
The leaves of the succulent plant Yulu are withered. Teach you two ways to get crystal clear quickly.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yulu is a "soft leaf" variety in the 12-volume genus of Liliaceae. There are many varieties of this department, and the more common ones are grass jade dew, jade chapter, Ji jade dew, large jade dew, thorn jade dew and so on. Yulu plant is exquisite and small, rich in species.

Yulu is a "soft leaf" variety in 12 genera of Liliaceae. The variety of the Department, the more common grass Yulu, jade chapter, Ji Yulu, large-scale jade ** Yulu, there are thorns Yulu and so on. Yulu plant exquisite small, rich in species, crystal clear leaf color, rich in change, like a living handicraft, very cute, in recent years is popular among small succulent plant species.

Jade dew likes shade, avoid sun exposure, scattered light can be. When you see that the leaves lose luster and become dry, do not blindly water, which can easily lead to rotten roots. Just spray the leaves to keep the leaves moist, while increasing the transparency and saturation of the leaves. When the air humidity is low, you can use a plastic bottle to cover the basin, forming a small greenhouse effect, so that a small range of air humidity increases, these two methods can definitely avoid the phenomenon of Yulu leaves drying.

Yulu originated in South Africa, likes warm and dry semi-shade environment, not cold-resistant, avoid high temperature, humidity and sun exposure, afraid of wet water, growth temperature of 18~22 degrees. Suitable for growth in warm winter and cool summer environment, summer high temperature plants are dormant or semi-dormant state, slow growth or complete stagnation, can be placed in a ventilated, cool, dry place maintenance, and avoid sun exposure and long-term rain, do not pour too much water, stop fertilization, and so on after autumn cool to resume normal management.

Spring, autumn two seasons temperature is appropriate, if observed jade dew began to grow vigorously, indicating that the root system is strong at this time, and so on pot soil dry can be watered thoroughly, put ventilation blowing for a few days, remove excess water pot soil and then stuffy. Summer temperature is higher, jade dew stops growing, window surface transparency decreases, root hair is dry at this time without water absorption ability should stop watering, can spray humidification in the evening to alleviate leaf shrinkage.

During the growth period, watering should be done without watering, and the principle of watering should be thoroughly watered. Water should be avoided, and rain should not be allowed, especially for a long time, to avoid rotten roots. However, it is not suitable for long-term drought, otherwise the plant will not die, but the leaves will dry up and the leaf color will be dull. When the air is dry, it can often spray water to the plant and the surrounding environment. In the growing season, the transparent colorless beverage bottle with the upper part cut off can be used to cover the plant for maintenance, so that it can grow in a small environment with humid air, so that the leaves can be full, and the transparency of the "window" is higher. However, in the summer high temperature season, it is necessary to remove the beverage bottle, so as not to cause the plant to die due to sultry humidity.

The main diseases are root rot disease, which is caused by poor permeability of cultivated materials and long-term water accumulation in soil. Therefore, we should improve the cultivation environment, select loose and breathable soil for planting, and do not accumulate water for a long time. In addition, long-term accumulation of water in the center of the plant will cause heart rot. If the soil is not changed for a long time, it will cause physiological diseases of plants due to aging and hollow roots, so that the plants stop growing, the leaves are dry and not full, and the soil should be changed in time when encountering this situation. Insect mealybugs can be planted in the soil before high temperature treatment, and add pesticides to the soil.

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