
High-yield planting techniques of Yam Masha No.1 in Pingnan County

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield planting technology of yam Masha No. 1 in Pingnan County the improved variety of yam No. 1 is a variety of yam for both medicine and food, which is selected from the resources of yam by systematic selection method. it belongs to Fujian yam variety of Dioscorea zingiberensis.

High-yield planting techniques of Yam Masha No.1 in Pingnan County

The improved variety of Masha No. 1 yam is a variety of yam for both medicine and food, which is selected from the resources of yam by systematic selection method. it belongs to the variety of Fujian yam of Dioscorea zingiberensis, which is a series of purple yam. Through the identification of non-major crop varieties in Fujian Province in 2012, the breeding units are the Institute of Agricultural Biological Resources of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fujian planting Technology extension Station and Masha Town Agricultural Technology extension Station of Jianyang City. This variety was selected from Jianyang potato variety Jianyang Nongjia yam in Fujian Province.

In November 2016, the 2017 science and technology extension task project "demonstration and extension of directional cultivation techniques in shallow grooves" of the comprehensive agricultural development land management project in Fujian Province was implemented in Pingnan County. Masha No. 1 Chinese yam, as the main crop for project promotion, was introduced, demonstrated and cultivated by the Farmers' specialized Cooperative of Qingfeng Agricultural products in Pingnan County (the cooperative production base is located in Shantouzai Natural Village, Dazheng Village, Xiling Township, Pingnan County). In cultivation, the technique of establishing shallow trough for directional cultivation of Chinese yam was adopted. Through trial planting in the past two years, demonstration and extension cultivation has effectively improved the yield and commodity rate of yam. According to field estimates, the yield of shallow trough cultivation of 667 m2 can reach about 10,000 jin, with an average increase of about 45%, and the commodity rate reaches 100%. Through the field cultivation investigation of demonstration and extension in the production base of Qingfeng Farmers' specialized Cooperative of Agricultural products in Xiling Township in recent years, each link of high-quality and high-yield cultivation of Masha No. 1 yam is described as follows.

1 Variety characteristics

The variety is an annual or perennial twining vine with middle and late maturity and a growth period of 210 to 240 days. Stem angled, dextral, green purplish. Leaves alternate, less opposite; leaf apex acuminate, base cordate, ovate, 8-12 cm long, 3-6.5 cm wide, hastate, leaf margin microwave-shaped, leaf veins obvious, green, no globules in leaf axils. Flowers unisexual dioecious, spikes, yellow. The tuber is long cylindrical, 55-90 cm long, 2.7-5.0 cm thick, the fresh weight of single root is about 500g, the epidermis is yellowish brown, with whisker root, the cross section is white, powdery and mucous, and the drying rate is 35.4%.

2 Garden site selection

2.1 site selection

Masha No. 1 Chinese yam is a deep-rooted plant. The cultivation should choose the plots with strong fertility tolerance, deep soil layer, rich organic matter, pH value of 5-7 (slightly acidic), uniform soil configuration, groundwater level above 1 m and good drainage. The inner shelf of the soil layer, try not to have interlayers such as clay and soil sand, otherwise the appearance of the product will be affected, and then the quality will be affected. At the same time, planting should avoid continuous cropping as far as possible, generally rotate every 2-3 years, and avoid planting legumes and taro stubble. Fields with convenient drainage and irrigation can be selected where conditions permit.

2.2 soil preparation and trenching

In the middle and high altitude villages and towns of Pingnan County, the annual soil preparation should be carried out before and after the Winter Solstice (at the end of December), which is suitable for planting with single ditch and single row. Before sowing, the ploughed land was ploughed deeply for more than 40 cm and dried to form a ridge with a north-south orientation, a border width of 70 cm and an unlimited length. Ditches were opened in the middle of the ridge, and 15% compound fertilizer with 15% N, P and K content was applied every 667m2. 20 kg. The planting ditch should be dug before the winter of last year, and the ditch should be dug according to the line of 110-125 cm, with a width of 25-30 cm and a depth of 130 cm. Put the dug soil on both sides of the ditch, freeze-thaw and sun-weathered in winter, so that the soil is divided and loosened by frost and snow, backfill the ditch after the soil is thawed in the following spring, and pick up all the debris. When backfilling, step on it layer by layer and step on it every 20 cm to prevent heavy rain in summer from collapsing the ditch and breaking the rhizome of purple yam. The soil preparation was done on a sunny day before planting. The width of the border was 120 cm, so that 20 cm wide drainage ditches were opened on both sides of the furrow to intercept the river and store Rain Water, so as to facilitate irrigation and prevent soil erosion. Generally speaking, it is usually excavated at an alternate line, and after half of the ditch is filled, the remaining half of the ditch is dug. It is suitable for cultivation in the north-south direction, and when individual plots need east-west planting, the row spacing can be widened, single-row planting or double-row planting should be selected according to the topography, and border ditches and surface ditches should be opened before planting.

Pre-treatment of three kinds of potatoes

3.1 use yam jokes as seed potato sowing

In the middle and high altitude villages and towns of Pingnan County, the sowing time is mid-late April, seed potato sprouting is carried out 15-20 days before sowing, and cutting, sun-drying and seed dressing are carried out before planting. Use cut yam segments, cut into pieces and then use 70% mancozeb wettable powder with 300x liquid carbendazim vacuole 1 min to dry or stick a layer of plant ash and lime at both ends of the incision. Dipping medicine at both ends can protect the incision from infection by bacteria and play a role in disinfection so as to reduce the infection of bacteria. Generally, when planting, cut while planting, so that the size of the seed is generally large, under a piece with buds to ensure that the buds will be neat.

3.2 erection and installation of shallow grooves

Masha No. 1 yam is a vertical growing crop, and most of it can only adapt to growing in sandy loam soil, taking root and growing 0.8-1.3 m in the soil. However, the soil layer of the middle and high altitude villages and towns in Pingnan County is thin, the viscosity is high, and it is difficult for the yam to take root. therefore, the U-shaped tube made of polypropylene can be selected as the shallow trough, and the shallow trough is a semicircular plastic pipe about 1.2 m long, in which the grain husk is spread in the trough, and the seed space is reserved at the top, and the shallow trough is laid in the open furrow. The application of this shallow trough directional cultivation technique not only improves the quality and yield of Chinese yam, but also solves the problem of crop soil growth space. In terms of appearance, the planted yam is larger, straighter and of better quality.

3.3 place fillers

According to local conditions, several kinds of substrates and fertilizers are mixed, fully mixed as fillers in the shallow trough, and placed in the trough in turn.

3.4 Border cover

Cover the border after planting. Limit the grass with shade and water.

4 do a good job in field management

4.1 fertilization

Masha No. 1 yam is a fertilizer-loving crop with a large amount of fertilizer, and its yield is 1 800 to 2 200 kg per 667m2. Shallow topdressing is recommended in fertilization management. When the seedling was about 10 cm, the first topdressing was carried out combined with intertillage and weeding, and the seedling-promoting fertilizer was applied once, combined with Rain Water applying urea 15 kg per 667m2 or dilute biogas liquid 500 kg or certified organic fertilizer 50 kg; the second topdressing was to apply strong seedling fertilizer when the seedling grew to 15 cm, and 500 kg of dilute biogas liquid was applied every 667m2. In the period of vigorous growth and flowering of stems and leaves in the middle of June, urea and diammonium phosphate were applied for 10 kg and 15 kg per 667m2, and then watered immediately after ditch application. The critical period for tuber growth and expansion is from August to mid-September. At this time, crack fertilizer should be well applied, potash fertilizer should be re-applied, and it is best to adopt the method of flushing application, mainly high potassium and high calcium combination fertilizer. 10 kg potash fertilizer is used to sprinkle root cracks every 667m ~ 2 and irrigate once to meet the demand of tuber expansion for fertilizer and water. Attention should be paid to keep the soil moist, not dry and not irrigated during the peak growth period. In short, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer and topdressing in time, and if the base fertilizer is applied more, there is less or no topdressing. In order to ensure the high yield of Chinese yam, topdressing is needed two or three times in the whole growth period.

4.2 Irrigation techniques

Masha No. 1 yam is a drought-tolerant crop, which is irrigated timely and reasonably according to different growth and development periods, climatic conditions and soil water conditions. However, in order to achieve high yield, it is also necessary to properly water it. Generally, before and after the first topdressing, if there is no rain and the soil turns white for a long time, it should be lightly watered twice and watered to the surface of the soil. If the hot and dry weather lasts for many days from August to September, cold water should be poured early in the morning to fight the drought. In addition, because purple yam is a crop based on tubers, it is more afraid of waterlogging, and stagnant water is easy to cause poor root growth or tuber rot, so it is very important to open ditches and drainage in rainy seasons.

4.3 set up a frame to draw a vine

Masha No. 1 yam can not grow upright after a few days of emergence, so it is necessary to build a bracket in time. A thin bamboo pole or branches with a length of 2.2 to 2.5 m is selected to form a herringbone frame, and the vine is introduced into the shelf in time, and the height of the frame is 2.0 to 2.5 m. The sides are obliquely crossed and reinforced with thick bamboo poles or wooden sticks at intervals of 6 to 8 m. Be sure to build it firmly to prevent it from tilting, especially during typhoons and heavy rains. The vines should be arranged evenly during the growth period, which is beneficial to ventilation and light transmission.

4.4 weeding in mid-tillage and plant adjustment and control

Masha No. 1 yam sprouts in case of rain in the seedling stage, which is easy to cause soil consolidation and affect seedling emergence, so the soil should be loosened and broken immediately. Shallow ploughing was carried out to maintain good soil permeability and promote tuber expansion. In the process of production, weeds should be weeded in time, and if the fields with serious weeds are damaged, they should be weeded manually on sunny days. Before emergence, norepinephrine or Acetochlor can be used for soil closed weeding or can be used to cover herbaceous energy, Weiba control and other weeds.

The growth of stems and leaves of Masha No. 1 Chinese yam is directly related to its yield. Within one month after emergence, the growth of branches and leaves should be promoted by applying more nitrogen fertilizer and coring the main vine, so that it can occupy the full shelf surface as soon as possible. When the stem vine grows too much and the axillary bud is too much, it should be removed in time. After the side vine appears, the base side vine should be removed, and when the stem vine grows to the top of the frame, it should be heart-picked. After the branches and leaves are full, timely measures should be taken to control the growth.

5 integrated control of diseases, insect pests and weeds

The main diseases are stem blight, anthrax, brown spot, root rot and so on. The main pests are slug, mole cricket, ground tiger, grub and so on. Focus on prevention and control in different periods. Follow the plant protection policy of giving priority to prevention and comprehensive control. Starting from the whole ecosystem, we should comprehensively apply various control applications, do a good job of comprehensive control measures such as agriculture, ecology and chemistry, preserve the balance and biodiversity of the ecosystem, and reduce pesticide residues to the prescribed standards. Give priority to agricultural comprehensive control, chemical control should choose chemical pesticides or biological agents with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residues, avoid the use of highly toxic pesticides and high residue pesticides, and pay attention to the safe interval.

5.1 anthrax

In the initial stage, the leaves turned yellow, the leaves appeared small spots, and finally the stem withered and leaves fell. The prevention of the disease is mainly based on agricultural prevention and control, such as crop rotation, timely elimination of disease and residue, and selection of disease-free seed potato for prevention and control. Drug control is to soak seeds with 25% carbendazim powder for 30 min before sowing, strengthen field management and enhance plant disease resistance after cultivation.

5.2 Brown spot

It is mainly harmful to leaves, and the main prevention and control method is to avoid high temperature between rows, pay attention to drainage, spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder once every 10 days at the initial stage of the disease, and spray twice continuously.

5.3 epidemic disease

It is mainly harmful to the base of the vine, and the death of yam is mainly caused by the disease. Stagnant water at the base of stem vine is the main cause of serious disease in rainy season. The main measures to prevent and cure the disease are: 1) change the cultivation mode, advocate ridge planting, not ditch planting and other agricultural measures; 2) chemical control, spraying at the base of the stem vine in rainy season, which has a good effect.

5.4 Stem blight

In the whole growth process of Masha No. 1 yam, it is important to control stem blight, which generally occurs from the end of August to the first ten days of September, and can be sprayed or poured on the roots with 50% carbendazim 800 times solution.

6 timely harvest

Masha No. 1 yam is generally harvested before and after Frosts Descent, the stems and leaves withered, the harvest is too early, contains much water, and is easy to break, so it should be harvested in time.