
The more buds, the more flowers.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Orchid bud emergence time, due to strains, varieties and growth areas of different, will also vary. The flowering period of spring orchids is usually from January to March. That is to say, in orchid producing areas, some early flowering varieties and some in suitable conditions...

The unearthed time of flower buds of orchids will vary according to different strains, varieties and growing areas.

The flowering period of Chunlan is usually from January to March. In other words, in orchid producing areas, some early flower varieties and some spring orchids growing under suitable conditions may bloom in January. Some orchids raised in the north may be delayed until March. The flower bud of Chunlan begins to grow in the plant shortly after the spring leaf bud seedlings are unearthed. It is not until August and September, when the leaf bud seedlings are mature, that the flower buds gradually emerge from the soil and stop growing when they grow to a little more than two centimeters. After several months of low temperature vernalization in winter, the bud will not bloom rapidly until the temperature warms up slightly.

In addition, the bud formation of Cymbidium and Cymbidium is about the same time, and the florescence is also from January to March. The bud formation of Cymbidium is a little later than that of Chunlan and Cymbidium. It is usually unearthed between October and November, and the florescence is from February to April. On the other hand, the bud formation time of Hanlan is a little earlier than that of Chunlan and Mulan, and the florescence is from November to January.

The bud formation time of lotus petal orchid is about the same as that of Chunjian and Mulan, and the unearthed time of flower bud varies from September to October. Only the flowering period of the orchid is from June to October, and some varieties will even bloom until the end of November. The bud of Jianlan is usually unearthed from late June to early July. If some autumn leaf buds can be unearthed from November to December of the first year, flower buds will be unearthed in mid-May (Shandong area) and can bloom in mid-late June. For example, in the following picture, this pot of peach red:

Most of the time, the unearthed time of the flower bud is determined by the unearthed time of the leaf bud, that is to say, the unearthed time of the leaf bud is in advance, and the flower bud will be unearthed in advance. This has a lot to do with whether the management is in place or not.

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