
Maintenance and Management of Beauty Sakura

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The flowering period of Beautiful Sakura is from May to November, which can be said to be the peak growing season in spring and autumn. The planting difficulty of Beautiful Sakura is not high, and there are not many requirements for waste water, but in the summer dormant period, we need to pay attention to the control of fertilizer and water, and watering should also pay attention to the external weather to choose the length of watering cycle.

The flowering period of Beautiful Sakura is from May to November, which can be said to be the peak growing season in spring and autumn. The planting difficulty of Beautiful Sakura is not high, and there are not many requirements for waste water, but in the summer dormancy period, we need to pay attention to the control of fertilizer and water, and watering should also pay attention to the external weather to choose the length of the watering cycle.

Beautiful Sakura

First, moisture: Sakura is sensitive to water in the growth process, afraid of drought and avoid stagnant water. The basin soil must be kept moist during the seedling stage, which is beneficial to the growth of seedlings. After growing up, the drought tolerance is strengthened, such as high temperature and large water consumption, we should pay attention to ensure sufficient water. If there are more overcast and rainy days, the light branches grow thin and weak, the flowering decreases, and the heavy stems and leaves wilt gradually, even die.

Second, light: light is very important to the growth and development of Sakura. Beautiful cherry needs plenty of sunshine from seedling growth to flowering, with strong stem and leaf growth, dense flowers and branches, continuous flowering and bright colors. If you are in a semi-overcast state or lack of light for a long time, the stems and leaves are easy to grow, the flowering is reduced, the flowers become smaller, and the colors are not bright.

Third, fertilization: beauty cherry seedlings need less fertilizer, in order to promote the rapid growth of cherry, early seedling, shorten the seedling stage, proper fertilization is necessary. Fertilization in the seedling stage of beautiful cherry should be based on the principle of frequent and thin application, so as not to hurt the root and affect the growth and development in the later stage. In order to enrich the branches and leaves and prolong the flowering period when cultivating beautiful cherry in a large area, it is suggested to apply more organic fertilizer or more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. During the peak growth period, the cherry should be fertilized once or twice a month.

Fourth, pruning: beautiful cherry branches are creeping, if not pruned properly, it will affect ventilation and light transmission and cause natural death at the base, which is conducive to the breeding of diseases and insect pests and affect its normal growth and development. Therefore, for large area cultivation, the over-dense branches should be pruned timely, and re-pruned once a year after the full flowering period.

Maintenance and Management of Beautiful Sakura in four Seasons

Sakura, also known as the four seasons hydrangea, paving brocade, beauty cherry, etc., is a perennial herbaceous flower, native to tropical South America, very adaptable. When the beautiful cherry blossoms, it can be arranged along the edge of the balcony. The editor will introduce to you the main points of the four seasons of Beautiful Sakura. Friends who like Beautiful Sakura can learn about it.

Beautiful Sakura

1. It is suitable to be arranged on the balcony facing south, east and west in autumn. Sowing at the beginning of September, when the sowing seedlings grow to 5cm, they can be planted in the basin, and the basin soil had better use well-drained, loose and fertile soil. After the transplantation survived, it could be fertilized for 1 or 2 times. Autumn is the peak growing season of Sakura, so the soil should be kept moist and well lit. Before the temperature drops at the end of autumn, it should be moved to a closed balcony with sufficient light.

2. It is suitable to be arranged on the balcony facing south and east in winter. Sakura is not cold-resistant and can be cultivated in a closed balcony with light about 0 ℃. Sakura cultivated on an unclosed balcony wraps the basin with warm material or buries it on the ground to prevent freezing roots. Keep the basin soil slightly wet and well illuminated. No fertilizer.

3. It is suitable to be arranged on the balcony facing south, east and west in spring. After the temperature rises, the growth of Sakura begins to resume, the soil should be kept moist and adequate light should be kept, and regular fertilization should be applied after flowering. Flowering plants arranged indoors should pay attention to supplementary lighting. At the same time, it should be often sprayed to the leaf surface and around to increase air humidity.

4. It is suitable to be arranged on the balcony facing south, east and west in summer. The beautiful woman Yingsheng grows up in the tropics and can withstand high temperatures. Summer does not need cooling and protection, can be arranged in the light of the balcony hanger training, viewing. Due to high temperature and large evaporation, it is necessary to water the soil in time, keep the soil moist and fertilize regularly in order to keep blooming.

The cultivation method of Beautiful Sakura maintenance and Management skills of Beautiful Cherry Blossom period

The beautiful cherry blossom is rich in color and has a long flowering period, so many flower lovers like to cultivate beautiful cherry, but they are faced with the dilemma of not knowing the breeding method of beautiful cherry. This paper introduces the breeding methods of beautiful cherry and the maintenance and management skills of beautiful cherry blossoms!

Beautiful Sakura

Sakura is a perennial herb of Verbenaceae. Although it is perennial, it is generally cultivated as an annual plant. The beautiful cherry blossom period is from May to November every year. The beautiful cherry is sunny, not shade-tolerant, cold-resistant and drought-resistant. It can blossom normally in hot summer and grow in sunny, loose and fertile soil. The flowers will be more luxuriant and can survive the winter in a warmer microclimate in Shanghai. In the process of maintenance, flower friends should pay attention to the shallower roots of beautiful cherry, so they should pay attention to watering in summer to prevent drought, too much or too little water during the maintenance period is not conducive to growth, too much water, the stem is thin and weak, and the number of flowers is reduced; lack of water, plant growth and development is poor, there will be the phenomenon of early fruiting.

Beautiful Sakura

Breeding method of Beauty Sakura:

Sakura can be propagated and cutted. the germination rate is only about 50%. At the temperature of 15-17 ℃, seedlings begin to emerge after 2-3 weeks. After sowing, the seeds should be placed in a dark place, not only to keep the soil moist, but also to keep the air moist. Watering can not be directly watered from top to bottom, apply noodle plates and other containers to hold water 3cm to 4cm deep, and then soak the flowerpot. Let the water invade from the outlet hole of the basin and take it out after the soil is wet, otherwise the germination rate will be even lower. Most of the sowing time is in spring, and it can blossom in July.

Beautiful Sakura

Beauty cherry cuttage can be carried out in May to June every year, take semi-lignified branches, cut into 5cm long segments to do cuttings, insert in the wet sand bed, immediately after shading, after 2-3 days can be slightly seen in the morning, evening sun, to promote growth, after about two weeks can send out new buds, rooting. The seedlings were transplanted when they had 5-6 true leaves and were planted when they reached 7-8 cm.

Beautiful Sakura

Maintenance and management of beautiful cherry blossom period:

1. Florescence management: beautiful cherry blossoms are watered every 2-3 days, and the residual flowers are removed. After flowering, it can be pruned moderately at 5cm off the ground, and then watered and fertilized to sprout new buds and blossom again.

Beautiful Sakura

2. Watering points: although Sakura can withstand drought, the uniform moisture of the culture soil can make the plant grow more luxuriantly. In spring, autumn and winter, it should be watered every 2-3 days, once a day in summer or once in the morning and evening.

3. Key points of fertilization: if there is too much nitrogen fertilizer and less flowering, so the three elements are applied evenly.