
The Poverty Alleviation activity of Forestry Science and Technology to the Countryside walks into Dalat Banner

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The Poverty Alleviation activity of Forestry Science and Technology to the Countryside walks into Dalat Banner

From May 23 to 25, led by the person in charge of the Promotion Department of the Science and Technology Department of the State Forestry Administration, and an expert team composed of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Beijing Forestry University, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Ordos Forestry Bureau and the Academy of Forestry Sciences, a series of activities of the 2017 National Forestry Science and Technology week-Forestry Science and Technology to the Countryside to Poverty Alleviation to the Countryside into Dalat Banner were carried out. Activities include popular science exhibitions, technical advice, special lectures, field guidance and so on. Wang Guoxiang, former vice chairman of the Ordos Municipal Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference and president of the Municipal Association for Sand Prevention and Control, attended the event.

In the expert lecture, the person in charge of the New Technology Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, the National Forest Germplasm Resources sharing Service platform, the School of soil and Water Conservation of Beijing Forestry University and the Ordos Forestry Bureau made special reports on "the situation and Engineering Control of Desert Prevention and Control in China" and "the Construction of production-University-Research platform for Germplasm Resources to support the Prevention and Control of Desertification", "Sand Prevention and Control Technology of China Railway", "cultivation Technology of Mongolian Jujube" and so on. The report explains the harm of land desertification to human beings, sandy land afforestation to promote the construction of "Belt and Road Initiative", the effective use of science and technology planting and practical economic forest cultivation techniques and other related knowledge. More than 80 people from the Dalat Banner Forestry Bureau and its subordinate forestry system technicians, farmers and herdsmen listened to the report.

The expert group also went deep into the fields and investigated on the spot the Mengzao improved variety breeding base of the Dalat Banner Forestry Bureau, the three lakes agricultural development project area of forest-landscape integration, the Engebe ecological demonstration area, the public welfare forest desert tree planting base, and the demonstration zone of modern sunshine agriculture circular economy, etc., and carried out on-the-spot teaching or put forward guidance on the technical problems encountered in the cultivation of local economic forests.

During the event, the expert group also distributed to the community a brief introduction of relevant achievements, practical techniques for desert prevention and control and other publicity materials to popularize forestry common sense and scientific concepts.

This year's Forestry Science and Technology week is sponsored by the State Forestry Administration and hosted by 13 units, including the Science and Technology Department of the State Forestry Administration and the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, with the theme of "promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China of Ecological Civilization-Scientific Combating Desertification and jointly Building a Green Home". The purpose is to combat desertification, protect nature, protect ecology, and raise public awareness of ecological protection. To publicize the popular science knowledge of forestry such as ecological civilization, desertification prevention and control, psammophytes, and the achievements of forestry science and technology in desert control and poverty alleviation as the main contents.

Responsible persons and experts of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Forestry Department, Dalat Banner, Ordos Forestry Bureau, Academy of Forestry Sciences, Dalat Banner Forestry Bureau, Engebe Ecological demonstration Zone, Inner Mongolia Mengzao Science and Technology Co., Ltd.