
Management techniques of Seedling and large Seedling breeding of Taxus chinensis var. mairei

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Taxus chinensis var. mairei seedlings and large seedling breeding management technology Taxus mairei is a precious tree species with high economic value, which has been concerned by more and more people in recent years, and the market prospect is very broad. Shiyan, Hubei belongs to the subtropical monsoon.

Management techniques of Seedling and large Seedling breeding of Taxus chinensis var. mairei

Taxus chinensis var. mairei is a precious tree species with high economic value, which has attracted more and more attention in recent years, and the market prospect is very broad. Shiyan in Hubei Province belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate, which is mainly characterized by abundant precipitation, obvious Meiyu, uneven distribution of time and space, and hot and rainy season, which is suitable for the growth of red bean shirt in the south. This paper summarizes the management techniques of seed collection, seedling cultivation and transplanting of large seedlings of Taxus chinensis var. mairei, in order to provide reference for the cultivation and management of Taxus mairei.

1 seed collection and storage

1.1 seed collection

In Shiyan area of Hubei Province, the florescence of Taxus chinensis var. mairei is generally between March and April, the seeds begin to mature in October, the seeds turn deep red at the end of October, and the best picking time is from the end of October to the middle of November. After the seeds are picked, the aril of the seeds should be rubbed off in time in strict accordance with the relevant procedures. In the process of seed selection, the damaged seeds were eliminated to ensure the growth of seedlings in the later stage.

1.2 seed storage

The seeds of Taxus chinensis var. mairei have post-ripening period, which should be experienced after seed picking. Only after 5 seasons of storage can the seeds fully mature and the germination rate reach the highest. Under normal circumstances, the seeds can not be sown until the third year after picking. Therefore, the storage environment will directly affect the germination rate and growth potential of seeds. The seeds should be stored in a ventilated environment with 17-30 ℃ and 60-75% humidity to keep the temperature constant. The sand is disinfected with 500 times potassium permanganate solution so as not to affect the normal development of the seeds. in addition, the seeds should also be sterilized with potassium permanganate. The sand bed is generally about 1 m wide and 1.75 m long, and the size of the sand bed can be determined according to the seed storage. In general, three layers of sand can be laid, and the thickness of each layer is controlled at about 3 ~ 4 cm. Put the seeds neatly on the sand bed, check the development of the seeds regularly, and drench the sand in time to maintain a certain humidity. Seeds generally begin to germinate around April, and should be transplanted in time after they are found to germinate, so as not to cause economic losses.

2 Seedling raising techniques in nursery

2.1 Seedling site selection and soil treatment

The climatic conditions of Shiyan City, Hubei Province are relatively suitable for the growth of Taxus mairei. The land with sufficient light and good drainage conditions should be selected to raise seedlings, and then the site soil should be treated to ensure that the soil is nutritious. Clean up the weeds and bushes around the site, remove the stones and other debris from the soil, and level the soil surface. After the soil surface is leveled, the bed is 1.2 m long, 1 m wide and 0.15 m deep, which is beneficial to fertilization management and later maintenance of seedling bed.

2.2 Select sowing time

After one year of storage, the seeds of Taxus chinensis var. mairei will gradually crack on the surface to reveal the white seed meat, and then soak them again with 500 times potassium ferrate solution to ensure the disinfection effect. Drying before sowing, generally sowing in April, is more beneficial to the growth of seedlings in the later stage. When sowing, the spacing of seeds should be controlled, usually with row spacing. 15 cm and 3 cm plant spacing were suitable.

2.3 Seedling management

The main results are as follows: (1) shading the nursery to ensure that it is not exposed to excessive direct sunlight during the seedling period. The shading rate in the nursery was controlled at about 70% from April to August, and about 50% after September.

(2) pay attention to the prevention and control of seedling diseases and insect pests. Taxus chinensis var. mairei is easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests in seedling stage, so we should focus on the prevention of diseases and insect pests. 800-fold topiramate can be sprayed every 7 days to kill the disease, and dimethazone can also be used to irrigate roots.

(3) active weeding and fertilization. In the early stage of seedling growth in the first year, to fertilize the seedlings, 0.2% urea solution can be sprayed every 3 days or so. Compound fertilizer can be applied in the middle and later stages of seedling growth, using inter-row furrow application.

If there are no major problems in the management stage, when the seedlings come out of the nursery, … The plant height and trunk diameter of 1-year-old seedlings can reach 0.2m and 0.3cm respectively. Left and right. When the seedlings have 3 ~ 4 branches, they can come out of the nursery and breed large seedlings.

Transplanting management techniques of three big seedlings

3.1 selection of transplanting soil

Taxus chinensis var. mairei has strong viability and prefers a warm and humid climate. In terms of climatic conditions in Shiyan, Hubei Province, any soil is suitable for the growth of Taxus mairei.

3.2 transplanting time and seedling treatment

Taxus chinensis var. mairei is generally transplanted from February to March, and transplanting after heavy rain should be chosen as far as possible. In order to choose the transplanting time better, the seedlings of Taxus chinensis var. mairei in February, April and June can be selected for transplantation treatment. According to the development of seedlings, ABT rooting powder could be used to treat the seedlings. The suitable concentration of rooting powder was 60 times, and the roots were soaked for 2 hours before transplanting.

3.3 planting of large seedlings

The treated seedlings of Taxus chinensis var. mairei were classified according to height, and the distance between seedlings should be paid attention to when transplanting, which was generally controlled at about 10 cm. Try to choose transplanting after rain, when the soil is rich in water, which is conducive to the growth of seedlings. In the process of transplanting, be careful not to damage the roots of seedlings, otherwise it will seriously affect the late growth of seedlings, and even lead to the death of seedlings.

3.4 Seedling stage management

Seedlings should be watered in the morning and evening in the first 7 days after transplantation. The demand for water in the early stage of transplantation is relatively large, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist at all times. In order to promote the healthy growth of seedlings at the seedling stage, the method of water management can be changed to the combination of water spraying and proper dry irrigation. In general, spray water 2-3 times a day when the weather is dry, spray water once a day when the weather is wet, or do not spray water. When the seedlings were transplanted for 3 months, the fertilizer was mainly superphosphoric acid or urea. Southern red bean shirt seedling stage like shade, should not be exposed to strong light, especially in the drier season should be used to shade, until … It began to be gradually withdrawn around September.