
The solution to the reason why Magnolia does not blossom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Gentleman orchid believes that everyone is no stranger, this is an evergreen herb, fat leaves and flowers, is the best plant to beautify the environment and purify the air, so there have been a lot of people raising magnolia. However, orchids have to be cultivated for more than four years and have about 16 leaves before they can blossom, but there are also orchids that do not bloom all the time.

Gentleman orchid

Gentleman orchid believes that everyone is no stranger, this is an evergreen herb, fat leaves and flowers, is the best plant to beautify the environment and purify the air, so there have been a lot of people raising magnolia. However, orchids have to be cultivated for more than four years and 16 leaves before they can blossom, but there are also orchids that do not blossom all the time, mainly for the following reasons.

1. Nutritional conditions are not suitable

Cymbidium has different requirements for various nutrient elements in different growth stages. The vegetative growth period should be dominated by nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and after entering the reproductive stage, part of the nutrients should be supplied to the reproductive organs for flower bud differentiation. At this time, if more nitrogen fertilizer is used and there is a lack of phosphate fertilizer, it will cause the plant to grow so that the flower bud differentiation can not proceed normally, thus affecting the normal flowering. Therefore, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be properly controlled before flower bud differentiation, and the fertilizer with more phosphorus should be applied twice to facilitate the flowering. In addition, not changing the soil for a long time will also cause a lack of nutrition, so if necessary, it is necessary to change the soil and pour the basin and add more scaly fertilizers such as bone meal, fish scales and so on.

Second, water imbalance

The cells in the plant of Cymbidium must contain some water in order to carry out normal life activities. At the same time, the nutrients in the soil can be absorbed by the root hair of Cymbidium only after being dissolved by water. Therefore, it is necessary to water the plant reasonably to make the plant grow well, carry out normal flower bud differentiation and bloom in time after entering the reproductive growth period. Too much or too little watering can cause root damage-rotting roots, resulting in malnutrition and failure to blossom. Adult orchids with rotten roots should focus on raising their roots, and the soil should be mixed with more sand or fine furnace slag to restore the roots as soon as possible. If there is a long-term drought and lack of water, the whole basin must be soaked to prevent a large amount of watering. The false appearance that the soil is still dry and thoroughly watered out from the drought cracks.

Third, the light is not suitable.

Gentleman orchid belongs to Zhong Rizhao flowers, which are mostly displayed in the bedroom when they are cultivated indoors. If the wattage of indoor lighting lights is large, or if they are illuminated by fluorescent lamps, the time of turning off the lights is relatively late, and the lighting time of a day may reach as long as 16 hours. The light time of the country of origin (South Africa) is generally no more than 13 hours, so they can only grow but not flower bud differentiation under long sunshine conditions, so they can not blossom for a long time. In order to make them blossom, they must be moved to an unlit room at night, and it doesn't matter when the scape is pulled out.

Gentleman orchid

Fourth, the temperature is not suitable

Cymbidium stops growing when the temperature is lower than 10 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃. Too high or too low room temperature will lead to poor plant growth and affect the blooming of pregnant buds. Therefore, the room temperature of cultivated Magnolia should be 11 ℃ 17 min. Therefore, in order to increase the bottom temperature of the pot soil in winter, you can move the flowerpot to the radiator at night (keep 25 ℃), and then move back to the sunny windowsill during the day, so that it can get full dormancy. Summer should be placed in a slightly shaded place, starting from June, the flowerpot gradually retreated from the sunny window, 1 meter away from the windowsill in August, sometimes underground, and put back to the sunny windowsill in October, always free from strong sunlight.

Fifth, improper daily management

Gentleman orchids should be taken care of carefully, and the soil should not be watered too much every spring, and watering should be controlled even more in summer; attention should be paid to leaf cleanliness to promote photosynthesis, which is conducive to bud cultivation and flowering, and leaves can often be wiped gently with soft cloth with tea water to keep the leaves shiny and shiny. When changing soil, the root system should be carefully straightened out and opened, so that it can be fully extended, which can promote the formation; the basin should not be too large, the texture should be deeper mud basin, purple sand basin is OK, and porcelain basin should be avoided.

In fact, it is not difficult to cultivate orchids, as long as follow the growth habits of orchids, usually take time to take good care of, can blossom at least once a year, normally blossom twice.

The reasons for the non-flowering of Magnolia and its solution

Today, the editor of Flower Bonsai Network shares an article about the reasons why magnolia does not blossom and the solutions. Let's take a look.

Gentleman orchid


Reason 1: short flowering age

Only seedlings over three years old can blossom. Pay attention when buying magnolia ~ if you want to blossom that year, don't choose saplings ~

Reason 2: small temperature difference

Adult orchids can promote flowering by artificially creating temperature differences. The temperature is about 10 ℃ ~ 15 ℃ at night and about 25 degrees Celsius during the day, which can promote the flowering of orchids and prevent them from catching arrows.

Reason 3: too little light

Autumn and winter is the period of flower bud differentiation of Cymbidium, at this time, lack of light will be disadvantageous to flower bud differentiation. Gradually increase the light (bright scattered light) after the weather turns cool, but do not let the strong light shine directly.

The reason why the gentleman orchid does not bloom and the solution, how does the gentleman orchid raise ability to bloom the flower bonsai net guide to read: today the flower bonsai net editor comes to share with you about the gentleman orchid does not bloom the reason and the solution, the gentleman orchid how to raise the ability to bloom the article, has the flower friend who likes the gentleman orchid to have a look together.

The gentleman orchid blossoms in winter and spring, and can not bloom until a certain number of years, judging by the following criteria: first, it has been planted for at least four years; second, there are 7 leaves on each side, a total of 14 leaves. If both conditions are met, there are no blossoms or arrows, then there may be the following reasons.

The magnolia does not blossom.

1 excessive illumination

The gentleman orchid belongs to the middle sunshine flower, and the house is generally placed indoors. If the wattage of the indoor lighting lamp is large, or if the lamp is illuminated by fluorescent lamp, and the time of turning off the light is relatively late, the lighting time of a day may reach 16 hours.

The light time of the country of origin (South Africa) is generally no more than 13 hours, so they can only grow leaves but not flower bud differentiation under long sunshine conditions, so they can not blossom for a long time.

Solution method

1. Magnolia should be cultivated in a shady shed or in a semi-shady environment without direct sunlight from May to September every year, and the illumination time (including light exposure time) should not exceed 12 hours.

two。 If there is no shady environment after the lights are turned on at night, you can buckle the orchid in a paper shell, block the light above, and keep ventilated on both sides.

2 too little light

Although the magnolia is shady, it is placed in a place where the light is too dark for a long time, and the lack of light for a long time will also make the leaves lose their luster, the old leaves are dark green, and the new leaves become thin, yellow or yellowish green. Some people call this phenomenon of yellow leaves Yin yellow. This situation can also lead to non-flowering.

Solution method

The gentleman orchid should be moved to a place with slightly stronger light, and when it is not suitable to move, the light can be used to supplement the light.

(3) malnutrition

Cymbidium has different requirements for various nutrient elements in different growth stages. The vegetative growth period should be dominated by nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and after entering the reproductive stage, part of the nutrients should be supplied to the reproductive organs for flower bud differentiation. At this time, if more nitrogen fertilizer is used and there is a lack of phosphate fertilizer, it will cause the plant to grow so that the flower bud differentiation can not proceed normally, thus affecting the normal flowering.

Solution method

Magnolia should properly control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer before flower bud differentiation, and apply two more phosphorus-rich fertilizers, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, to facilitate flowering.

In addition, not changing the soil for a long time will also cause lack of nutrition, so if necessary, it is necessary to change the soil and pour the basin and add some scaly base fertilizer such as bone meal, fish scales and so on. To add base fertilizer is to add some fried or boiled shelled oil crops to the bottom of the flowerpot, such as sesame seed, perilla seed, sunflower seed, castor seed and bone meal. The method is to put a layer of soil at the bottom of the basin, spread a layer of fertilizer evenly on the soil, cover it with a layer of soil, and then plant the flowers directly on top to complete the whole process of adding bottom. Remember not to put fertilizer in direct contact with the root.

4 the temperature is too high and the environment is too dry

The suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is 15-25 ℃. The growth will stop when the temperature is lower than 10 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃. During the growing period and before flowering, too high or too low room temperature will lead to poor plant growth and affect the bud and flowering.

Solution method

The dry and hot weather should place the orchid in a cool, ventilated and humid place, and spray water to the leaves and the surrounding environment to reduce the temperature and increase humidity; before Frosts Descent, when the temperature dropped to about 10 degrees, you must enter the room. the indoor temperature should be kept at about 15 degrees to pass the winter safely.

5 soil alkalinity

Magnolia likes acidic soil, PH value between 6 to 7, more than 7, there will be alkaline, its growth and flowering will be affected, so the cultivation of Magnolia must be fertile, acidic, loose, breathable slightly acidic soil!

Solution method

The soil in the northern region is often alkaline, for the soil weakly alkaline or on alkaline fertilizer, you can use ferrous sulfate or edible rice vinegar mixed with water, but must not be too thick! (it must be rice vinegar, not blended white vinegar or vinegar essence)

Second, the reason and solution of arrow entrapment in gentleman's orchid

1 excessive pressure

When a gentleman orchid draws an arrow, the pressure on the leaf sheath and false bulb is so great that it is easy to clip the scape inside, making the arrow unable to jump out.

Solution method

Tie the leaves on both sides with a wide ribbon, and with a sterilized blade, cut the leaf sheath 1.5 cm apart, relax the pressure on the sheath base on the scape, and allow the leaves to leave room for the flower stalk to grow and promote the scape to jump out.

2 the temperature difference is too small

The most suitable temperature for orchid flowering is 15-25 ℃, and the temperature difference between day and night is about 10 ℃, which is most favorable for its flowering. If the temperature difference after the formation of the orchid arrow is less than 6-10 ℃, especially in the family with heating and air conditioning, the temperature difference between day and night is only 2-3 ℃, it is easy to "clip arrow" phenomenon.

Solution method

Increase the temperature during the day and lower the temperature at night. The temperature difference between day and night is about 8-10 ℃. During the day, close the window and open the curtains to keep the temperature of the magnolia on the windowsill at about 23 ℃. In the evening, you can open the window and close the double curtains to keep the temperature of the orchid at about 15 ℃. Note: the lowest temperature can not be lower than 15 ℃, otherwise freezing injury will occur. It is thought that it will cause a big temperature difference to the magnolia, and the flowers and arrows will be drawn out in a few days.

3 excessive illumination

In the case of clipping, shading and lifting arrows can be carried out, the principle is equivalent to, let the orchids do not see the light, let the arrows grow, and the arrows will not be caught after the arrows grow high.

Solution method

The gentleman orchid found that the arrow can be moved to a shady and ventilated place to maintain it for about a week, and it can also cover the flower with tin foil to delay the development of the flower and let the arrow grow normally.

4 the temperature is too low

If the ambient temperature is below 15 ℃, the orchid will draw arrows slowly, and if it is below 10 ℃, it will stop growing.

Solution method

If the temperature at home is less than 15 degrees, the flowerpot can be heated by electricity on the electric blanket, on the radiator of the brick pad or on the hot Kang with wooden boards, of course, the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, otherwise the orchid will dry up.

(5) improper fertilization

The orchid needs sufficient phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during and in the early stage of flowering, but some flower friends usually neglect the fertilization management of the orchid, so it is easy to encounter insufficient phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or excess nitrogen fertilizer when drawing arrows, resulting in arrow entrapment.

Solution method

The magnolia turns to the growing period in autumn, and the demand for phosphorus and potassium fertilizer increases, so it is necessary to increase the number of fertilizers. After entering the house, apply some organic fertilizer, such as rotten sesame residue, fried bone meal, etc., and fermented bean cake water every 20 days. When the arrow outcrop is found, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on the leaf surface to promote flower bud differentiation and jump arrow quickly.

6 insufficient watering

The root of the orchid is fleshy and is afraid of flooding, but pouring half of the water for a long time or the basin soil is too dry, it is easy to cause root suffocation and wilting, so that the root system is damaged, and the water and nutrients needed for the growth of the arrow are not supplied, which can easily lead to arrow entrapment.

Solution method

The temperature in the house is above 18 degrees, which breaks the rule of watering the gentleman orchid and keeps the humidity of the basin soil at about 35%. The flowers can be watered with 25 ℃ warm water.

So many flowers that can be planted with leaves.

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