
Key Techniques of Modern Planting of Rhizoma Atractylodis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The key technology of modern planting of atractylodes rhizome is perennial herb belonging to atractylodes rhizome of compositae family, which is a promising medicinal material variety and worth developing vigorously. 1. Seed selection. Select plump, mature atractylodes seeds without seed treatment...

Key techniques of modern planting of Atractylodes lancea

Atractylodes lancea is a perennial herb belonging to Atractylodes of Compositae. It is a promising variety of medicinal materials, which is worthy of vigorous development.

1. Seed selection. Choose full, mature Atractylodes seeds, do not need to do seed treatment, direct broadcast.

two。 Cultivation plot selection. Atractylodes can be planted in general soil, but it is better to use sandy loam with good drainage, loose and rich in humus.

3. Fertilize and prepare the soil. Before sowing, 2500 kg of manure or ring fertilizer and 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer were applied per mu. After the fertilizer is spread, the depth is turned to 25cm and 30cm, and then leveled and raked fine to make a border with a width of 1.2cm and 1.5m, with a self-defined length.

4. Sow seeds and raise seedlings. Seed direct seeding, seedling transplanting and rhizome propagation can be used. Because the amount of seeds of Atractylodes lancea is small and expensive, so the method of raising seedlings and transplanting is generally adopted. (1) Direct seeding: from late March to early April, using strip sowing, trench is opened according to row spacing of 20cm to 25cm, ditch depth is 2cm, seeds are evenly scattered in the ditch, and after sowing, cover the soil and hold flat. The special seeder for traditional Chinese medicine can also be used to adjust the width and depth, trench, sow, cover soil and compaction in one step. Use 2 kilograms of seed per mu. Water the soil after sowing, but there is no need to water the wet land.

(2) Seedling transplanting: the nursery land is ploughed flat and raked fine to make a border, with a width of 1.0 to 1.5 meters and a length of 5 to 6 meters. Sow seeds according to row spacing of 10-15 cm and ditch depth of 2 cm, cover the soil flat, pay attention to watering, and keep the field moist. Planting 5kg / mu can transplant 67mu of land. In the spring of the second year after sowing, the whole rhizome was dug out and transplanted into the whole field. (3) Rhizome propagation: in March-April or September-October, combined with harvest, dig the rhizome, shake off the soil, cut the rhizome into small pieces, each piece left 2-3 buds, and then planted into the cultivation border, row spacing 27cm 30 cm, plant spacing 15 cm, watering after covering soil, about 80 kg rhizome per mu. After sowing and watering in spring, when the ground is slightly dry, it can be sprayed with pendimethalin [Jishan Huayao], which can effectively control annual Gramineae weeds and some broad-leaved weeds.

5. Field management. The main results are as follows: (1) the seedlings are fixed: the seedlings are not used in the nursery plots and after transplanting in the field, but not in the direct seeding. Atractylodes macrocephala should be dense and should not be dilute, when the seedling height is 5 to 6 centimeters, the seedling can be done at once, and it is appropriate not to be crowded. If there is a shortage of seedlings, it should be made up in time. (2) weeding in middle ploughing: after the emergence of Atractylodes seedlings, no matter seedling transplanting or rhizome propagation, it is necessary to loosen the soil and weed in time to promote root extension, which is beneficial to the growth of Atractylodes seedlings. Chinese herbal medicine lawnmower can be used to loosen the soil and weed. When the seedling of Atractylodes macrocephala is 10 cm high, the herbicide "Chrysanthemum Atractylodes Caoqing" can be sprayed to remove most of the weeds. If Rhizoma Atractylodis has been sprayed with sealing medicine before emergence, so that a special herbicide can be sprayed again, the whole growth period of Atractylodes can be basically free from weeds, and does not affect the growth of Atractylodes. (3) topdressing: 2000 kg of light human and animal feces per mu and 15 kg of superphosphate from June to July were applied at seedling stage of Atractylodes lancea. Chinese herbal medicine seeder can be used to top fertilizer, and cover the soil directly after fertilization, which can increase the fertilizer efficiency. Pay attention to watering after fertilizing. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent lodging and rotting roots. (4) except for flower buds: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz, whether direct seeding or seedling raising and transplanting, should remove flower buds in order to concentrate nutrients on the roots and promote root growth. Flower bud inhibitor can also be sprayed to inhibit flowering. (5) measures to increase yield: proper close planting, spraying root and stem expansion in the middle of September, the effect of increasing yield was obvious.

6. Pest control. (1) Root rot: the disease often occurs in the rainy season, resulting in root rot, the ability of the plant to absorb water and nutrients is gradually weakened, and finally the whole plant dies. Prevention and control methods: pay attention to ditch drainage in the rainy season, and immediately remove the diseased plants, and then spray with 1000 times of 50% bacillus special wettable powder or 50% topiramine 800 times. (2) aphids: aphids are mainly harmful to leaves and shoots, which can be controlled by spraying 1000 times of 50% fenitrothion emulsion or 3000 times of 50% aldicarb wettable powder.

7. Harvest. Those sown with seeds will be harvested 3 years after sowing, and those propagated with rhizomes will be harvested 2 years after planting. From autumn to spring, sunny days should be selected when digging. After the leaves of Atractylodes have withered, the stems and leaves can be cut off by the seedling cutter, and then the roots can be ploughed by tractors or excavated by large-scale machinery. the whole mechanized operation is more time-saving and labor-saving than manual digging, and the roots are complete and undamaged. Generally, the yield of fresh goods per mu is 1200-1500 kg, and that of dry goods is 340-420 kg per mu.