
Points for attention in maintenance of Michelle

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Michelia is an evergreen shrub of Magnoliaceae. Because its petals are like Zhang Fei Zhang, if it is like a smile, it has a strong banana-shaped aroma, elegant and pleasant, so it is very popular. If you also have a smile plant in your courtyard, do you know how to maintain it?

Michelia is an evergreen shrub of Magnoliaceae. Because its petals are like Zhang Fei Zhang, if it is like a smile, it has a strong banana-shaped aroma, elegant and pleasant, so it is very popular. If you also have a smile plant in the courtyard at home, do you know how to maintain it?


Michelia is not very strict on soil requirements, potted soil can be made of rotten leaf soil, garden soil, compost soil, sand soil, in the north culture should pay attention to often apply some ferrous sulfate to adjust the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. Usually change the pot once a year, should be carried out after the flower fade. When changing the basin, knock out the plant from the old basin, remove some of the weighing soil and rotten roots, cut off some overdense twigs, and put the plant into the new pot and replant. Watering should be dry and wet, dry and windy in spring, spray water around it every morning and evening to keep the air moist. Watering should be adequate in summer and moderated in winter. Michelia does not need excessive and thick fertilizer, but light fertilizer is suitable. Generally, fishy water, bean cake water or alum fertilizer water are applied twice before and after flower bud formation, and Futian fertilizer is applied once. Fertilization was stopped in late September. The north moves indoors in early October to overwinter, and attention should be paid to strengthening management when overwintering. In winter, if the room temperature is too high or the ventilation is not smooth, shell insects and soot disease are easy to occur, so it is necessary to often apply clean water to the leaves and keep the indoor air unobstructed. The occurrence of shell insects can be removed with a brush, and the soot disease can be washed with clean water or diluted carbendazim.

Michelia flower not only has a higher ornamental mechanism, but also can smoke tea, can also extract aromatic oil, can also be used as medicine, its taste is bitter and astringent, peaceful, has the effect of removing silt and giving birth to new.

Points for attention when raising Michelia in winter, the Latin name is: Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng. Evergreen shrubs, 2-3 m tall, bark grayish brown, densely branched; leaves leathery, narrowly elliptic or Obovate-elliptic, flowering from March to May, fruiting from July to August. Native to South China provinces and regions, Guangdong Dinghushan wild, born in the shady slope forest. Fragrant flowers and trees, bracts as moist as jade, fragrant if orchid.

The northern potted Michelia needs to overwinter indoors, and its maintenance has the following points: first, the temperature: the lowest temperature for Michelia mollissima overwintering is not less than 5 ℃. Once the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the normal physiological activity of the plant will be affected, the absorptive capacity of the root will be weakened, and the twigs and leaves of the plant will wilt. At the same time, the highest temperature should not exceed 15 ℃. If the temperature is too high, too much nutrients are consumed in the plant, which is disadvantageous to the growth of the next year. Therefore, it is suitable to keep the room temperature at 5 ℃ to 15 ℃ in winter. Second, humidity: smiling like a humid environment, dry air is not conducive to its growth. In winter, the relative humidity is generally required to be more than 65%. When the air is dry, sprayers can be used to spray the ground and plant leaves to increase air humidity, but the temperature of the water sprayed is not too different from the room temperature, and do not use cold water. Third, watering: Michelia root belongs to fleshy root, so too much watering in winter will cause root rot or cause diseases and insect pests, generally watering once a week. Before watering, the water temperature, room temperature and soil temperature should be almost the same, and the watering time should be carried out when the air temperature is high at noon. The temperature is relatively low in the morning and evening and should not be watered to avoid sudden changes in temperature and frostbite on the roots. Fourth, ventilation: after Frosts Descent enters the room with a smile during the season, it is necessary to keep the indoor air fresh. If it is poorly ventilated, it is vulnerable to aphids, shell insects and other pests. If placed in a greenhouse with coal for heating in winter, a large number of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide will cause poisoning to the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to open windows for ventilation and light at noon when there is no wind on a sunny day. 5. Fertilization: Michelia cultivated in the north is dormant or semi-dormant in winter, and the amount of fertilizer needed is small, so the base fertilizer based on organic fertilizer should be properly applied to facilitate the flowering of Michelia mollissima in the coming year. Introduction to the maintenance points of Michelia mollissima

Smiley flower

Michelia is similar to egg flower except for flower pattern, including color proportion. It is an evergreen shrub with heart like egg yolk and petals like egg whites. It can be seen standing tall and straight in many university campuses and scenic spots, and now it is also a good crop for many families to beautify their home environment, so what problems do Michelia need to know to maintain at home?

First, the growing environment of smiling flowers

Born in a forest of trees on a shady slope, especially along the coast of the valley. Michelia flowers like fat, sex like semi-shade, in the weak shade is the most beneficial to growth, avoid strong direct sunlight, summer should pay attention to shade. Move to the greenhouse before the frost at the end of autumn and overwintering at about 10 ℃.

Michelia is a warm woody shrub, not very cold-resistant, south of the Yangtze River leeward to the sun can overwinter in the open. Not resistant to dryness and barren, but also afraid of stagnant water, requires good drainage, fertile slightly acidic loam, neutral soil can also adapt.

Second, the method of fertilization with smile flower

For Michelia mollissima, it is suitable to grow in a weak overcast environment and cannot be directed in strong sunlight. Therefore, for the fertilization of Michelia flower, it is often used to mature and bone powder mixed with water. In the growing season of Michelia mollissima, that is, about April to September, it is best to apply fertilizer every half a month, but it should be noted that do not apply fertilizer after the flowering period, if it is found that the leaf color of Michelia is not bright and thick green, then you can apply fertilizer and water properly.

Third, the watering method of smiling flowers

Of course, the cultivation of any flowers and plants is inseparable from water, so it is necessary to maintain a moist growing environment for Michelia, because its roots are mostly succulent plants, so if you water too much and produce stagnant water, it will lead to rotten roots at the roots of Michelia mollissima, so it is especially necessary to control humidity in the overcast and rainy seasons. it is best to water once a day during the growing period and flowering period, and spray water on the leaf surface in summer.

Fourth, Michelia requires sunshine

Plants with Michelia mollissima should not be exposed to the sun in summer and should be shaded by 30% to avoid strong light burning leaves. They can be placed indoors in windows and balconies facing east, and outdoors under shade or shade. You can see more sunshine when it is cool in autumn. Put it in the sunny ventilation place indoors in winter.

Temperature requirements for Michelia mollissima

The lowest temperature of Michelia mollissima overwintering is not less than 5 ℃. Once the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the normal physiological activity of the plant will be affected, the absorptive capacity of the root will be weakened, and the twigs and leaves of the plant will wilt. At the same time, the highest temperature should not exceed 15 ℃. If the temperature is too high, too much nutrients are consumed in the plant, which is disadvantageous to the growth of the next year. Therefore, it is suitable to keep the room temperature at 5 ℃ to 15 ℃ in winter.

Smiley flower

6. Pruning techniques of smiling flowers

Many friends may like to prune it often, which is disadvantageous to Michelia. Proper pruning can be carried out in the case of overgrown branches, diseased and weak branches or excessive overlapping branches after flowering, so as to reduce the consumption of nutrients. In the spring, some old leaves are properly trimmed to trigger the growth of new branches and leaves, and the appropriate part of the old soil is removed by changing pots. Replace it with rich and loose soil so that it can grow better.

7. Ventilation management of Xiaoxihua

When raising Michelia mollissima, the indoor ventilation environment is also very important, so it is necessary to maintain a fresh indoor air environment at any time, if the ventilation is not good, it is easy to cause harm to some pests. At the same time, we need to pay attention to that can not be put in the greenhouse with coal fire, because the production of a large number of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide will cause Michelia poisoning.

Control of diseases and insect pests of Michelia mollissima

Michelia often occurs scale insect damage, but also can induce soot disease, shell insects can be brushed off with a small brush, or with 150 times the water of the No. 20 petroleum emulsion spray: soot disease can be scrubbed with clean water or sprayed with water 500 times 1000 times carbendazim aqueous solution to prevent and cure.

In fact, the cultivation methods of flowers and plants are roughly the same, but the growth habits of each flower plant are different, so after knowing the growth habits of Michelia, give it what it needs at the right time, then it must be able to thrive healthily.