
60,000 seedlings stationed in Xiongan New area

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 60,000 seedlings stationed in Xiongan New area

At the site of the Millennium Xiulin Project in Gonggang Village, Xiongan New District, each seedling is hung with a QR code ID card. Download the Xiongan Forest app scan code, and the tree species, specifications, production, management and protection of each tree are clear at a glance. If you take a closer look at the origin information, you will find that many tree species come from Pingyuan County, Dezhou City.

Plain seedlings can be settled in Xiongan New area thanks to the establishment of two offices. On May 27 this year, the office of Pingyuan County Forestry Bureau in Xiongan New area and the Office of Pingyuan County Seedling Association in Xiongan New area were unveiled at the same time, marking a substantial step forward for plain seedlings to be stationed in Xiongan New area.

The Millennium Xiu Forest Project in Xiongan New area is expected to afforest 900000 mu, which not only has a huge demand for seedlings, but also has strict requirements on the quality of seedlings. "the advantage of setting up a nursery stock association is to drive farmers to enter the market together, and it is impossible to rely on farmers to enter Xiongan market on their own." Sui Lihui, president of the Seedling Association of Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, said, "all seedlings entering the Xiongan market must have two certificates and one signature, and only companies and associations with legal persons as the main body have the right to obtain the production certificates. Ordinary natural persons do not have the threshold for market access."

Moreover, the seedlings entering Xiongan New area have three planting standards: original crown seedling, DBH and soil ball, which puts forward higher requirements for seedling planting. "it turns out that when seedlings are sold and transported, the crown of the seedlings will be trimmed in order to ensure the survival rate. The Xiongan New area uniformly planted the original ecological trees in accordance with the national requirements, which put forward higher requirements for the later maintenance of seedlings. " Zhang Yanlong, a technician of the Forestry Bureau of Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, said.

In order to improve the later maintenance level of seedlings, the office of Pingyuan County Forestry Bureau in Xiongan New area of Dezhou City selected senior forestry engineers to keep an eye on Xiongan. "the tree species needed in Xiongan New area are all long-lived greening tree species such as Robinia pseudoacacia, white wax, Luan tree, and so on. The Xiongan Office of the County Forestry Bureau is mainly responsible for the management, protection and technical services of plain seedlings in Xiongan New area, so as to improve the survival rate of seedlings. After the technical service was targeted, the survival rate of our seedlings reached 90%, and not a single seedling was returned, which became the model project of the Millennium Xiulin project in Xiongan New District. Zhang Shouping, director of the Xiongan New District Office of the Forestry Bureau of Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, said.

Pingyuan County of Dezhou City is rich in seedling resources. relying on the coordinated development of "one area and four bases" in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, it is the first to dock with Xiongan New area, realizing the adjustment of seedling planting structure and the improvement of planting efficiency. The period from 2013 to 2017 is the trough of the seedling industry, but after docking Xiongan, plain seedlings have achieved inventory removal and quality improvement. Take willow saplings as an example, the market price of each tree with a breast diameter of two centimeters is about 2 yuan, while the price we send to Xiongan through the association can reach 10 yuan, and the planting efficiency of farmers has doubled. "Sui Lihui said.

Up to now, Pingyuan County of Dezhou City has organized 12 promotion activities on Xiongan seedlings, successively supplying more than 60,000 seedlings of more than 30 varieties to China Transportation Construction Group Co., Ltd., China Electric Power Construction Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd., with an output value of more than 1 million yuan. "through the docking of the association and the assistance of the Forestry Bureau, we have created a plain model for thousands of years of beautiful forest, called the brand of plain seedlings, and led to the improvement of the quality of plain forestry and the increase of farmers' income." Zhao Hailing, director of the Forestry Bureau of Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, said.