
Selection and Construction techniques of Garden Flower Border plants

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Garden flower border plant selection and construction technology 1 Analysis of the characteristics and types of garden flower border is mainly a form of flower application that simulates the growth of plants in nature.

Selection and Construction Techniques of Garden Flower Border Plants

1. Characteristics and type analysis of garden flower border

Flower border is mainly a kind of flower application form which simulates the growth state of plants in nature. It brings characteristics to landscape plants by artistic means. In the process of flower border construction, perennial flowers are usually used as the main material, combined with biennial flowers, flower shrubs and bulbous flowers, showing the beauty of plant combination, and enriching the landscape color of garden flowers, giving people visual enjoyment.

Garden flower border is rich in species, and flowering scattered, can show different scenes in the four seasons of the year. Flower border and its own advantages, that is, its maintenance management is simple, and save seasonal flower replacement costs, not only can increase the color of the landscape, but also can play a role in space division.

Under normal circumstances, garden flower borders are mainly divided into three categories: ① special plant flower borders composed of plants of the same species or different varieties, such as chrysanthemum flower borders, peony flower borders, etc.;② flower borders composed of cold-resistant perennial flowers as the main body and a small number of bulbous flowers or shrubs;③ flower borders composed of open-field winter perennial flowers, such as platycodon grandiflorum, chrysanthemum, etc. There are many types of flower border, among which, designers adopt mixed flower border more in landscape configuration, which can show seasonal changes and diversity, and can meet the aesthetic needs of different people. In addition, according to the location and design intention classification, flower border can also be divided into roof flower border, forest edge flower border, courtyard flower border, etc.; according to the season classification, it can be divided into summer spring flower border, autumn and winter flower border, etc.; from the perspective of different classification, flower border can be divided into double-sided flower border, single-sided flower border, etc. In practical application, designers need to choose the best form of garden flower border according to the specific requirements of garden construction and people's aesthetic needs.

2. Selection of plants in flower border of garden

There are many types of flower border in garden, but we should adhere to certain principles and adopt appropriate methods in the process of plant selection, so that we can better play the role of flower border in garden. Usually, most of the garden flower border plants are ground cover plants. How to choose scientifically, not only to ensure the aesthetic effect of flower border, but also to meet the needs of garden construction, is a key consideration for designers. The following article on the garden flower border plant selection issues for analysis.

(1) Adhere to the biological characteristics of plants and choose scientifically from reality. When selecting garden flowers, we must proceed from reality and ensure that plants in the garden environment can grow in a suitable environment. Therefore, the choice of flowering plants should adapt to the climatic conditions of the region. Plant growth and distribution and climate have a close relationship, so the formation of plant zonal distribution characteristics, in this case, the selection of garden flower border plants, we must follow the growth law of plants, according to plant biology and ecological characteristics of selection, so that plants can grow better. The climate difference between north and south of China is large, especially in winter. The selection of flower border plants must be combined with climatic conditions. In order to ensure the healthy growth of flower border plants, native plants can generally be selected. If fresh factors are wanted, the tolerance limit must be considered when selecting exotic species, otherwise the phenomenon of southern orange and northern orange will appear.

Soil is also an essential element in plant growth, and soil conditions need to be considered when selecting flowering plants. Soil can provide necessary nutrients for plant growth and is the basis for plant survival. Therefore, when creating garden flower border, it is necessary to study the soil composition of garden area and select plants suitable for such soil. In addition, in the selection of garden flower border plants, it is also necessary to ensure the ornamental and ecological nature of the plants.

(2) Select the best plants based on flower border type. Different types of flower border, the selected plant species are not the same, so in the flower border plant selection should be based on the flower border type. The following article on the combination of specific types of flower border analysis.

Such as bulbous flower border, when selecting flower types, tulips, lilies, cannas and narcissus are usually used; perennial flower border, when selecting flower types, there are usually chrysanthemum, Babao Sedum, peony, iris, purse peony, etc. The flowers and leaves of these flowers have high ornamental value, and the flowering period and green period are longer, so they are more commonly used in the selection of garden flower border plants and have good ornamental value; shrub flower border, when selecting plant species, usually choose rose, peony, silver wood, Lagerstroemia, Heather, etc., generally mainly flower viewing, leaf viewing or fruit viewing small shrub ground cover plants; Special flower border, when selecting plants, requires plants to have a richer color and flowering period, plant shape diversity, can better show the color of the flower border. For example, chrysanthemum flower border, peony flower border, etc.; mixed flower border, is created by one or two annual flowers, bulbous flowers and flower shrubs, etc., mixed configuration is its main feature.

3 Garden flower border construction technology

Garden flower border is mainly designed to simulate the growth state of flowers in nature, so in order to achieve good results, modern technical means must be adopted to improve the quality of flower border construction, better highlight the characteristics of flower border, and show its natural beauty. Specifically, the application of technology in flower border construction is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

(1) We must adhere to the correct flower design principles. In the process of creating flower border, we should adhere to the principle of ornamental and ecological, and take technical measures to realize these two characteristics of flower border. That is to say, in the actual construction, reasonable collocation should be carried out according to the living habits of plants, so that the flowering and fruiting periods of plants can be perfectly presented, highlighting the seasonal characteristics. At the same time, when creating a flower border, it is also necessary to highlight the sense of hierarchy. In the flower border plant configuration, it is necessary to highlight the three-dimensional sense and the sense of space, which requires the use of shrubs or small trees and low perennial flowers combined to achieve the effect of patchwork, giving people different levels of visual effects. When creating flower borders, it is also necessary to highlight local characteristics, which requires that native plants can be selected when configuring plants, integrated with regional culture, and matched with other auxiliary colors to give people visual enjoyment.

(2) Appropriate technical measures should be selected in the process of flower border construction. Specifically, the following needs to be done.

Field investigation was carried out to select flower border plants scientifically from reality. Before the flower border design, relevant personnel need to do a good job of site survey, understand the environmental characteristics, climatic conditions and soil conditions of the construction area, and select the most appropriate flower border plants according to these conditions. At the same time, when selecting plants, it is necessary to integrate with the surrounding landscape, select appropriate plant materials, and then carry out the scheme design after all preparations are completed.

Do a good job of field lofting. After investigating the site, the designer of flower border shall conduct field lofting according to the design scheme, arrange the planting bed and slope, and apply base fertilizer. If necessary, the soil on the planting bed can be improved to better meet the growth needs of flower border plants.

When planting flower border plants, it is necessary to grasp the proportion of various plants, not to be too complicated, to focus on prominent, clear theme. For adjacent plants, it is best to choose species with obvious differences, which can form a strong contrast and achieve the effect of mutual contrast.

Flower border is mainly a simulation of natural plant community, so natural characteristics must be highlighted in the process of creating flower border, so flower border plants should be interspersed to highlight harmonious natural characteristics. For example, when creating a mixed flower border at the edge of the forest, ornamental shrubs and slow-growing small trees can be planted on the middle and high-rise plants near the forest, and low biennial flowers can be selected in the foreground. Ornamental grasses or bulbous flowers with higher growth can be configured in the middle position of the whole flower border. Through such configuration method, the obvious boundaries of various plants can be broken through, giving people a well-distributed natural scene.

After the completion of flower border construction, in order to better highlight its effect, it is necessary to do a good job of maintenance, especially to maintain flower shrubs and bulbous flowers, to regularly prune, fertilize and irrigate, to maintain good appearance characteristics of plants, and to transport nutrients for their growth, but also to do a good job of weeding.

Garden flower border construction is widely used in the current landscape configuration. With the progress of flower border construction technology, its effect is more prominent, and flower border construction is also developing in the direction of individuation, with prominent local characteristics, which can present certain aesthetic value.