
Green pineapple is raised like this in summer, the leaves are greasy, and they immediately run up the wall!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Every family has green pineapple, why do other people's houses climb all over the wall, but your home always doesn't grow and return yellow leaves? Don't worry, hurry up to see if you put it in the right position, and feed it some more fat, and immediately the strong leaf green will climb all over the wall, and you can't stop it!

Green pineapple should avoid the light in summer.

Green pineapple is a shady flower, it is best to put it in a ventilated place indoors in summer, not to be exposed to the sun directly, too strong light is easy to make green radish scorched yellow and wilted.

Sunburned green pineapple, the leaves will appear scorched yellow spots, then quickly move to the indoor shade, cut off the sunburned leaves and grow again

You may feel distressed when it comes to cutting leaves. Green pineapple grows slowly. If you cut it again, you won't even see it. Don't worry, just feed it some fat.

When the beer is rubbed, the leaves are green

Beer can promote the metabolism of flowers, not only make the green leaves green and bright, but also make the leaves grow more and more, and grow bigger and bigger.

1. Beer: water = 1:10

Beer needs to be diluted with water, otherwise the sugar content is too high, which is not conducive to flower absorption. The beer used here is already out of breath.

2. Wipe the leaves with beer water

Dip some beer water with a cotton pad or sponge, wipe the leaves, the surface and back of the leaves, and put them in a cool and ventilated place.

After wiping the beer water, the green apple leaves are green, but don't pour them into the basin. Beer will ferment in the soil and burn roots easily, or recruit bugs. Let's just wipe the leaves.

The green apple is watered with soybean milk, and the leaves are big.

Soy products in summer are easy to go bad. Drink leftover soy milk and soy dregs can be retted and fertilized, and add some "ingredients" to green pineapple.

1. Soybean dregs retting fertilizer

Soya-bean milk or soybean dregs is fine. Add some water (bean: water = 1 500), tighten it in a plastic bottle, open the lid in 2-3 days and breathe out. It will be cooked in about 1-2 weeks.

2. Watering flowers with water

Fertilizer: water = 1:50, as long as the fertilizer is ripe, watering flowers will not burn roots, and it is not easy to give birth to insects. Only unripe fertilizer will rot and attract insects.

Take an aspirin and rub the leaves long.

Aspirin contains salicylic acid that promotes flower growth, and expired aspirin at home can also be given to green pineapple to "eat". The leaves are growing crazy!

1. 100ml crushed by aspirin with water

Crush an aspirin and stir well with 100ml water.

2. Spray leaves or pour them in the soil

When aspirin water is poured into a small spray can, it can be sprayed directly on the leaves or poured in the soil, which can speed up the growth of green pineapple and climb vines faster.

You can also mix aspirin with beer and add clean water (medicine: beer: water = 1: 20: 20) this solution is preferably fermented for 3-5 days before use, for better results.

Supplementation of vitamin B12 will make the roots and leaves stronger.

Vitamin B12 can not only promote root growth, but also improve flower immunity and reduce yellow leaves and malnutrition.

1. B12 tablets are crushed and mixed with water (1Suzhou 100)

Break vitamin B12 into pieces, then put it in a bag and crush it with a glass bottle, add 100 times the amount of water and stir it well.

2. Vitamins are watered with green apple twice a month.

Make a good vitamin B12 water, pour it to the green pineapple, but not too often, just water the nutritious water twice a month. In less than a year, the green pineapple can get up.

Vitamin B12 can also be used with beer. Pill: beer: water = 1-20-20: 2000. It is also used 3-5 days after fermentation, and the effect is better.

Raise green pineapple in fish tank and climb the wall crazily

Flower friends who raise turtles or fish at home can leave the waste water when changing water and use it to water the green apple after 1-2 days of precipitation, which contains a lot of nutrition and is a pure natural organic fertilizer.

Some flower lovers keep green turnips directly in fish tanks, which is also a good way, so that hydroponic culture will not give birth to insects (fish will eat insects), but also make green turnips grow more vigorously.

Flower friends, have you learned it?

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