
What about the yellow leaves and rotten roots of green apple? How to save it?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In the process of indoor culture, too little or too much water, too strong sunlight, too little fertilizer will cause green pineapple leaves yellowing and even rotting roots.

Too little or too much water, too strong or too weak sunlight, too much fertilizer and too little fertilizer will cause yellow leaves and even rotten roots in the process of indoor cultivation. What if the green radish is always yellow and rotten? Don't be afraid! Learn the following tricks, green radish leaves covered with green walls.

How to do green radish leaves yellow rotten roots 1, green radish leaves yellow: less water

Performance: leaf tips and the edge of leaves withered, hair dry, new young leaves grow normally, old leaves withered fall off

Solution: found water shortage to water immediately, and watering one-time watering, that is, water from the following holes flow out.

2, green radish leaves yellow: improper lighting

Performance: new leaves, old leaves are yellow, indicating insufficient light, and there are traces of burns on the leaves, indicating that the light is too strong.

Solution: The best place to put green radish is a bright living room, which can accept scattered light and will not be burned by direct sunlight.

3, green radish leaves yellow: too much fertilizer

Appearance: leaves plump, but no luster, old leaves yellowing off.

Solution: If the fertilization time is not long, you can irrigate the roots with clean water, so that excess fertilizer dissolves in the water and flows out along the holes below. If the time after fertilization is too long, it can only be changed.

4. Rotting roots of green radish leaves

Performance: yellow leaves, wilting, lodging, rotten roots of the severe can even see the stem rot!

Solution: rotten roots are not serious, you can cut off the rotten roots, and then disinfect and replant (planting soil to be replaced), if the rotten roots are particularly severe, cut off relatively healthy branches or hydroponic it!

5, green radish leaves rotten root temperature is too low

Performance: leaves wilting, blackening, lodging.

Solution: Now the possibility of frostbite this season is also relatively small, but once frostbite, to cut off all parts of the ground, and then put it in a warm place to wait for it to grow leaves again.

How about green leaves? How about green leaves?

The reason why the leaves of green radish are yellow in culture

environmental mutation

Generally, the newly bought green radish has an adaptation period of about 1 month to the new environment. The yellow leaves at the bottom are normal, but remember: yellow leaves or dead leaves should not be peeled off directly from the middle of the petiole, so as to avoid direct peeling causing excessive water loss and increasing wounds; thus causing the upper leaves to be yellow.

Light and temperature discomfort

Green radish likes high temperature, wet and semi-cloudy environment, and is not resistant to cold. The winter temperature is not lower than 10℃. It is sensitive to temperature response, avoid direct sunlight in summer, easy to yellow leaves and fall off under strong light. In winter, it can grow well under bright scattered light indoors, and it requires higher moisture during growth.

poor water quality

Hydroponic green radish may also be due to bacteria in the water, if it is tap water farming, it may be due to the high content of bleach in the water. Green radish itself is not resistant to low temperature, long-term low temperature and large water conditions will lead to rotten roots, resulting in insufficient water supply to the roots, and finally the root leaves begin to yellow, and the top leaves lose luster.

The solution to yellow leaves of green radish in hydroponics


It should be placed in a place where scattered light is sufficient, and spray water frequently to the foliage during growth. Spraying 0.2% KH_2PO_4 can restore the color of leaf stripes. As far as possible, use a larger (water surface) culture container, if conditions permit, oxygenate the water.


Spray 1% urea can also, what living things have a life cycle, it may have been aging, everything goes with the flow, only he withered, will send new leaves, there is no need to worry about.

Change water frequently

Then it is hydroponic water change once a week, if there are conditions to put some medical stone or small stones will effectively reduce the occurrence of yellow leaves. Rinse the roots well when changing the water, and cut off the diseased roots. Don't put too much water, just no roots. When water is raised, it is recommended to wrap the roots of green radish with cloth and sawdust together, and put them in water.

What about the yellow leaves?

1. Environmental mutation leads to yellowing of green radish leaves: the cause of environmental mutation, sudden changes in temperature, humidity and light, or the need to slow down the seedlings by changing the pots, resulting in yellowing of the leaves. Solution: There is no need to worry about this situation. Measures can be taken to reduce the degree of environmental change and wait for it to adapt. 2, too much watering leads to yellow leaves (water yellow): young leaves dark yellow and dull, old leaves have no obvious change, branches small yellow green, new shoots atrophy is not long, indicating too much watering. Solution: Put the green radish in a ventilated and cool place, and then load it back into the basin after the soil is dry. 3. Long-term water shortage leads to yellow leaves of green radish (dry yellow): yellow with water shortage is not the same as yellow with more water. Yellow with water shortage is leaf tip or edge withered and dry, old leaves fall off from bottom to top, but new leaves grow normally.

Solution: Pay attention to watering when watering enough, watering can be thoroughly.

4, exposure causes green radish leaves yellow (burning yellow): strong direct sunlight, easy to cause green radish leaf tips, leaf edges withered, leaves sunny part of the yellow spots. Solution: move to the shade ventilation can be. 5, insufficient sunlight causes green radish leaves yellow (lack of light yellow): long time in the shade environment, the leaves do not get enough sunlight, can not form chlorophyll, the whole plant leaves turn yellow and then fall off. Solution: Move to a place with more light. 6, excessive fertilization leads to green radish leaves yellow (yellow): excessive fertilization or excessive concentration caused by yellow, performance in the new leaf top appears dry brown, general leaf fertilizer thick and dull, and uneven does not stretch, old leaves yellow fall off. Solution: should immediately stop fertilization, serious with a lot of water to wash part of the fertilizer, or change the culture soil. 7, long-term lack of fertilizer led to green radish leaves yellow (lack of fertilizer yellow): performance in the tender leaves color pale, yellow or light green, while the old leaves are more normal or gradually from green to yellow. Solution: check the basin soil, if there is dry phenomenon should be replaced with soil. Thin fertilizer is applied frequently at ordinary times and some alum water is poured in due course. 8, rotten roots lead to green radish leaves yellow: performance in the tender leaves pale color, yellow or light green.

Solution: Remove the rotten roots and put them in a ventilated place to dry. After the wound heals, return to the basin. Pay attention to the water in the basin.