
Maintenance and Management of potted Flowers in August

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Each season has its own characteristics, this year's summer is unusually hot, in such a bad environment, the flowers in the balcony and courtyard will also become very sad, if you do not pay attention to management, it will also cause a variety of diseases, serious even cause death. So in the hot August,

Each season has its own characteristics, this year's summer is unusually hot, in such a bad environment, the flowers in the balcony and courtyard will also become very sad, if you do not pay attention to management, it will also cause a variety of diseases, serious even cause death. So in the hot August, how to manage the potted flowers on the courtyard and balcony? The editor will analyze several major aspects of daily maintenance for you.

Baobao flower

First, watering

In August, it should be watered between 9 and 10:00 in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon to keep the water temperature basically consistent with the soil temperature and air temperature. For those ornamental plant species that like acidity, 0.1% ferrous sulfate can be added to the irrigation water. It is worth noting that for ornamental plants with dense hairs on their leaves, such as Baobao, Tripterygium, Tripterygium, Begonia, etc., the leaves are not easy to evaporate after droplets, which can easily lead to leaf rot, and only a small amount of spray is feasible; the flower buds of Fulang flower (African chrysanthemum) and the leaf center of Magnolia can not be drenched with water, and the flow of dirty water into the leaves will cause heart damage. Pineapples must be watered less, sprayed more, and injected water into the leaf tube in order to meet their needs. When watering and spraying potted plants this month, you must pay attention to loosening the soil, but every 10 days, otherwise it will lead to pot soil hardening due to repeated watering. For dormant and semi-dormant flower species, watering and spraying should be controlled to keep the basin soil slightly moist, and a relatively cool environment can be created by spraying water around the flowerpot.

II. Fertilization

In August, foliage plants Such as tortoise back bamboo, one-leaf orchid, rubber tree, spring feather, brown bamboo, red (green) gemstone, southern sequoia, golden wasabi, beautiful needle sunflower, sunflower, fishtail sunflower, sunflower, green apple, Brazilian wood, Dutch iron, fortune tree, kidney fern, dew tree, ash wood (African jasmine), orchid cinnamon (peace wood), gold coin tree (dragon and Phoenix wood), taro, green emperor, green queen, poinsettia, pink leaf, goose palm wood, peach leaf coral, green queen Pocket coconut, leafy wood, star anise gold plate, etc. Can be applied with low concentration of liquid fertilizer, such as urea, flower special fertilizer or cake fertilizer. For species with long flowering period, such as rose, magnolia, jasmine, pearl orchid, crape myrtle, pomegranate, Milan, four seasons cinnamon, cinnamon, triangular plum, five-colored plum, etc., as well as daidai, bergamot, kumquat, lemon, rich seeds, firethorn, golden marbles, pomegranate, pumpkin, papaya, etc., in addition to ensuring nitrogen supply, we should also apply appropriate amount of available phosphate and potassium fertilizer, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. For potted grass flowers blooming in autumn, such as red, thousand-day red, dry chrysanthemum, marigold, peacock grass, longkou flower, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, pocket sunflower, etc., thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every semimonthly to ensure the reproduction of leaves and flowers after autumn. For the species of flowers and trees in flower bud differentiation, such as camellia, tea plum, plum blossom, sweet-scented osmanthus, rhododendron and so on, low concentration of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to the leaves. When applying organic fertilizer to ornamental plants, do not drop the fertilizer on the leaves, so as not to cause the leaves to rot. For the sake of safety, spray water on the leaf surface in time after fertilization to rinse away the fertilizer droplets that may adhere to the leaves. For ornamental plant species in dormant or semi-dormant state, such as orchid, crabapple, calla lily, cyclamen, Daphne, aloe, longevity flower, purslane, crab claw orchid, sedum, purple triangle leaf sorrel, cactus, cactus, etc., it is necessary to stop all forms of topdressing, otherwise it is easy to lead to rotten roots or death.

Begonia semperflorens

Third, shading

In August, the heat is still strong, so it is still very important to manage the shade of potted flowers in the courtyard. For those cool ornamental plant species Such as tortoise back bamboo, spring feather, cherry angel, rubber tree, hulk, hulk, taro, taro, red (green) gemstone, brown bamboo, green apple, green emperor, green queen, bluegrass, pink daiye, pepper grass, pineapple, water mass flower, mirror grass, fern, Buddha belly bamboo, Phoenix tail bamboo, hanging orchid, auspicious grass, pocket coconut, netted grass, purple velvet, blood leaf orchid, silver silk grass, black leaf Guanyin lotus, crystal candle, anthurium, anthurium Begonia, rich bamboo, one-leaf orchid, asparagus, purple calyx, etc. Can continue to give shade, pull up the shade net at 9: 00 in the morning, and then withdraw after 4: 00 in the afternoon. If the number of potted flowers is small, they can also be moved indoors for 6 to 7 hours before and after noon. If there are conditions, you can also move it to the shade of big trees and wait until the middle of September to move out from the shade of trees.

4. Pruning

In August, those stump bonsai that are vigorous, pruning-resistant and easy to germinate continue to be heart-picked or trimmed, such as hammer elm, Finch plum, Fujian tea, banyan tree, white wax, bayberry, melon seed and yellow poplar. Cut the rose, pomegranate, Milan and so on after each flower. Potted chrysanthemums should do a good job of peeling buds and removing buds.

V. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

In August, scale insects, citrus butterflies, rose leaf wasps, peach red-necked longicorn beetles and other pests should be controlled. Pay attention to the prevention of orchid leaf diseases, including anthracnose, Botrytis cinerea, leaf blight and so on. Pay attention to the control of chrysanthemum aphids, leaf moths, borer and so on.

Winter conservation skills of potted flower crab claw orchid, also known as Christmas cactus, crab claw lotus and cactus flower, belong to the genus Cactus of the cactus family. Light green, the new stem node is reddish, the main stem is round, easy to be lignified, branched, nodal, spiny hairs on the thorn seat, flowers born on the top of the stem node thorn seat. Common cultivated varieties are bright red, pink, apricot yellow, and pure white. Because of the joint diameter, it is shaped like a crab's secondary claw. Leafy stems flattened and jointed, fleshy, ovoid, bright green, apex truncate, margin coarsely serrate. The flower is born at the top of the stem, the perianth opens and rolls upside down, and the colors are lilac, yellow, red, pure white, pink, orange and two colors. Winter maintenance of crab claw orchid 1, light crab claw orchid is a short-day flower, sunshine 8 to 10 hours a day, 2 to 3 months can blossom. In winter, the crab claw orchid should be placed in a sunny place indoors to receive sunlight to promote flower bud differentiation, and often turn the flowerpot so that it can receive uniform sunlight in all directions to ensure the development of flower buds and balanced flowering. Indoor placement of crab claw orchid should pay attention to shading, otherwise it is not conducive to the formation of flower buds. 2. As the temperature decreases, the crab claw orchid should be moved to the sunny place indoors to avoid freezing damage. Room temperature should be kept at about 15 ℃. The best temperature during flowering period is 10 ℃ to 15 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 5 ℃ or higher than 20 ℃, the plant growth and flowering will be affected. Move the flowerpot to the place of scattered light during flowering to prolong the viewing period. The most taboo is that the temperature suddenly drops or the temperature difference between day and night is too big; if the temperature suddenly drops below 10 ℃ during flowering, there will be bud drop and flower drop. 3. Although crab claw orchids like to be wet, their rootstocks (such as cactus and three-rowed arrows) like to dry, so when watering, they should master the principle of "better dry than wet, not dry but not watered, dry then thoroughly". In winter, due to low temperature, watering should not be too much, generally every 4 to 5 days, often keep the soil moist. Avoid stagnant water in the basin, otherwise the root is easy to rot. Spraying foliar water during pregnancy is good for multiple buds, so spray water frequently to keep abnormal stems and buds moist. When the crab claw orchid appears after the flower bud, must avoid the basin soil is too dry and too wet, lest cause falling bud, falling flower. 4. For the crab claw orchid that is pregnant with fertilizer, sufficient fertilizer and water should be supplied, which is beneficial not only to the formation of flower buds, but also to the bright color of flowers. Fertilization should be based on phosphate fertilizer, or application of retting dilute liquid fertilizer, once every 7 to 10 days, to promote the formation of buds. It can also be sprayed with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on both sides of leaves and flower buds, or combined watering mixed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate (same concentration as before). This kind of flower promotion and fertilization should be carried out until the bud blooms. When the crab claw orchid enters the flowering stage, in order to ensure continuous flowering, liquid fertilizer or phosphorus, potassium fertilizer or a small amount of compound fertilizer can be applied every 10 to 15 days. If the required nutrients are insufficient, it will not only be difficult for the buds to blossom, but also cause continuous buds and flowers to fall. 5. The grafted crab claw orchid grows vigorously, generally using thin bamboo pieces or lead wire to make a round support to prop up the drooping stem nodes, spread around into an umbrella, and cut off the uneven stem nodes and disease and insect branches, and properly remove the over-dense and weak buds on the stem nodes. Keep a strong bud in the leaves at each node and remove other buds, which can save nutrition, concentrate on supplying the remaining buds, make the buds grow, and the flowers are of the same size and bright colors. As the crab claw orchid blossoms constantly, the residual flowers and top leaves should be cut off in time to save nutrients and preserve plant potential. 6. the most common pest to control diseases and insect pests is the shell insect, which is most likely to be found in the environment with poor ventilation in winter. Scale insects do great harm to crab claw orchid, which causes rust spots on rootstocks and scions, which affects beauty, while strict insects lead to plant death. When it is found that there are shell insects, they should be removed immediately with utensils. Most of the insects can be removed with a brush or scraped with bamboo, and then sprayed with 500-800 times liquid omethoate for 2 to 3 consecutive times. The rot of crab claw orchid is caused by poor exhaust of the basin soil and continuous excessive moisture, resulting in rootstock decay. 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be regularly sprayed with 500 times liquid sterilization, such as local decay, the decayed part can be cut off with a sterilized knife, and the wound cannot be drenched until it is healed. In addition, in cultivation, some crab claw orchids often grow well, but do not blossom or blossom very little. Should check whether the placement is appropriate, because it is a short-day plant, the plant can form buds only when the light is less than 10 to 12 hours a day, such as sufficient light during the day and strong light at night, under such long light conditions, plants are often difficult to form buds. Conservation skills of potted flower petunia in winter Petunia, also known as Bidong eggplant, is a plant of the genus Solanaceae. Petunia has large flowers, rich colors and varied flower patterns, so it has become an important potted plant and flower bed plant. Petunia is native to South America and likes warm and sunny environment. It is not cold-resistant and afraid of rain and waterlogging. The optimum temperature for growth of Petunia is 13-18 ℃, and the winter temperature is 4-10 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 4 ℃, the plant growth stops and can withstand the low temperature of-2 ℃. Petunia should be placed on the windowsill or in the sunny room near the windowsill to pay attention to ventilation, not only when entering the room, but also in the sunny weather at noon in the whole winter, so as to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. it is also conducive to the robust growth of flowers. Adequate light is the key point for the growth of petunia, and it is also the key for dwarfs to spend the winter if they can ensure enough light. After the beginning of winter, the temperature continues to drop, the metabolism of petunia is slow, and very little water and fertilizer are needed. Therefore, we can continue to water and fertilize according to the actual needs. Watering always follows the principle of no dry and no watering, and watering means thorough watering. If the basin soil is not too dry, do not water, to avoid excessive watering caused by rotting roots and leaves or causing young branches to grow, affecting flower bud differentiation and weakening cold resistance. When watering flowers in winter, be sure to go through the sun so that the water temperature is close to room temperature. Watering time must be around 1000, if watered in the evening, the night is cold, the roots of flowers are vulnerable to freezing damage. Fertilization is based on the growth situation, appropriate topdressing nitrogen fertilizer. Indoor air is dry in winter, petunias should often be sprayed with water close to room temperature to wash the leaves, remove dust and keep clean, to facilitate photosynthesis, but spraying water can not increase moisture in the basin to prevent rotting roots. Indoor potted flowers are prone to aphids, whitefly, shell insects and other pests in winter, so we should pay attention to prevention and control in time. Aphids generally can not be sprayed with permethrin, which is easy to cause drug damage and affect growth.