
Aiyuan 28 Hybrid Citrus and its High-yield cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Aiyuan 28 hybrid mandarin and its high-yield cultivation techniques Eyuan 28 hybrid mandarin has good flesh taste, good quality and good commercial characters. although its production input is basically the same as that of ordinary Wenzhou mandarin, its sales price is about 10 times that of the latter.

Aiyuan 28 Hybrid Citrus and its High-yield cultivation techniques

Although its production input is basically the same as that of ordinary Wenzhou mandarin, its sales price is about 10 times that of the latter. In recent years, its average output value per mu is 30, 000 yuan, and the per mu income is 27000 yuan. The economic benefit is very considerable.

I. brief introduction of Ehime 28 mandarin

1. Main characteristics of varieties

Aiyuan 28 is a mid-late maturing hybrid citrus variety bred by Xingxin Hybrid Citrus Professional Cooperative in Yangxin County. The flower bud differentiation of this variety is more, mainly in spring and early autumn shoots. the fruit matures in the first and middle of November, the average weight of single fruit is 160 grams, the fruit is flat-topped, high and oblate, the epidermis is smooth and orange, the flesh is orange, the cyst wall is thin, delicate without residue, seedless or few seeds.

two。 Rootstock

In production, Fructus Aurantii (also known as medlar) is used as the rootstock, which is grafted and propagated in spring or autumn. The seedlings grafted in spring of that year were transplanted and planted from mid-February to early March of the second year with a height of 50 cm and 60 cm, while those grafted in autumn were transplanted from mid-February to early March of the third year with a height of 80 cm and 100 cm. After planting, the fruit began to hang in the third year, and entered the full fruit period in the sixth year, with a yield of 2500 to 3000 kg per mu. It can also be propagated by high grafting on other citrus trees.

2. High-yield cultivation techniques

1. Cultivation base selection

Select the land with no pollution, sufficient light, convenient transportation, drainage and irrigation, soil depth of more than 1 meter, groundwater level below 1.5 meters, loose and fertile soil, slightly acidic or neutral soil as the cultivation base. When cultivated in hilly and mountainous areas, gentle slopes with a slope below 30 °should be selected.

two。 Dig holes and apply base fertilizer

From late January to late February, a cultivation hole with a length, width and depth of 1 m was excavated according to the plant spacing of 3 m and row spacing (the length, width and depth of the hole could be reduced to 0.8 m when the soil was loose and fertile). When digging holes, the topsoil and bottom soil should be piled separately. After the cultivation holes are dug, 60 kg of animal manure such as rotten pig manure, cow manure, sheep manure and other livestock manure are applied to each hole in the backfill (or 30 kg of poultry manure such as rotten chicken manure, duck manure, goose manure, or 3 kg of rotten rapeseed cake, or 3 kg of rotten peanut cake, or 1.5 kg of rotten soybean cake) + calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer (or superphosphate) 2 kg as base fertilizer, according to one layer of fertilizer and one layer of topsoil. Then a layer of fertilizer, a layer of topsoil, and so on, layered and evenly applied to the middle and lower part of the cultivation hole, and no fertilizer is applied when backfilling to 2cm high, that is, the upper part only backfills the bottom soil without applying bottom fertilizer, and after backfilling, the soil of the cultivation hole will be about 15 cm higher than the original ground. After the soil sinks, dig holes for transplanting and planting. The hills and mountains should dig and cultivate holes according to the contours. In general, there are 6674 cultivation holes per mu of cultivation base.

3. Transplanting and planting

From the middle of February to the first ten days of March, the strong grafted seedlings were dug, and a planting hole with a depth of 15cm to 20cm was dug again in the middle of the planting hole, and one plant was planted in each hole, and the planting depth was about 5 cm higher than the surface of the earth. When the grafted seedlings need to be transported over a long distance, soak their roots in clean water for 2 hours, and then apply mud. When transplanting, the root system should be planted straight, the root system should extend naturally as far as possible, the soil filled with the root should be broken, and the seedling should be gently lifted by hand after transplanting, so that there is no gap between the root system and the soil and the soil should be closely jointed, and the soil should be firmly planted with feet; timely watering the roots, and then covering a layer of dry fine soil. No fertilizer is applied until the saplings survive.

4. Young tree management

① prevents soil from drying and hardening. Grafted seedlings should beware of soil drought and hardening from planting to survival, timely watering to resist drought when there is no rainfall for a long time, and ploughing and loosening soil to prevent hardening in time after heavy rainfall or watering.

② waterproof. In a flat cultivation base, we should dig the surrounding ditch, waist ditch and box ditch for drainage, the depth of which is 40-50 cm and 20-25 cm respectively, and the depth of the trench is 20-25 cm. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to keeping the drainage ditch unobstructed, so that there is no waterlogging on the ground when the rain stops, and no water is melted by snow.

③ weeding. Within 3 years after the grafted seedlings are fixed, weeding is the most important cultivation and management work, and weeds should not be allowed to grow faster than the seedlings; weeds should be weeded at least once a year in spring, summer and autumn, especially the weeds around the seedlings should be removed thoroughly.

④ applied nitrogen fertilizer to raise seedlings. In the first and middle June of the current year, the first and middle of March and the first and middle of June of the third year, combined with watering to fight drought, 5-6 kg urea per mu was used each time, and water was poured into the soil within 25 cm around the saplings to promote the rapid growth of the seedlings.

⑤ plastic surgery and pruning. In the year of planting, after the spring shoot stopped growing, the trunk was topped, and four spring shoots with strong growth and uniform north-south distribution in the upper 25 cm were selected as the main branch culture up to 12-15 cm, and all other spring shoots were cut off. After the summer shoots stopped growing, 2 to 3 strong and uniformly distributed summer shoots were selected as the first secondary shoot culture, and all the other summer shoots were cut off. The early autumn shoots and mid-autumn shoots that germinated from August to September retained 7 leaves and 10 leaves when they grew 8-12 leaves. The late autumn shoots that germinated in October and later should be removed as soon as possible so as not to consume nutrients. If buds or flowers grow within two years after planting, they should be removed as soon as possible. In the third year after planting, when the plant grows weakly, it is still necessary to remove all buds or flowers as soon as possible to continue to cultivate the plant body and crown; when the plant grows normally, it can bear normal fruit.

⑥ intercropping. In order to improve the land utilization rate, Aiyuan 28 hybrid mandarin plants can be properly intercropped on the land outside the vertical projection of the crown of the cultivation base, such as soybean, mung bean, peanut and other dwarf crops that do not affect their growth, so as to control the growth of weeds and increase economic income.

5. Adult tree management

① fertilization. a. Fertilize the soil. In the sixth year after planting, Aiyuan 28 hybrid mandarin will enter the peak fruiting period and require a large amount of fertilizer, so soil fertilization will be carried out twice a year from the sixth year. For the first time in late June, each plant was treated with rotten pig manure, cow manure, sheep manure and other livestock manure (or poultry manure such as chicken manure, duck manure, goose manure and other poultry manure 1520kg, or rotten rapeseed cake 1.52kg, or rotten peanut cake 1.52kg, or rotten cottonseed cake 1.52kg, or rotten soybean cake 0.751kg) + ternary compound fertilizer (15-15-15) 0.751kg. The second time was applied after all the fruits were harvested in late November, and the type of fertilization was the same as that of the first time, but the amount of fertilizer application was the same as that of the first time. The two fertilizers should be buried in a circular ditch with a width of 30 cm and a depth of 20 cm along the vertical projection of the plant crown. In the fourth and fifth year after planting, the yield was 800kg / mu and 1500kg / mu, and the amount of fertilizer application was 1kg / mu, 3kg / mu and 1kg / mu. b. Foliar topdressing. In addition to the above two times of soil fertilization each year, according to plant growth and fruit amount, combined control of diseases and insect pests during the fruiting period, foliar topdressing with 0.3% 0.5% urea + 0.2% 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate for 2 to 3 times, each time with an interval of 7 to 10 days. In addition, when clearing the garden in winter, 120-150 kg of raw lime powder is scattered per mu, which is used for disinfection and calcium supplement.

② irrigation and drainage. The fruit of Aiyuan 28 is very sensitive to water supply during its expansion, and it will cause small taste acid when it is dry and short of water. When there is no rain for a long time or the leaves wilt in the afternoon and return to normal the next morning, it shows that the soil is dry and short of water, and irrigation should be carried out in time to resist drought, and irrigation should be carried out before 10:00 in the morning. In a flat cultivation base, the drainage ditch should be kept open so that it can be drained in time in case of heavy rainfall.

③ pruning. a. Prune before budding in spring. The spring shoots are pruned for the first time every year before they sprout, that is, March 10. One is to shorten the group of cutting erect branches and long branches on the periphery of the crown, controlling the plant height below 2.5 meters to promote the fullness of the inner branches; when pruning, the amount of pruning is 1 inch, 5 times, 1 inch, 4 times the length of the shoot. Second, the dense branches, cross branches and whorled branches should be cut off, and the new branches should be picked out in time to cultivate the inner bore fruiting branches. Third, cut off dead piles, cut off dead branches and seriously damaged branches by diseases and insect pests; the wounds left by pruning branches should be tilted and smooth, and disinfected with stone-sulfur mixture or quicklime water to prevent bacteria from invading. The piles and branches to be repaired should be taken out of the cultivation base in time and dried and burned as firewood. b. Promote pruning before autumn. The main purpose of this pruning is to shorten the spring shoot, summer shoot and unfruited branches on the periphery of the canopy, generally cutting off 1 / 3 / 1 / 2 of the total length of the branch and retaining 6 / 8 leaves, followed by erasing the sporadic late summer shoots to promote the autumn shoots to germinate neatly and cultivate more fruiting mother branches.

④ preserves flowers, fruits and thinning fruits. Like the ordinary citrus, Aiyuan 28, which is in the peak period of fruit, has the alternation of big and small years. Attention should be paid to flower and fruit protection in small years, that is, when the number of withered flowers reaches 2 / 3, 100 mg / kg 802 is generally sprayed on the crown once, and then once at intervals of 5-7 days, in order to improve yield and quality. In the Lunar New year, the fruit should be thinned reasonably so as not to taste bad, and to avoid weakening the growth and resistance of the tree. In general, the leaf-fruit ratio of Aiyuan 28 hybrid tangerine is 20: 25 ∶ 1. In the peak period, only 250-45 kg of fruit is needed per plant, and the excess fruit should be gradually removed from mid-July to mid-August. The objects to be removed are achene, deformed fruit, disease and insect fruit, over-dense fruit and outer "Chaotian fruit".

⑤ is frostproof. Aiyuan 28 tangerine will suffer frost damage when the temperature is below-9 ℃, so it is necessary to do a good job of anti-freezing in winter. a. Timely control of red spiders, anthracnose and other diseases and insect pests, in order to enhance the cold tolerance of plants. b. When the weather is fine in the middle and last ten days of November, whitening the lower part of the tree trunk with quicklime mortar and a small amount of yellow mud with a height of 60 cm. C. In the middle and last ten days of November, the trees should be cultivated with relatively loose loam or sandy loam to protect them from the cold, with a height of 250cm. The soil can be removed in late February next year. d. When the night temperature in winter drops below-4 ℃, 6-10 straw handles, weed handles and sawdust stacks are evenly set up per mu, lit for smoking all night. e. When the winter temperature drops below-9 ℃, each crown can be covered with a large plastic bag in advance to protect against cold.

6. Pest control

① disease. a. Ulcer disease. Agricultural streptomycin, aureomycin, thiobacillus copper, copper hydroxide, copper oleate, stone-sulfur mixture, Bordeaux solution and other pesticides can be used in the early stage of the disease. b. Scab. Alternating spraying of thiophanate methyl, Bordeaux solution, thiocarbamyl, carbendazim, copper hydroxide, mancozeb, thiocarbamate, copper oleate and other pesticides can be used in the early stage of the disease. c. Anthrax. In the early stage of the disease, alternative spraying of thiophanate, thiophanate, mancozeb, mancozeb, carbendazim and other pesticides can be used to prevent and cure the disease. d. Bituminous coal disease. In order to control the disease, the first step is to control pests such as whitefly and scale insects, and the second is to choose alternating spraying of stone-sulfur mixture, carbendazim, Bordeaux solution and methyl thiophanate at the initial stage of the disease.

② pest. a. Red spider. Alternating spraying of thiazox, alkyne acarate, avermectin, stone-sulfur mixture, pyridaben, spiroparate, malathion and imidophos should be selected in time. b. Black thorn whitefly. Chlorpyrifos, trichlorfon, imidacloprid, buprofezin, avermectin and malathion should be sprayed alternately. c. Sagittal scale. Insecticides such as methamidophos, chlorpyrifos and thiazinone should be sprayed alternately. d. Tick lice. Alternating spraying of dicarboxylic acid, alkyne acarate, sodium pine, deltamethrin, avermectin, acarate, acarbazide, stone sulfur mixture and other pesticides should be selected in time. e. Leaf miner. Insecticides such as Shachongshuang, carbaryl, imidophos, amitraz and fenpropathrin should be sprayed alternately in time. f. Longicorn beetle pests. Fipronil, deltamethrin, cypermethrin, cypermethrin, trichlorfon, fenitrothion, phoxim, parathion, chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid should be sprayed alternately.

7. Harvest

When the fruit is ripe in the first and middle of November, use scissors to harvest in batches after dry dew in sunny or cloudy days, and pay attention to handling it gently; when it is sold over a long distance, it can be harvested when the orange-yellow color of the fruit reaches 80%. Excessive squeezing and vibration should be avoided during transportation.