
Pick up the thrown keel and rub it all over the basin.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, ? A few days ago, when I came home from work, Huahua found a dry jasmine in the trash can downstairs. The eager Huahua immediately moved home and hurriedly carried out a series of operations. This morning, she found that she had sprouted. In fact, some seem to be dead.

? A few days ago, when I came home from work, Huahua found a dry jasmine in the trash can downstairs. The eager Huahua immediately moved home and hurriedly carried out a series of operations. This morning, she found that she had sprouted. In fact, some flowers that seem to be dead are still alive. Flower friends can also give it a try!

Pick up a keel and take it home, it's 2 meters high!

Flower cultivation Daquan

When I went out to play a few days ago, I suddenly found a lost keel by the side of the road. Alas, isn't it a waste to lose such a big one?

How can I save it when I pick it up?

1. It is too hard for such a big keel to move back home. What should I do? Take a small knife with you, or buy a beauty knife at the nearest store and cut down the trunk directly.

2. The keel belongs to Euphorbiaceae. Whether you are cutting the trunk or moving it, remember to wear gloves and do not let the juice touch the skin, otherwise it will easily cause skin itching, especially not in the eyes.

3. Next, I moved back home and planted it. Prepare loose and breathable nutrient soil, which can be mixed with river sand to increase water permeability and prevent keel rotting!

Finally, dry the keel to dry the wound, plant it in a pot, ease it in a cool and ventilated place for a week, and then transfer to the sun to bask in the sun.

5, although the keel is sun-resistant, but the summer temperature is high, pay attention to shade at noon, usually found that the basin soil has become dry and then watered to prevent stagnant water rotting roots. The keel is super easy to maintain and will soon reach the roof!

Pick up the monthly season to take home, rub off the bud!

Flower cultivation Daquan

For those flower friends who are always unable to raise rose well, is it not a few days after they buy it home and then throw it away after wilting?

How can I save it when I pick it up?

1. When we pick up the rose in this pot, we first use sterilized scissors to cut off the residual flowers and withered branches.

2. Because five roses are planted in a flowerpot, the root system has basically filled the flowerpot, so it is necessary to cut them and divide them into pots to give the rose enough room to grow. After taking off the basin, the rose root system can be soaked in carbendazim, disinfected and sterilized, and then divided into the basin.

3. Put the rose seedlings in a cool and ventilated place after dividing the basin, and after about a week, you can see the new buds of the rose!

4. If you want to sprout and grow leaves quickly, you can spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaves to replenish nutrients, and it will only take 10 days to produce a lot of new leaves!

5. Half a month later, the rose picked up has become more and more prosperous. After that, put it in the sun and add some compound fertilizer or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to make the rose blossom quickly!

Pick up a gardenia and take it home, the new leaves will grow!

Flower cultivation Daquan

At the mention of gardenia, many flower friends worry, why does the gardenia at home buy a dead pot, that is, can not keep alive? For those lost gardenia, you flower friends hurriedly pick it up and go home, study with Huahua, and you will be able to save it immediately!

How can I save it when I pick it up?

How to save the wilting gardenia?

1. If the gardenia picked up home is just leaf wilting, water the gardenia in a water container and place it on a cool and ventilated north balcony.

2. If the humidity at home is not enough, you can find a larger plastic bag and cover the whole gardenia to ensure that the water will not evaporate.

3, about 2-3 hours later, fished out for observation for a day, if the leaves have recovered, it is proved that the lack of water caused the wilting of gardenia, if the leaves have been drooping, it is basically rotten roots!

4. Gardenia jasminoides with rotten roots can only be washed out of the basin, cut off the rotten roots, then soaked in carbendazim solution for sterilization and disinfection, and finally put on the basin again.

How to save gardenia with yellow leaves?

1. If the leaves of Gardenia jasminoides picked up home are all withered and yellow, but the branches are still healthy green branches, then cut off the withered buds and yellowing leaves, leaving only strong branches.

Before pruning:

After trimming:

2. Put the trimmed gardenia in a cool and ventilated place, it will only take 7-10 days to see the new buds of the trimmed gardenia, so it is basically alive!

Pick up a longevity and take it home, and the new leaves will grow!

Flower cultivation Daquan

If you want to say what is suitable for raising at home, then Huahua must say longevity! However, the longevity of many flower friends can not survive directly lost, everyone quickly pick it up to have a try, to ensure that it can be saved!

How can I save it when I pick it up?

1. The most common problem of longevity flowers in summer is black rot! The longevity picked up is first observed to see if there is a large amount of black rot.

2. First use a sterilized knife to cut off all the black rot parts of longevity flowers, and be careful not to leave any until all the black rot parts are removed, otherwise the bacteria will continue to be infected.

3. If there is black rot on the stem of the longevity flower, cut off the black rot with a knife, and then apply some carbendazim powder on the wound to achieve the purpose of sterilization and disinfection.

4. If the root system of the longevity flower has rotted, cut off the rotten root system, soak it in carbendazim for 20-40 minutes, sterilize and dry it, and then plant it in a pot again.

5. If the longevity flowers rot so that only the leaves are healthy, then choose healthy leaves to cut directly. The summer weather is hot, and it will only take about 20 days to take root!

Pick up a fortune tree and take it home, and you can live again!

Flower cultivation Daquan

Many flower friends complain to Huahua that it is really difficult to raise a rich tree. If they are not careful, they will rot and die! Therefore, most flower friends have told Huahua about their experience of picking up rich trees in the trash can!

How can I save it when I pick it up?

1. Some flower friends throw it away as soon as they see that the wealth tree is rotten, for fear that it will affect their own fortune, so many of the wealth trees picked up in the trash can are actually very good.

2. For the rich tree picked up, first pinch the bark slightly to see if there is any soft part of the bark. If the trunk is not soft, it will prove that the branches are good. First, cut off all the yellowing and withered leaves, and then cut the branches short, leaving 2-3 bud points.

3. If you feel that the branches of the wealth tree have become soft, find a sterilized saw and cut off all the soft parts of the branches until the wealth tree shows a healthy section.

4. in order to ensure the humidity of the rich tree, qualified flower friends can apply a layer of wax on the healthy section or cover several layers with cling film.

5. If the root system of the rich tree is observed and it is found that there is already rotten part of the root system near the soil surface, then the rich tree is removed from the basin and the root system is dug out.

6. Cut off the rotten root system, then mix it with carbendazim and rooting water at the ratio of 1: 1 into a solution, soak the rich tree root in it for more than 4 hours, then fish it out to dry and plant it again in the pot.

7. Put the rich tree in a cool and ventilated place, and when you find that the rich tree is sprouting new buds, it will prove that the rescue has been successful!

8. If it is found that all the branches and roots of the rich tree have rotted away, it will not be able to save life. Just throw it away!

That's all for Huahua today!

You flower friends also want to know the way to save the flower.

Why don't you tell Huahua in a message?

Hua Hua will answer for you right away!
