
Cultivation methods and key points of maintenance of iron tree

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The iron tree likes the warm and humid environment, but it is not cold-resistant. Although the cultivation of the iron tree is not difficult, it still needs to pay attention to the cultivation methods if you want to plant a beautiful iron tree. The life span of iron trees is about 200 years, but the iron trees cultivated in the Yangtze River basin and northern parts of China rarely blossom, and some do not even blossom all their lives.

The iron tree likes the warm and humid environment, but it is not cold-resistant. Although the cultivation of the iron tree is not difficult, it still needs to pay attention to the cultivation methods if you want to plant a beautiful iron tree. The life span of the iron tree is about 200 years, but the iron trees cultivated in the Yangtze River valley and the north rarely blossom, and some do not even blossom all their lives.


1. Cultivate soil. Preferably fertile sandy loam. The matching ratio is one part of loam, one part of compost humus soil and one part of coal ash, which is fully mixed. This kind of soil, loose and fertile, permeable and breathable, is very suitable for the growth of iron trees.

2. Trim. When the stem grows as high as 50 cm, the old leaves should be cut off in spring, and then cut in a circle every year, or at least once in 3 years. If the plant is still small and the degree of expansion is not ideal, you can cut off all the leaves, which will not affect the angle of the new leaves and make the plant more perfect. When pruning, you should cut to the base of the petiole as far as possible to make the stem neat and beautiful.

3. Change the basin. Potted iron trees should pay attention to changing pots, at least once every 5 years. When changing the basin, the basin soil can be mixed with phosphate fertilizer such as bone powder, and the time for changing the basin should be about 15 degrees Celsius. At this time, if the growth is exuberant, some old roots should be cut off appropriately to facilitate the growth of new roots in time.

How to raise the iron tree? Introduction to the culture methods and cultivation points of Tieshu mainly grows in Asia and originated in the south of China, India, Japan and other places. The cultivation and growth of iron trees like a warm and humid environment, not resistant to cold, but resistant to shade. And the iron tree growth process, will be more sensitive to iron deficiency, so in the iron tree culture, should be appropriate to add iron filings to the culture basin soil. As the saying goes, "the iron trees have blossomed." In fact, the cultivation of iron trees is very rare to blossom, generally only the trees that have been cultivated for 20 or 30 years will bloom, and the flowering period is from June to August. Although iron trees rarely blossom, their leaves are magnificent, so they are often raised as excellent foliage plants. The following editor introduces the breeding method of iron tree in detail. First, the cultivation method of iron tree 1. Soil: potted iron tree is suitable for slightly acidic sandy soil with good drainage, loose and fertile soil. 2. Temperature: the iron tree likes to be warm, so it should be cooled by spraying water properly when it is hot in summer, and the room temperature should be kept at about 10 ℃ in winter. As the growth of the iron tree is relatively slow, the hot sun should be avoided in summer, otherwise it is easy to cause the phenomenon of scorched leaves and yellow leaves. The iron tree has strong cold resistance, but when the winter temperature is 0 ℃, it should move indoors or in a warm place to survive the winter. 3. Light: the iron tree can not be placed indoors for too long, because the iron tree likes the light, and the lack of light will make its new leaves sparse, thin and green. Therefore, the four seasons of iron tree breeding need to be placed in a sunny place, especially when new leaves grow in spring and autumn, they should be maintained in direct sunlight, and then move indoors to watch when the new leaves grow old. 4. Watering: during the growing period of spring and summer, the basin should be kept moist, but not waterlogged. When it is hot in summer, you should often spray foliar water to keep the leaf color bright green. The iron tree enters the dormant period in winter, the water absorption capacity is very small, the basin soil should be dry, if the basin soil is too wet, it will lead to rotten roots. 5. Fertilization: in the vigorous growth season, topdressing should be applied frequently, mainly nitrogen and potash fertilizer. It is better to use rotten cake to fertilize and water. Fertilization should pay attention to the frequent application of thin fertilizer, do not be too thick. In order to promote the dark green and glossy leaves, an appropriate amount of ferrous sulfate solution can be added to the fertilizer. 6. Pruning: in order to have a beautiful posture, the old leaves and withered yellow leaves of the next year should be cut off, and the leaves that are too dense or too long should also be trimmed according to the situation to keep the tree shape symmetrical. 7. Turn the basin: the basin should be turned every 2-3 years, and the suitable time is from March to April in spring. When turning or changing the basin, the withered roots and bad roots should be cut off, and the old soil of 1, 2, 2, 3 should be removed and replaced with fertile and loose new soil, so as to make the plant grow vigorously. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the empty basin floor to facilitate ventilation and water penetration. 9. Pest control: iron tree stalks with hard leaves and fewer diseases and insect pests. There may be the invasion of shell insects. When shell insects are found, they can be killed by manual washing. If the pest is serious, it can be irrigated with 1% ferrous sulfate diluent. It is worth noting that potted iron trees should be placed in a ventilated, transparent, hygienic and clean place, which can also effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. 10. Art bonsai: if you want to cultivate an iron tree bonsai with a certain artistic taste, as long as you cut off all the old leaves after the beginning of spring and become a single tree, and strictly control watering (sometimes without watering for more than ten days). But to apply fertilizer properly (especially more iron fertilizer), new leaves can emerge in May or June and fully accept the light (the longer the sunshine, the better), if the leaves are in the rainy season of Huangmei. Keep out of the rain strictly. Often spray water to the leaves to remove dust, can ensure the return to normal growth, the new leaves are short and thick, bright color, slightly natural curl is of great ornamental value. If you want to make a co-planted iron tree bonsai, you can find three different heights and co-plant them into unequilateral triangles; if only two trees are co-planted, they should be planted into an unequal triangle, which is still an unequilateral triangle with high ornamental value. Second, the causes and treatment methods of iron tree leaves yellowing: 1, water yellow: caused by excessive watering, characterized by no obvious change in old leaves and yellowing of young leaves; this should be controlled immediately; 2. Dry yellow. Caused by lack of water and drought, it is characterized by yellow old leaves from bottom to top. If it is short of water for a long time, the whole plant will be yellow, or even die, so it should be watered in time. 3. Fat yellow. Caused by excessive fertilization or high concentration; characterized by thick, shiny and uneven young leaves; fertilizer, ploughing and watering should be controlled; 4. Hungry yellow. It is caused by insufficient fertilizer, low fertilization concentration, and long interval of fertilization; it is characterized by yellow young leaves and tender stems, and if it is not fertilized in time after seeing this phenomenon, it will also cause yellow leaves and even death of the whole plant; for flowers that lack fertilizer, do not apply a large amount of thick fertilizer at one time, so as not to cause root burning; 5, iron deficiency yellow leaves. Due to the great change of soil fertility conditions, the phenomenon of yellow leaves often appears in the greenhouse, which is characterized by obvious young leaves, light old leaves, yellow mesophyll, green veins and a typical network, which can be solved by using ferrous sulfate solution. the method is as follows: 7 parts of cake fertilizer, 5 parts of ferrous sulfate and 200 parts of water. Third, the role of iron tree culture, the main role of iron tree culture is ornamental, medicinal and so on. The farmed iron tree can be placed in the garden flower bed, flower pile center for decoration, or as a large indoor hall, arranged at the entrance. The leaves of the iron tree can be used as cut flowers to configure flower baskets, wreaths and so on. The leaves, flowers and fruits of the iron tree can be made into medicinal materials, which can be described as having a variety of functions. Conclusion: the above is the introduction of the conservation methods of iron tree. I hope it will be helpful to the friends who plant iron tree. The main points of cultivation of Mexican iron tree

Mexican iron tree is a new variety introduced from abroad in recent years, which is a plant of the family Acanthaceae and the genus Tetranychus, so it is named because its origin is Mexico. The Mexican iron tree has a stable plant type and slow growth, so it is very suitable for decorating in the courtyard, living room or home environment.

Mexican iron tree

1. When it comes to winter, in the area north of Shanghai, it should be moved indoors to keep warm. If the room temperature is about 5 ℃, it will be safe to survive the winter.

2. Summer and autumn are the growing periods. Potted plants can not only be placed in the half shade, but also in the ventilated place with light in the window. Avoid the hot sun above 35 ℃ Celsius, and it is not suitable to put the shade without light for a long time. In this way, the branches and leaves will be withered and yellow or grow too long, affecting the ornamental value.

3. In terms of fertilizer and water, when it is hot in summer and autumn, water should be watered to prevent drying, and the basin soil should be kept moist. And topdressing 1MU twice a month. In early spring or autumn and winter, the basin soil should be dry and avoid being too wet to prevent rotting roots.

In addition, the breeding method can be the same as that of Tieshu, using the method of dividing young trees, and the time should be carried out in spring and summer.