leaves of the tree turn yellow: we must change a larger basin and new soil to ensure nutrients. Cut off the root tip to give a little stimulation, let it grow new roots, see the new bud is to have the hope of life. Reason 5: too strong light will cause the leaves to yellowing slightly. What if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow: move to the shade.

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