
Key points of maintenance of Huilan

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many varieties of Cymbidium, and the flower-shaped red tail is spectacular. In orchids, the momentum of Cymbidium is very strong, and the fragrance of Cymbidium is rich after flowering, so it is very popular. Some flower friends don't know how to take care of the cymbidium after they bring it home. The editor will introduce you to the maintenance method of the cymbidium.

There are many varieties of Cymbidium, and the flower-shaped red tail is spectacular. In orchids, the momentum of Cymbidium is very strong, and the fragrance of Cymbidium is rich after flowering, so it is very popular. Some flower friends do not know how to take care of the cymbidium after bringing it home. The editor will introduce you to the maintenance method of the cymbidium.


First, select the basin.

It is appropriate to choose deep basins and pottery basins, cultivate orchid pots with general air permeability in a dry environment, and orchid pots with better air permeability in a damp environment.

Second, soil distribution

It is appropriate to choose better quality, such as nutritious soil (Emeishan fairy soil) 30%, blue stone (emperor stone) or broken red brick 30%, Japanese plant stone 30%, snake wood 10%, the above plant materials are mixed and sifted and powdered.

3. Planting

When filling on the basin, we should pay attention to the bottom thick and thin, and even the filling edge gently vibrate, so that Langen can fully contact and enrich the cultivation. The filling height is appropriate to completely cover the false scale rate, and the basin mouth leaves a space of about 2 cm to facilitate watering. It is advisable to water thoroughly without drying or watering.

IV. Disease prevention and pest control

Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of common diseases such as black spot and anthracnose in rainy seasons. fungicides such as chlorothalonil, carbendazim and prochloraz can be used alternately before or after the rainy season, spraying leaves once every 7-10 days. If the occurrence of insect pests, the use of time-saving, pesticides and other appropriate medicine, timely treatment.

Fifth, turn over the basins

From March to June every year, Cymbidium should be exposed to direct sunlight for 5-6 hours (from 6 am to 12:00), which can promote rooting and seedling growth. If it is placed on the southeast balcony, it can accept natural sunshine. When the temperature exceeds 36 ℃, you should avoid the direct sunlight of noon and "Xishan Sun". If it is found that the sharp scorched black, excluding the factor of too much fat and water, it is likely that Langen is born to the bottom of the basin, the wall is stiff, and the focal tip phenomenon will occur on the leaf surface, so the basin should be turned over in time to change soil. First the orchid from the pot, divided into 3-5 seedlings a clump, and then re-pot planting, after the sprue water placed in a cool and ventilated place for 7-10 days, and then gradually increase the light, a month later can be placed on the balcony for cultivation and appreciation.

VI. Fertilization

Lan Hui needs fertilization in spring, summer and autumn except for the dormant period in winter and the high temperature period in midsummer. Specifically, the fertilizers Lanhui needs are budding fertilizer, growth fertilizer, flower-promoting fertilizer and heat-resistant and cold-resistant fertilizer.

1. Sprouting fertilizer is applied to promote early and multiple sprouting. Start to use immediately after leaving the room, mainly to plant complete.

2. Growth fertilizer is applied to promote the rapid growth of new buds of orchid plants, and it is the longest and most frequent application of fertilizer in a year. It is better to use organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and biological bacterial fertilizer with all kinds of fertilizer components, such as Xishuo, Baifei, plant, Duomu, Haokangduo and so on.

3. Flower-promoting fertilizer is applied to promote the development and growth of flower buds and to achieve the purpose of flowering, many flowers, large flowers, colorful color and fragrant taste.

Key points of conservation of Cymbidium grandiflorum

Cymbidium cymbidium is a famous new star of orchids. Because of its large flowers and bright colors, Cymbidium is deeply loved by flower friends. Jiuzi Cymbidium can be said to be the best of Cymbidium. The editor will introduce to you the key points for the maintenance of Cymbidium.

Cymbidium grandiflorum

1. Although Cymbidium is more hardy, it is unbearable at lower temperature. May be hit by cold air on the way home, causing damage to leaves or flowers.

2. It is recommended not to water too much and too often, but to water with clear water close to room temperature, do not water fertilizer during flowering, and then apply fertilizer after flowering, otherwise the flowering period will be shortened and fertilizer damage will occur if you use fertilizer improperly.

3. Cymbidium cymbidium is afraid of strong light, and scattered light is generally better. too weak light will also cause some diseases of its poor growth. generally, indoor appreciation is based on the indoor position to determine the location of flowers. but at this time, we should also pay attention to whether the flowers adapt to the small environment of this location.

Key points for the conservation of Cymbidium in the four seasons

Many people will raise a large flower cymbidium for local decoration at home, because the plant of Cymbidium is tall and straight, the leaves are green, and the flowers are large and gorgeous, which is of great ornamental value. Next, I will tell you about the key points for the conservation of Cymbidium in the four seasons and the language of Cymbidium.

Key points of conservation of Cymbidium in four seasons

1. Spring management

As the temperature begins to rise in spring, ventilation should be strengthened as much as possible to keep the flowering plants in a cooler environment. As the temperature changes greatly during the Spring Festival, do not rush to move it outdoors to protect and promote the growth of new buds, wait for sufficient light before moving to outdoor cultivation. Water should be watered once a day, while flowering plants can only keep the pot soil moist. Fertilize once every 10-15 days. Spring is a good time to change pots or ramet propagation after flowering, which should be implemented as soon as possible. In order to reduce nutrient consumption, the branches of the withered flowers should be cut off immediately, otherwise the growth of new buds will be affected.

2. Summer management

Summer is the early stage of flower bud differentiation, because high temperature is not conducive to flower bud differentiation, so attention should be paid to cooling to promote flower bud differentiation. The temperature below 28 ℃ in summer is beneficial to growth. As the summer sun is strong, 30% of the light should be blocked to protect the leaves from the scorching sun. Water twice a day, if dry at high temperature, spray to the leaf surface. Before July, liquid fertilizer was applied once in about 15 days. Adding solid compound fertilizer once a month can contribute to the growth of new buds, and spraying pesticides and fungicides once a month can effectively control diseases and insect pests.

3. Autumn management

The temperature difference begins to increase in autumn and should be moved into indoor cultivation from October to avoid slow plant growth due to low temperature at night. At this time, sufficient sunlight should be satisfied to increase the accumulation of nutrients. The weather is getting colder in autumn, and it is usually watered once every two days to make the substrate moist as far as possible to protect the newly developed flower buds. During the growth of flower buds, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to make the flower buds fat.

4. Winter management

This is the period when Cymbidium begins to bloom, so be careful that the temperature at night should not exceed 20 ℃, otherwise the buds will fall off. It can be fully exposed to sunlight in winter, making the plant sturdy. It can be watered every 3-4 days in winter, and the humidity is maintained at 60%-70%. Attention should be paid to preventing snails that eat flowers. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering.

The language of Cymbidium

Cymbidium is a high-grade daily flower in winter and spring because of its plump plant shape, emerald green leaves and beautiful wax. Evergreen perennial epiphytic herbs. It is the general name of epiphytic species in the genus Orchidaceae. The pseudobulb is stout, long elliptic, slightly flattened; there are 6 ~ 8 banded leaves above, 70 cm ~ 110 cm long and 2 cm ~ 3 cm wide. The flower stem is suberect or slightly curved, 60 cm ~ 90 cm long, with 6 ~ 12 flowers or more. Scape 40 to 150 cm, light green to dark green leaves, standard flowering stems 3 to 5 per pot, each with 6 to 20 flowers. Among them, the green varieties are more fragrant.

Cymbidium, also known as Cymbidium, Cymbidium and Cicada, is a plant of the genus Cymbidium. Cymbidium has long green leaves, bold and magnificent flowers, and is a world-famous "new star of orchids". It has the delicate fragrance and elegance of the national orchid and the rich and colorful of the foreign orchid. Japanese people call it "East Aram", while Europeans and Europeans also call it "New Meiniang Orchid". In a word, Cymbidium is very likable.

The flower language and symbolic meaning of Cymbidium are: rich and peaceful, noble and elegant. Different colors also have different meanings: yellow represents all the best, pink represents enthusiasm, light green represents ambition, white represents infatuation.

The above is for you to introduce the four seasons of Cymbidium conservation and the language of Cymbidium, hope to help you, more household knowledge, please pay attention.