
Measures taken in the field of wildlife protection have been positively commented by the international community.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Measures taken in the field of wildlife protection have been positively commented by the international community.

On June 6, Gabon and Germany initiated a high-level event on "Combating illegal trade in wildlife". Ambassador Liu Jieyi, permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, was invited to deliver a keynote speech. Ambassador Liu Jieyi introduced China's specific measures in protecting wildlife and promoting international cooperation in related fields, especially in helping African countries strengthen capacity-building. Ambassador Liu said that the protection of wildlife is directly related to global ecological health and safety, and is of great significance to the protection of the common home of mankind, the realization of human cultural heritage and sustainable economic and social development. The international community should continue to adopt comprehensive measures to promote comprehensive protection from the perspective of stepping up efforts to combat the illegal trade in wildlife. The international community should deepen international cooperation in the protection of wild fauna and flora, fully implement the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora and relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, and jointly assume the international obligation to protect wild fauna and flora.

Liu Liu Jieyi said: the Chinese government attaches great importance to the protection of wildlife. The Chinese side has established key projects such as nature reserves and natural forest protection, and gradually established a field protection system with nature reserves as the main body, which has greatly improved the habitat of wildlife. China has persisted in improving legislation, improving the coordination mechanism for law enforcement, strengthening management and control measures, continuously increasing the protection of wildlife, and achieved remarkable results.

China Liu Jieyi said that China attaches importance to strengthening cooperation with African countries in the field of wildlife protection. In 2015, President Xi Jinping put forward the "Ten Cooperation plans", including China-Africa Green Development Cooperation, at the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, supporting Africa to implement 100 projects, including wildlife conservation, to improve the ecological environment in Africa. China has signed cooperation agreements on wildlife protection with South Africa, Kenya and other African countries, providing container monitoring and wildlife protection equipment to important wildlife distribution countries such as Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Botswana, and assisting in personnel training, thus effectively improving the law enforcement level and capacity-building of wildlife protection in African countries. China is willing to join hands with the international community to jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and a beautiful home for mankind with ecological security and green development.

Representatives from Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Germany and the United Kingdom spoke positively of China's positive measures in the field of wildlife protection, stopping the domestic commercial processing and sale of ivory and its products, actively providing technical equipment and personnel training to African countries, helping African countries to strengthen capacity-building, and playing a leading role in promoting international cooperation in wildlife protection.

Driven by Gabon and other countries, the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on combating illegal trade in wildlife in July 2015, proposing that member States should take measures in accordance with domestic and international law to comprehensively prevent and combat illegal trade in wildlife. This high-level event is a concrete measure to implement the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and aims to promote international cooperation in the protection of wildlife.