
Points for attention on how to raise Lingxiao Flower

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Lingxiao flower is a climbing vine of the Liriodendron family and Lingxiao family, also known as five-clawed dragon, Shangshu dragon, rattan flower and so on. The flowers of Lingxiao flower are funnel-shaped, bright red or golden yellow, bright color and long flowering period, which can be renovated into overhanging bonsai, or.

Lingxiao flower is a climbing vine of the Liriodendron family and Lingxiao family, also known as five-clawed dragon, Shangshu dragon, rattan flower and so on. The flowers of Lingxiao flower are funnel-shaped, bright red or golden, with bright colors and long flowering period. they can be renovated into overhanging bonsai, or for decorating windowsill, drying platform and so on. How to raise Lingxiao flowers? Below, Huacao Le shares with you the breeding precautions of Lingxiaohua.

How to raise Lingxiao Flower, matters needing attention in breeding Lingxiao Flower

Basin soil selection

Potted flowers should be planted in pots or buckets with good permeability and deep clay pots. The basin is loaded with fertile, loose, well-drained neutral or slightly acidic soil. Or choose rotten leaf soil and vegetable garden soil to mix.

Placement environment

Lingxiaohua likes a sunny environment. In the semi-shade environment, the plant growth is not exuberant, the flower is few and the color is light. As far as possible, put the plant on the sunny courtyard, balcony, south or west balcony, pay attention to timely ventilation. Do not put the flowerpot in the north or enclosed balcony.

Water and fertilizer requirements

Lingxiaohua likes a humid environment, slightly resistant to drought, afraid of waterlogging. Therefore, in the growing period to often watering, to keep the basin soil slightly wet and not waterlogged. Lingxiao flowers will enter a dormant period from late autumn to the following spring, so it is better to keep the basin soil dry and moist.

Lingxiao flower is very fond of fertilizer, in addition to pots, turn the pot to add a sufficient amount of base fertilizer to the soil, 10-15 days after germination, it is also necessary to apply nitrogen-based fertilizer to promote the growth of branches and leaves. However, from May, the fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied to promote flower bud differentiation and bud gestation. The foliar surface was sprayed with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once in 7-10 days from June to promote flower blooming. Apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once or twice after flower fade to ensure adequate nutrients before overwintering. Winter Lingxiao flower hibernates, do not fertilize.

Properly trimmed

After a short dormancy in winter, plants in early spring will enter a period of vigorous growth, so in early spring, withered branches, thin branches, overgrown branches and disorderly branches will be cut off in time, and overlong branches will be shrunk to promote the germination of new strong branches. For the plants more than 5 years old, when sprouting in early spring every year, the trunk should be kept 30cm to 40cm for truncation, while the roots should be trimmed, the main roots should be retained and replanted. After drawing out new branches in the pot, only the upper 3-5 new branches are retained, and the rest are all cut off to control water and fertilizer. After a year of maintenance, it is a beautiful and young Lingxiao flower.

Pest control

Lingxiao is vulnerable to aphids. Therefore, it is required that the maintenance process should be regularly ventilated to ensure adequate humidity, but need appropriate cooling to avoid insect pests. When aphids are found, rinse or spray with clean water in time to avoid serious insect pests.

Put on a flower shelf

Lingxiao is a vine. When it grows to a certain extent, it needs to build flower racks or climb along the fence of the yard.

On a hot summer day again, plant one or more plants climbing vines in the yard or balcony. When the plants climb all over the vines, the green shade will certainly bring a lot of coolness. The delicate flowers on the vines bring you into the aerobic space with the scent of flowers and fairy tales. It can cool and humidify, purify the air, beautify the environment and enrich life. In addition to Lingxiao, there are triangular plum, pineapple, clematis, Fujimoto rose, fiery vine, wisteria and so on. Are very good choices. Seven kinds of vines that are shaded in summer, and the fourth is super easy to raise or a lady's favorite.