
The key to growing orchids is the plant material. Why do I choose the plant material like this? you'll understand after reading it.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The first step in growing orchids is, of course, to plant materials. If the plants are wrong, the orchids are either rotten roots or rigid seedlings. Good farmers always like to use pine shells, just because I see wild orchids in the mountains like to be with pine trees. There is.

The first step in growing orchids is, of course, to plant materials. If the plants are wrong, the orchids are either rotten roots or rigid seedlings. Good farmers always like to use pine shells, just because I see wild orchids in the mountains like to be with pine trees.

Some netizens said: pine shell is easy to find, and there are many wood processing factories. But is this suitable for growing orchids? The shells of pine trees in wood processing plants are mostly raw, and they take no more than half a year from cutting down trees to processing, because if it takes too long, the pines will be eaten by insects. This kind of pine shell must be artificially ripened for a long time if orchids are raised, and the effect is not very good.

The pine shell that the good farmer is looking for is the kind of pine stump that was cut down five years ago. After the natural decay of five winter plums, the heart wood of the stump has decayed into mud. In fact, this kind of stump mud is also a good plant for orchids. It can be said to be more reliable than most orchid plants on the market.

The pine shell is naturally rotten, and the turpentine is also decomposed and volatilized, so the pine shell smells very light and feels very crisp. After taking it home, after exposure, sterilization and insecticide, chopping can prepare the plant material. Do not worry that it will be secondary fermentation and root damage, its chemical properties have been stable.

The good farmer once planted several pots of cymbidium with this kind of rotten wood with pine shells and stumps, which is no worse than other plants. On the contrary, Langen grows better, probably because the rotten tree stump is relatively soft. However, because rotten stumps are difficult to collect into quantities, they can only be planted in small batches.