
The reason for the yellowing of ivy leaves, how to deal with it

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Although ivy is easy to raise, in the process of cultivating ivy, it is inevitable that the leaves of ivy will turn yellow and dry, and the leaves of ivy will be yellowed.

Causes of yellowing of ivy leaves 1. Weak light leads to yellowing of leaves

Ivy is a common green leafy plant in winter. It doesn't need shade in winter, and it doesn't matter if the light is properly strong. But the summer sun is strong, if it does not move, it is still normal to receive sunlight, which is easy to cause foliar necrosis.

2. High temperature leads to yellowing of leaves.

Ivy likes a cool environment and is afraid of muggy heat and frost, especially the early frost in autumn and winter. if it is not moved indoors in time, the leaves will droop and turn yellow by frost. There is indoor breeding in summer, not timely ventilation, muggy environment, will also cause yellow leaves.

3. Deficiency leads to yellowing of leaves

The leaves of ivy always turn yellow and may be hungry, people eat when they are hungry, and plants need nutrients when they are hungry. When the leaves of the plant turn yellow, it is obvious that there is a lack of iron, and it is in the process of maintenance that the elements are not fertilized for a long time, or the elements are not balanced during fertilization.

4. Excessive drying of water leads to yellow leaves.

The biggest ornamental of ivy lies in the leaves, and the supply of water is the premise to ensure that the leaves are full. During the growth period, it is necessary to ensure that the basin soil is moist, but can not accumulate water. many flower friends do not grasp the degree well in the maintenance process, resulting in the basin soil suddenly dry and wet, the plant can not get enough water, and the plant metabolism is slow, resulting in plant yellow leaves.

5. Diseases and insect pests cause leaf yellowing

Plant diseases and insect pests can not be avoided in the process of plant maintenance, but in some cases, people can not see bugs on the leaves, not timely control, it will cause yellow leaves of the plant. Or in the role of leaf spot disease, the plant will not have any signs of yellow leaves, difficult to prevent.

What if the ivy leaves turn yellow? 1. Make the temperature suitable for you.

Since Ivy is picky about temperature, satisfy it. After all, you also covet other people's beauty. Control the ambient temperature at 20-25 ℃, and always pay attention to the ambient humidity and often ventilate. The winter temperature should be controlled above 5 ℃, and the best temperature is about 10 ℃.

2. Give enough light

Under suitable light, the leaves of ivy will be consistent in shape and bright in color. If the plant turns yellow due to light, the serious leaves will be cut off directly, and the newly grown young leaves will be retained and given appropriate light to make them recover slowly.

3. Watering should be moderate.

In the growing season to see dry and wet (that is, do not let the basin soil too wet, also can not be too dry), if too much water will have rotten roots and fallen leaves. Especially in winter, the temperature is on the low side, so it is especially necessary to control watering, as long as the basin soil is a little moist.

4. Fertilize and give adequate nutrition

When cultivating ivy at home, the basin soil can be made of rotten leaves or charcoal soil mixed with 4 river sand and a small amount of bone powder, and thin pancake fertilizer and water can be applied once in 2 to 3 weeks in the growing season. General summer and winter do not apply fertilizer, fertilization should also be careful not to choose to apply nitrogen fertilizer. When fertilizing, we should also be careful not to defile the leaves, so as not to cause the leaves to scorch. Yellow leaves caused by iron deficiency should be supplemented with iron in time and irrigated with ferrous sulfate solution.

What to do about the yellowing of ivy leaves? the causes and solutions of yellowing of ivy leaves

When many people are raising ivy, they will encounter when the ivy leaves turn yellow, what if the ivy leaves turn yellow? The following is to tell you the causes and solutions of the yellowing of ivy leaves.

1. The first situation is the yellowing of old leaves, which is very common, which is a very normal metabolism. We don't have to care too much, as long as we do a good job of cleaning up in time.

2. No matter which variety of ivy, the basin soil should be kept moist in winter, not too dry or too wet, pay attention to the humidity of indoor air, too low is easy to cause leaf edge withered and yellow, so we should often pay attention to indoor air humidity in winter, if the humidity is not enough, timely measures should be taken to replenish moisture.

3, the influence of light: avoid direct sunlight in summer, if direct sunlight, it is easy to cause leaf necrosis, no shade in winter, the light can be appropriately stronger.

4, the influence of temperature: ivy has the habit of being cold, but ivy is especially afraid of frost. It can grow without heating indoors. In addition, poor growth in high temperature in summer, should be placed in a cool and ventilated place.

5, the influence of water: in the growing period of ivy, we must keep the basin soil moist, but avoid stagnant water in the basin; in winter, we can reduce the amount of water and avoid the phenomenon that the basin soil is too dry.

6. the influence of humidity: in the high temperature and dry season or indoor, you should often spray water to the leaf surface and around the plant, and often clean the leaf surface.

7, there are diseases and insect pests: when this happens, we should be able to observe with the naked eye whether it is a bug, or if there is any difference from before, we can use low concentration pesticide spray to solve this problem.

8. Lack of iron: the lack of iron begins to turn yellow from the tender leaves. If this happens, you can put a certain amount of iron shavings into the soil, which can solve this problem very well.

9. If the original environment is different from the current environment, it will cause the plant to temporarily unable to adapt to the leaves and turn yellow.

What if the ivy leaves turn yellow?

Causes of yellowing of ivy leaves

The influence of light

Ivy is a common green leafy plant in winter. It doesn't need shade in winter, and it doesn't matter if the light is properly strong. But the summer sun is strong, if it does not move, it is still normal to receive sunlight, which is easy to cause foliar necrosis.

The influence of temperature

Ivy likes a cool environment and is afraid of muggy heat and frost, especially the early frost in autumn and winter. if it is not moved indoors in time, the leaves will droop and turn yellow by frost. There is indoor breeding in summer, not timely ventilation, muggy environment, will also cause yellow leaves.

The influence of moisture

The biggest ornamental of ivy lies in the leaves, and the supply of water is the premise to ensure that the leaves are full. During the growth period, it is necessary to ensure that the basin soil is moist, but can not accumulate water. many flower friends do not grasp the degree well in the maintenance process, resulting in the basin soil suddenly dry and wet, the plant can not get enough water, and the plant metabolism is slow, resulting in plant yellow leaves.

Diseases and insect pests

Plant diseases and insect pests can not be avoided in the process of plant maintenance, but in some cases, people can not see bugs on the leaves, not timely control, it will cause yellow leaves of the plant. Or in the role of leaf spot disease, the plant will not have any signs of yellow leaves, difficult to prevent.

Lack of fertilizer

The leaves of ivy always turn yellow and may be hungry, people eat when they are hungry, and plants need nutrients when they are hungry. When the leaves of the plant turn yellow, it is obvious that there is a lack of iron, and it is in the process of maintenance that the elements are not fertilized for a long time, or the elements are not balanced during fertilization.

What if the ivy leaves turn yellow?

The temperature should be suitable.

Since Ivy is picky about temperature, satisfy it. After all, you also covet other people's beauty. Control the ambient temperature at 20-25 ℃, and always pay attention to the ambient humidity and often ventilate. The winter temperature should be controlled above 5 ℃, and the best temperature is about 10 ℃.

The illuminance should be moderate

Under suitable light, the leaves of ivy will be consistent in shape and bright in color. If the plant turns yellow due to light, the serious leaves will be cut off directly, and the newly grown young leaves will be retained and given appropriate light to make them recover slowly.

Watering should be moderate.

In the growing season to see dry and wet (that is, do not let the basin soil too wet, also can not be too dry), if too much water will have rotten roots and fallen leaves. Especially in winter, the temperature is on the low side, so it is especially necessary to control watering, as long as the basin soil is a little moist.

Fertilization should be reasonable.

When cultivating ivy at home, the basin soil can be made of rotten leaves or charcoal soil mixed with 4 river sand and a small amount of bone powder, and thin pancake fertilizer and water can be applied once in 2 to 3 weeks in the growing season. General summer and winter do not apply fertilizer, fertilization should also be careful not to choose to apply nitrogen fertilizer. When fertilizing, we should also be careful not to defile the leaves, so as not to cause the leaves to scorch. Yellow leaves caused by iron deficiency should be supplemented with iron in time and irrigated with ferrous sulfate solution.