
Six kinds of simple succulent plants can also be raised well by beginners.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Succulent plants are one of the best choices for indoor gardens, they can add some different luster to your home, they are also very lovely, there are different kinds, and the maintenance method is very simple. It is possible to preserve succulent plants.

Succulent plants are one of the best choices for indoor gardens, they can add some different luster to your home, they are also very lovely, there are different kinds, and the maintenance method is very simple.

The maintenance of succulent plants can not only provide sufficient light, but also avoid frequent watering and keep the environment warm, dry and ventilated all the year round. Here are six kinds of succulent plants that are suitable for novice cultivation.

1. Aloe

Aloe is a very common succulent plant, it likes the dry environment very much, likes to grow in the warm and ventilated place all the year round, the maintenance position had better have the appropriate light, the soil that cultivated aloe should use loose and drained sandy soil, avoid frequent watering, wait for the basin soil to dry before supplying water, and the lowest curing temperature should be kept above 5 degrees.

If you accidentally burn or burn, just break a piece of aloe leaf and apply the aloe gel to the wound to help heal the wound.

two。 Yushu

Yushu is suitable for most families, it is a very tolerant succulent plant, the conservation environment should maintain a warm and dry environment all the year round, give more light every day, and avoid excessive shading, over-watering or freezing. It needs to use peat soil with perlite conservation to maintain good drainage.

3. Twelve stripes

Striped twelve rolls is a kind of ornamental cactus plant, its leaves are very hard, it is a very tolerant potted plant, suitable for raising on the windowsill with proper light, it has strong adaptability to the environment and strong drought tolerance, it does not need frequent watering, and the lowest maintenance temperature should be kept above 5 degrees.

4. Tequila

Tequila is a succulent plant that is difficult to raise to death. It has a strong ability to adapt to the environment and likes loose and drained soil. There are many varieties of tequila, if it is for indoor pot conservation, it is necessary to choose some small varieties of low plants, such as the common Victoria tequila.

5. Jade of the Rainbow

Rainbow jade is suitable for growing on a sunny balcony or windowsill. During the growing period, it does not need frequent watering to keep the soil dry. It must wait for the basin soil to be completely dry before it can be watered.

Maintain rainbow jade when the summer temperature is too high to avoid exposure, the cultivation process should use loose and drained soil.

6. Purple pearl

Purple pearl is a very attractive succulent plant, which has a good ability to adapt to the environment and can withstand a relatively dry environment. Purple pearl should be cultivated with loose, well-drained sandy soil, peat soil and perlite.

If you want to make the purple pearl grow more beautiful, it is necessary to maintain more adequate light, avoid excessive exposure when the summer temperature is too high, and keep the minimum maintenance temperature above 4 degrees.