
What if the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia turn yellow and wither?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rabdosia angustifolia is a relatively easy plant to raise, but even so, there are still some common problems that make flower friends at a loss. For example, many flower friends who breed it encounter the problem of yellowing of its leaves.

Rabdosia angustifolia is a relatively easy plant to raise, but even so, there are still some common problems that make flower friends at a loss. For example, many flower friends who breed them encounter the problem of yellowing of their leaves. The company has sorted out the causes and solutions for the yellowing of their leaves.

Analysis on the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia 1. The reason for the yellow leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia: not watered thoroughly

Inthoroughly watering means that when watering, the water is not allowed to seep to the bottom of the pot. if the soil in the flowerpot is half dry and half wet, it will lead to poor root growth, and the root will grow up. If the permeability of the soil is not good, water can not penetrate at all and accumulate in the basin, the phenomenon of rotten roots appears, and it is natural for the leaves to turn yellow.

2. The reason for the yellow leaves of Codonopsis lanceolata: cold in winter

Copper money grass looks very thin, thin stems, wind blowing on both sides, in fact, copper money grass itself is also the same as you can see, copper money grass is very afraid of cold, if it is too cold in winter, it will be frostbitten, and the leaves will turn yellow after frostbite.

3. The reason for the yellow leaves of Codonopsis lanceolata: leaving the room too quickly.

Generally speaking, when the weather is too cold in winter, it will be moved indoors to keep it. After winter, you rush to let it feel the sun rush out of the room, and the sudden light and warm environment will make the grass unable to accept it for a while. The leaves turn yellow because they can't adapt to the abrupt environment.

4. The reason for the yellow leaves of Tongqian grass: the basin soil is too wet or too dry for a long time.

Codonopsis lanceolata can not withstand waterlogging or dry, basin soil long-term wet or dry until cracked, which will make the leaves yellow. You just have to depend on the situation to see if you need to be watered or put it in a ventilated place to dry.

5. The cause of leaf yellow of Rabdosia angustifolia: long-term ventilation environment investigation

Copper grass likes a ventilated and dry environment, just like people, you like ventilation, you like to breathe fresh air, so it is the same, so give it flowing air!

6. The cause of leaf yellow: accumulation of foliar dust.

If the leaf surface of Rabdosia angustifolia is not cleaned for a long time and accumulates too much dust, it will hinder its photosynthesis. The leaves turn yellow when photosynthesis is not smooth.

7. The reason for the yellow leaves of Codonopsis lanceolata: lack of potassium

Lack of potassium will lead to insufficient nutrition and green leaves. All you need to do is to fertilize the plant and add some plant nutrient solution to the potted soil.

What to do if the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia turn yellow? 1. Half-water and half-soil culture

Problems such as nutrients and improper watering will occur in whole-soil or whole-water aquaculture, and the best way is half-soil and half-water. The soil can provide sufficient nutrients for the roots (the choice of soil is not particular, ordinary is OK). Hydroponics can meet the water demand and kill two birds with one stone. But because the copper money grass propagates quickly, it will soon be full of pots, so remember to clean it up in time.

2. Plenty of sunshine

To deal with this kind of green leaf plant, the best solution to yellow leaves is to cut off the yellow leaves, under the condition of sufficient water and nutrients, bask in the sun more, as long as there is no exposure, copper money grass will grow very well.

3. Split planting

There is an ultimate solution to the yellowing of the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia, that is, ramets. Because Tongqian grass is easy to live, and the reasons for the yellowing of each pot are different, it is impossible to do everything, so the safest way is to divide the pot, so that each leaf has enough room to grow.

Brand-new water, soil, basin, brand-new copper grass, will soon be able to raise a new pot of copper grass, one basin is dead and another basin for backup.

What is the reason for the yellowing of the leaves of Cottongrass?

Tongqian grass is very adaptable and easy to raise, and it is basically the kind that can live with water, that is, it can be hydroponically cultivated or half-water and half-soil, and it can also be cultivated in the whole soil, with a good temper. But no matter how easy it is to raise plants, there are times when you get sick. For example, if the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia turn yellow, what if they turn yellow?

The solution to the yellowing of the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia:

Half-water and half-soil culture

Problems such as nutrients and improper watering will occur in whole-soil or whole-water aquaculture, and the best way is half-soil and half-water. The soil can provide sufficient nutrients for the roots (the choice of soil is not particular, ordinary is OK). Hydroponics can meet the water demand and kill two birds with one stone. But because the copper money grass propagates quickly, it will soon be full of pots, so remember to clean it up in time.

There is plenty of sunshine

To deal with this kind of green leaf plant, the best solution to yellow leaves is to cut off the yellow leaves, under the condition of sufficient water and nutrients, bask in the sun more, as long as there is no exposure, copper money grass will grow very well.

Split planting

There is an ultimate solution to the yellowing of the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia, that is, ramets. Because Tongqian grass is easy to live, and the reasons for the yellowing of each pot are different, it is impossible to cover all aspects, so the safest way is to divide the pot so that each leaf has enough room to grow.

Brand-new water, soil, basin, brand-new copper grass, will soon be able to raise a new pot of copper grass, one basin is dead and another basin for backup.

Symptoms of yellowing leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia

Peripheral yellowing

In the first case, the leaves at the bottom or periphery of Rabdosia angustifolia wither and turn yellow. usually, the leaves near the basin soil or water surface are yellowish brown, while the outer leaves are yellowish and dull. This situation is mostly caused by the unsatisfactory maintenance environment, or the normal metabolism of the plant. This yellowing phenomenon has little effect on the growth of Codonopsis pilosula!

All the leaves turn yellow

In the second case, the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia all turn yellow. In this case, the yellowing of leaves is a gradual situation, there is no law to follow. This is a kind of morbid yellowing, for many reasons, if not dealt with in time, the whole basin will gradually wilt and rot.

The reason why the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia are yellowing:

Pour half a section of water

Watering half of the water refers to watering is that there is no water exudation at the bottom of the basin, the water only moistens the stem but does not seep to the root, long-term watering is impermeable, and the root is insufficient, the phenomenon of yellowing will occur. In addition, if the water level in the container is low, this phenomenon will also occur in the hydroponics.

Poor ventilation and wet environment

The potted soil of Rabdosia angustifolia has been wet or too dry for a long time, and it has not been watered as soon as it is dry, and the environment is too humid (although it is an aquatic plant, it does not grow well if it is too wet when cultivated in soil.)

Another reason is that the environment is stuffy. Succulent plants can be stuffed, but green leafy plants are not. Just like people who spend too much time in a sauna will get dehydrated, the reason for wilting is the same. In a stuffy environment, the leaves will droop and turn yellow.

Be eager to get out of the room

Tongqian grass is not cold-resistant and should be moved indoors in time before the beginning of winter. If the root system is frostbitten, it will turn yellow.

After the winter, the weather turns warm, but the cold wave is frequent. If you are in a hurry to get out of the room, you will not be able to adapt to the environment for a while, and the leaves will turn yellow.

Not enough nutrients.

There are two sources of nutrients, one is leaf photosynthesis, the other is fertilization. When the leaves are covered with dust and are not cleaned for a long time, hindering photosynthesis leads to nutrient loss; the robust growth of Rabdosia angustifolia needs nutrient balance, and when there is a lack of phosphate fertilizer, the leaves will turn yellow.

The reason why the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia turn yellow

Rabdosia angustifolia is a kind of plant with strong vitality, which can live well in any kind of growing environment. You can choose to grow with soil, or you can choose hydroponics. However, it will also appear leaves yellowing in the growth process. What causes the leaves to yellowing? Let's find out.

Detail picture display of Tongqian grass

The causes and solutions of the yellowing of the leaves can be divided into two situations: the first case is that individual leaves at the bottom or periphery wither and yellowing, which is caused by natural metabolism, or the environment is not particularly ideal. In general, flower friends can cut off the yellow leaves, which will not have any effect on the plant as a whole. This normal "metabolic yellow", let's focus on the second situation.

In the second case, all the leaves turn yellow. In this case, it also depends on whether it is fully hydroponic, and second, whether the density of Rabdosia angustifolia in the basin is extremely high. If it is hydroponic, it may be due to insufficient nutrients. It is recommended to change water and reduce the proper cleaning of some old plants. If it is half soil and half water, because of the rapid reproduction of Rabdosia angustifolia, very often, the stem vine will occupy the full basin, resulting in low oxygen content in the basin and poor breathing, so it should be cleaned up properly at this time, because the more in a basin, the better.

Display picture of hydroponic copper money grass

In addition, there is a more ultimate way to solve the yellowing of the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia, that is, to replant a pot, which makes use of the good living characteristics of the plant. Although the above analysis of some reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia is mentioned above, the situation of each family is different and it is impossible to cover everything. For insurance, flower friends can plant a pot separately, because the pots, soil and water are new, and the plants are easy to feed. There will soon be a brand new potted plant as a backup. Finally, I would like to remind you that although copper grass is easy to raise, it is actually very difficult to grow in an office environment, mainly because the office is not well ventilated, and in most cases the lighting is not good (for office buildings). The best conservation is half soil and half water (soil does not pay attention to any soil), and then placed in a sunny environment for maintenance.