
The thing about raising succulent plants: for succulent soft girls, they are willing to become strong girls.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Follow encyclopedia to meet beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [Rongsheng Stone] for original contribution sharing contribution date: 2018-05-22 Editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Weining, Guizhou.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author [Rongsheng Stone] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: 2018-05-22

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Weining, Guizhou


Collection of Xu Wei's cover works

Xu Wei


I still remember that when I first saw succulent plants in 2015, I had no intention of seeing a pot of succulent plants outside a farmyard. I didn't know the name at that time, but I liked it inexplicably. My fellow-townsman told me that it was called thick-skinned (winter beauty). This name is not in line with the image of succulent plants at all, but it does not change my love for succulent meat in the future.

When I came back, I wanted to buy two pots to plant, but I didn't see any succulent plants sold in our local florist shop, so I searched for succulent tribes, added succulent groups, and bought the first pot of meaty meat through the introduction of meat friends: first love, it was winter when I entered the pit. I used garden soil for planting when I didn't know anything, and immediately watered it, but I got up the next day and found it frozen into a big popsicle, and the photos were gone at that time. Later, I got over and left a few leaves. In the QQ group, I heard enthusiastic meat friends say that they could be inserted. In the case of a novice, it was successful, and now I still keep its offspring.

When I first entered the pit, I thought that the meat could not be caught in the rain or bask in the sun, so I kept it at home. At that time, it only became the meat of a dog. I thought it grew well. When I communicated in the succulent plants, I saw that the meat of my friends was so beautiful, red and fat. After I sent them my meat, they told me that it was futile, that they had watered too much, and that they did not bask in the sun. If they wanted the meat to grow well, open-air raising was the king! At this point, we began the journey of open-air farming again. Here is a comparative picture of meat growth.

Roses when they grow up

Onsno at the beginning of raising

Onslow after coloring

Onsno when he grows up

Spider silk curly Juan

Can you believe that in only one month, there is such a big difference?

Little green bear (same picture, heh heh)

A growing bear


The red rolls of green vegetables

Red curly leaves after counterattack

Sasha who is shooting in the head.

Counterattack Sasha

After watching so many ugly ducklings turn into swans, does it make you love the magical flesh?

I didn't like wizards before, but I've also been infatuated with wizards since I saw the mage of the great god Sujun.

Lily Lili

Red lotus palm

The mage and rose are also a good match.


Succulent, you give him time, give you flowers.

Green cashmere shot last summer



Now, except for the mage, all the other varieties have been planted by our land. In order to grow better, a girl of mine has become a strong girl, carrying bricks and dirt on her own to go upstairs, including the mage's shelves.

The ice plum with a small single head and a big one is still relatively green.

I don't know if this is Pink Man.

The queen was frozen last winter and there was only one pole left. Fortunately, a spring slowly recovered.

A favorite small combination.

Little yellow bear


Lovely rose

Peach egg

Red Moon Shadow is not popular this season.

Blue apple

Lan Anna

Iced plum

Guanghan Palace, really like a fairy.

Splendid decoration

Transplanting seedlings with leaves planted in the ground

Potted grass with tenacious vitality

There are a lot of people around me who don't understand why I raise so much meat. They all think it's the same breed. In fact, I don't know why. I think I've been poisoned by succulent meat and can never quit. But I'm willing to be poisoned forever!

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