
Methods and key points of pot cultivation of Anthurium andraeanum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Anthurium andraeanum is a flower plant from South America, and it is also a very common indoor flowering plant. Generally, Anthurium andraeanum can be cultivated by pot or hydroponic culture. What the editor introduces to you today is the method and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum potted plant. Interested friends can learn about it together.

Anthurium andraeanum is a flower plant from South America, and it is also a very common indoor flowering plant. General Anthurium andraeanum can be cultivated by pot or hydroponic culture. What the editor introduces to you today is the method and points for attention of Anthurium andraeanum potted plant. Interested friends can learn about it together.

Anthurium andraeanum (details)

1. Soil matrix

The soil matrix for planting Anthurium andraeanum must keep good permeability and no stagnant water. When family farming, you can choose to buy prepared culture soil in the horticultural shop and add a mixture of ceramsite and dry bark (ceramsite: dry bark = 2:1) as the substrate. The substrate needs to be disinfected before planting to prevent Anthurium andraeanum from being affected by insect pests in the later stage of growth.

Second, temperature requirements

The most suitable growth environment temperature of Anthurium andraeanum should be controlled between 14 and 35 degrees. In winter, when the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, it is easy to cause red frost damage. Pay attention to keeping the anthurium warm and warming. In summer, when the temperature is higher than 35 degrees, you should humidify Anthurium andraeanum and spray water around it. Do this even if it is high temperature, but if the humidity is high, Anthurium andraeanum is not easy to be hurt.

III. Fertilization

Anthurium andraeanum has a higher demand for magnesium fertilizer than other foliage plants. When family farming fertilizes Anthurium andraeanum, it is recommended to buy Magic Kang fertilizer and apply it together with foliar fertilizer in the horticultural shop. Or fully water-soluble compound fertilizer such as Huaduoduo universal fertilizer is diluted to 800Mel 1000 times liquid fertilizer and applied regularly (not less than once a week). The principle of Anthurium andraeanum fertilization is to apply less thick fertilizer and frequently apply thin fertilizer.

IV. Watering cycle

Water Anthurium andraeanum according to the dryness of the substrate in the basin. If the temperature is high in summer, it is recommended to water once every two days, and spray water to the leaves at noon to increase the relative humidity of the room. In winter, it is recommended to water it once every 7 days. Watering in the cold season should be carried out between 9 am and 4 pm to avoid frostbite to the roots. Generally speaking, water can be watered every 3 days in spring and autumn. Avoid adding water when the plant is seriously short of water, which will affect the growth and development of Anthurium andraeanum. In the process of watering, dry and wet must be carried out alternately, do not water in the case of serious water shortage, this will affect its normal growth and development.

How to raise Anthurium andraeanum in spring, and the key points of maintenance in spring.

Anthurium andraeanum with unique flowers, bright color and gorgeous bud is one of our common ornamental flowers. Anthurium andraeanum can be used as a potted plant. the single flowering period of potted plants can be as long as 4-6 months, and it can blossom every year, so it can be planted in many families. The maintenance of Anthurium andraeanum is relatively simple, but many people do not know how to raise Anthurium andraeanum in spring. Today, the editor has helped you sort out the key points of Anthurium andraeanum spring maintenance. Let's learn it together.

How to raise Anthurium andraeanum in spring, and the key points of maintenance in spring.

With the increase of temperature in spring, the growth of Anthurium andraeanum also entered a prosperous period. In spring maintenance, Anthurium andraeanum producers should pay attention to the following points:

1. Temperature control should not be ignored just because the weather gets warmer in spring. The suitable temperature for Anthurium andraeanum growth is 21 ℃ to 25 ℃ in daytime, 18 ℃ to 20 ℃ at night, and the temperature difference between day and night is 3 ℃ to 6 ℃. The temperature fluctuation in spring is large, and it is easy to appear "late spring cold". In order to avoid the damage caused by low temperature to Anthurium andraeanum, the greenhouse should be heated at night.

two。 Paying attention to ventilation and humidity is also a key work of Anthurium andraeanum management in spring. As the temperature rises in spring, but the temperature at night is still low, the increase of temperature difference leads to an increase in humidity in the greenhouse, thus increasing the probability of the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Therefore, producers should ventilate regularly to reduce the air humidity in the greenhouse. The ventilation system of the greenhouse, such as skylight, internal circulation fan and water curtain fan, can be used to adjust the humidity to strengthen the air circulation in the greenhouse and keep the air humidity at 70% to 75%.

3. When the temperature is less than 25 ℃ in early spring, the plants should be cultured in sufficient light, and should be moved to semi-shade in the late spring. In the south, Anthurium andraeanum should be shaded at noon to avoid strong light causing burns to the plants. However, the light should not be dark for a long time, otherwise it will affect the subsequent flowering, and the leaves are easy to lose luster, and the new petiole is also easy to grow, affecting the plant shape. The suitable light for Anthurium andraeanum is 10 to 15000 lux. If the light is not very strong in spring, an internal shading system with low refractive index can be used, which can not only play a shading role in the daytime, but also play a role in heat preservation at night.

4. Prevention of diseases and insect pests in spring, with the increase of temperature and humidity, diseases and insect pests are also slowly "revived". We should be on guard against common diseases and insect pests such as aphids, red spiders, leaf spot disease, bacterial wilt, and so on. In addition, weeds also begin to germinate and grow in spring, and it is a good hiding place for disease and insect sources, so it is necessary to always check under the planting bed to remove weeds. When the occurrence of diseases and insect pests is serious, the use of ammonium nitrogen should be reduced, because ammonium nitrogen is easy to reduce plant resistance.

How to raise Anthurium andraeanum in spring, the maintenance points of Anthurium andraeanum in spring are briefly introduced here. Anthurium andraeanum belongs to tropical rain forest. Indoor cultivation should control room temperature, the optimum temperature for growth is 18 ℃-- 28 ℃, and the highest temperature should not exceed 35 ℃. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the room moist and cool to avoid too muggy and dry soil.

Management points and breeding methods of newly bought potted plants if you are a novice and begin to like those lovely flowers and plants again, you are impulsive to buy some small potted plants and start your own journey of growing flowers. But flower lovers, new potted plants bought from the market have a transitional period, you know? Do you know how to make it through this period safely? It doesn't matter if I don't know, let's share it with you! If you are not sure, try to choose the original soil in the original basin, and try to choose local plants (north flowers raised in the south or south flowers in the north, which requires certain technical requirements, which may not be suitable for beginners), and try to choose the species that bloom in season as far as possible. this is easy to slow seedling recovery (anti-season flowering plants, due to breaking the law of growth, after changing the new environment, it may take a long time to recover. It needs to adapt to the current environment, which is a process. Management points and breeding methods of newly bought potted plants 1. Treatment steps of newly bought potted plants slow seedling stage after buying at home, in any case, slow seedling is a necessary step, slow seedling maintenance, for the vast majority of plants, are very suitable. It is necessary to slow down the seedlings of newly bought plants, which cannot be skipped. The maintenance method is relatively simple, put in a relatively fixed place of scattered light and ventilation, do not need to use fertilizer and let it bask in the sun prematurely, usually give it enough water when it is time to water: note that the topsoil is dry, it is thoroughly watered; this kind of watering method is universal at any time. As the plant is still slow seedling, there are a small number of yellow leaves or a small number of fallen flowers and buds, it is a normal phenomenon; as long as the growth resumes smoothly in the future, then this phenomenon will disappear naturally. As for how long to slow down, it is based on the situation of the plant itself; because of the great difference in plant species, in general, the small plant is faster than the large slow seedling, and the herbaceous one is faster than the woody one. Planting is only suitable for plants with bare roots or clots on their roots after being bought, which requires choosing a suitable flowerpot according to personal preference or actual situation. After planting, be sure to pour enough water, and then put scattered light and ventilation. Let it slowly recover. Note: planting should be carried out as soon as possible, and it is not recommended to plant it after a period of time, so as not to affect the survival. Change the pot of newly bought flowers, if you feel that the flowerpot is more appropriate, the soil is also suitable, then this step can be completely ignored. Only when you feel that the flowerpot is inappropriate or the soil is inappropriate, can you consider it. Management points and cultivation methods of newly purchased potted plants if it is a soft plastic flowerpot, you can cut off this kind of flowerpot and bring the whole soil to get the plant out; if such a flowerpot has other uses in the future (raising seedlings or planting other plants), then there is no need to cut it, keep the flowerpot as it is, wet the potted soil, and then carefully raise the plant. Pay attention to this process, must be careful, as far as possible so that the roots of the plant, less damage, in order to promote slow seedling recovery in the future. After changing the basin, watering is necessary, this watering is also called fixed root water, the aim is to make the root system and soil closely combine. The time to change the basin will take place in the afternoon or evening after it is bought. If there is a rainy day, it can be carried out in time, and the sooner the better; and do not change it again in a few days, this may be more disadvantageous to it, because, after a few days, the plant may have come back to life, but at this time to change its basin, and let it slow to recover. Objectively, it will prolong its slow seedling period (which should have been restored in 3-4 days, but may be extended to 1-2 weeks or more), which is not conducive to subsequent growth. After the plant changes the basin, the slow seedling has to come back (the calculation of the slow seedling stage, in the case of continuous change of the basin, starting with the time of the last change of the basin), this must be kept in mind that how it was raised before, after changing the basin, is in vain; this is the greatest risk of changing the basin; choosing the right time to change the basin can effectively reduce the risk, but it will bring greater risk if the time is not right. Key points of management and breeding methods of newly bought potted plants 2. Understanding of the breeding methods of newly bought potted plants it is best to know its name when buying potted plants, in order to easily inquire about its growth habits, living environment, origin and climate, management points, cultivation techniques, prevention of diseases and insect pests and so on. Query these in order to make it better adapt to the new environment. This information can be found on the Internet or in bookstores. After creating an environment of origin and knowing its growth habits and living environment, we try our best to create such an environment so that it can slowly adapt to the new environment and go through this transition period safely. why do we have to adapt to the new environment and create an environment of origin for it? This is because it must go through this transition period and go through the transition period in order to grow healthily in the new environment. Because its hometown [origin] is such an environment, and it was grown in a greenhouse before it was sold to us, where the temperature / humidity / light / water / and other conditions are better than those of our home or office. So create this transitional environment. Photo comparison take a picture of it on the first day after buying it, reflecting its details such as growth point, leaf color size, glossiness, and so on as much as possible, in order to make a comparison with the future [about half a month to a month]. Because it's in a healthy state now. A, if the future is better than now, then congratulations! You have mastered its growth habits! On the contrary, we have to find out what the problem is. Then according to the information you have in the first step, you can prescribe the right medicine to the case. B. if there is no change in the half moon, it shows that it is slowly adapting to the new environment, and after adapting to the new environment, it begins to smoke new and spit green. Watering principle for newly bought potted plants, enthusiasm, freshness are very strong, look at it later, watering it, watering it has a principle: after the pot soil is dry, then water thoroughly, that is to say, dig the soil in the flowerpot by hand, the soil is loose, this is after the pot soil is dry; watering is to slowly pour water into the flowerpot, let the water slowly seep down, until a lot of water flows out of the leak, which is considered to be thoroughly watered. If you can't water a little every day, the roots may rot if you water it every day. Management points and breeding methods of newly bought potted plants people like to change pots and soil for newly bought potted plants. This is not recommended. The reason is: if you have changed a new growth environment, you have to change the soil environment for it. Plants with strong adaptability are good, but what if they are not strong? It's easy to get sick and die. If you change the soil, it depends on the adaptability of this plant. After pouring water through the loose soil, stop for two days, loosen the basin soil at a depth of about 1 cm, one is to prevent the consolidation of the basin soil, and the other is to conserve soil moisture and water. During the transition period, the adaptation period [transition period] of various potted plants is different. The short ones have one or two days, the long ones have a month or even half a year. It depends on what kind of plant it is and what kind of environment it is in. Note if the merchant tampered with the potted plant, you don't know that the potted plant is not viable, this situation is excluded. Management points and breeding methods of newly bought potted plants 3. The cultivation and management of newly bought potted plants can be managed with reference to its habits after successfully passing through the slow seedling period. For those who like the sun (such as jasmine, pomegranate, Chinese wolfberry, ornamental chili, etc.), be sure to keep them in places with sufficient light and good ventilation; for those who like shade (Anthurium andraeanum, bamboo taro, etc.), scatter light and keep them ventilated as usual. In the case of suitable temperature, fertilizer can be used as appropriate (for foliage plants and flower and fruit plants, there will be differences). When the growth environment is stable, the position should be fixed as far as possible; only when there is a sudden change in the weather and a significant change in the environment (such as a substantial drop in temperature or heating up), it can be moved to a more ideal location (such as plants coming out of the house in spring or entering the house in autumn).