
Cultivation techniques and Economic value of Seedless Grape

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Seedless grape cultivation technology and economic value grape, also known as grass dragon ball, has the title of "god of fruit", belongs to the deciduous vine of grape family, cylindrical branches, oval leaves, well-developed basal branches; rich in nutritional value, can be eaten raw or.

Cultivation techniques and Economic value of Seedless Grape

Grape, also known as grass dragon bead, has the title of "god of fruit". It belongs to the deciduous vine of grape family, with round branches, oval leaves and well-developed basal branches; it is rich in nutritional value and can be eaten raw or made of grape juice, raisins, grape seed beverages, grape seed oil, wine, wine feet can be extracted tartaric acid, roots and vines can be used as medicine, it has the effect of stopping vomiting and calming the fetus. Seedless grape was cultivated in China in the early 1990s. It has excellent characteristics in appearance, quality, disease resistance, high yield, storage resistance, early maturity, stress resistance and so on. With the continuous improvement of consumer recognition, seedless grapes account for an increasing market share. In many countries, such as the United States, more than 80% of table grapes are seedless varieties. It is predicted that the seedless grape will have a good development trend in the future.

1 cultivation techniques

1.1 cultivation environmental conditions

In the construction of seedless grape orchard, the plots with no industrial pollution, no waste water, no dirty dust, loose and fertile soil, flat terrain and good drainage and irrigation conditions should be selected, and the plots that meet the above conditions are suitable for seedless grape cultivation.

1.2 Variety selection

Seedless grape varieties with unique flavor, good quality, high yield and good economic benefits were selected for cultivation. As the superiority of the variety is affected by the region, the superiority can only be shown in a certain natural environment and cultivation conditions, such as the unique light and heat conditions in Xinjiang, resulting in the best quality Crisen seedless grapes. In addition, the excellent characteristics of varieties are affected by time, with a certain timeliness, planting excellent varieties in the past, good characteristics may be degraded, such as the grape variety Rebel, which was popularized in large areas in the past, its excellent characteristics are not obvious at present.

1.3 main points of cultivation

Taking Krisen seedless grape as an example, it is suitable to be cultivated in arid or semi-arid areas with a frost-free period of more than 165 days, and scaffolding or T-shaped wide hedges should be used combined with medium and short shoot pruning to control seedling growth and prevent overgrowth from affecting fruit and product quality. after the results, ring peeling and gibberellin treatment were used to promote fruit size. Crisen seedless grape has more flower bud differentiation and is easy to yield, but under excessive load or improper management, it is easy to lead to uneven coloring of grape grains, which can be improved by taking appropriate measures to remove old leaves and bags in advance. Another example is that Fray seedless grapes should be cultivated with small scaffolding or "Y"-shaped wide hedgerows. This variety is flourishing, mainly medium and short shoots pruning, and attention should be paid to the control of load and input of organic fertilizer in cultivation. At the same time, attention should be paid to the application of phosphorus, potash and trace element fertilizers to promote early ripening and improve fruit quality.

1.4 late management

Take the Crisson seedless grape as an example, the grape seedlings grow so fast that they can form a large number of flower buds in the same year and have a certain yield the next year, so they must be built and reshaped when they are planted. The scaffolding materials can be made of stone columns, cement columns, wooden sticks and thick bamboo poles, among which the thick bamboo pole has the lowest cost and is convenient to build the frame.

1.4.1 plastic pruning. The shaping and pruning of adult trees in full fruit stage is particularly important to the yield and potential development of fruit trees, which can be divided into winter and summer pruning. Winter pruning: the fruiting branches of the following year are mainly selected, each plant keeps 4-6 fruiting vines, and the fruiting vines are generally pruned with 2-3 buds. Summer pruning: it mainly picks the heart of the main shoot for many times to thicken the main vine, and leaves 1 to 2 leaves on the auxiliary shoot to promote the development of winter buds to form flower buds. At the same time, heart picking can control vegetative growth, protect flowers and fruits, and improve quality and yield.

1.4.2 Fertilizer and water management. In the process of growth and development, seedless grapes need a large number of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, as well as trace elements such as iron, magnesium and boron. The demand for potassium is higher than that of nitrogen and phosphorus. The average amount of fertilizer applied to adult trees is 3045 t/hm2, which requires the application of sprouting fertilizer, strong fruit fertilizer, color conversion fertilizer, fruit picking fertilizer and so on, and the fertilization of young trees should be stopped before the end of August to facilitate the ripening of branches and shoots.

1.4.3 pest control. The degree of disease and insect damage to seedless grapes is different in different periods, so corresponding measures should be taken to control the growing period, flowering stage and fruiting period. In cultivation, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and pests such as yellow spiders, red spiders, leafhoppers, bird pests, through-wing moths, powdery mildew, gray mold, white rot, sunburn, gas burn, white rot and so on.

1.4.4 protect flowers and fruits. Reasonable branch retention, fruit retention and fertilization in order to keep the tree potential stable, increase the thickness of the main vine, control irrigation from 3 to 5 days before flowering, do a good job of drainage in the rainy season, timely pick the heart and control the auxiliary shoot before flowering, leave 10: 12 leaves to pinch the ear head about a week before flowering, and go to the accessory ear [Jishan Huayao].

2 Economic value

Grape cultivation has a long history in China, and it is also one of the main fruit tree species in China. With the improvement of people's living standards, consumer demand is gradually changing, and the grape planting area is also expanding rapidly. There is a great demand for table grape in the market, so it has a good planting prospect. In recent years, the price of grape fresh fruit has increased steadily, the average income of conventional varieties is 300000 ~ 450,000 yuan / hm2, and that of high-grade fresh varieties is as high as 600000 ~ 750,000 yuan / hm2.

Grapes are not only delicious, but also have high nutritional value. in addition to fresh food, their fruits can also be processed into wine, grape juice, grape vinegar, raisins and canned products. The ripe berries of grapes contain not only more than 70% of free water colloid bound water and combined water, but also carbohydrates, organic acids, minerals, amino acids and a variety of vitamins and other essential ingredients that are beneficial to the human body. Most of the beneficial substances in grapes can be directly absorbed by the human body and contribute to digestion. Studies have shown that the content of resveratrol in grapes is relatively high, which can inhibit some cancers induced by synthesis products catalyzed by cyclooxygenase and catalase. It can also regulate cholesterol and anti-platelet aggregation, so it has obvious preventive and auxiliary effects on cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, grape is an excellent health food, and better economic, social and ecological benefits can be obtained by cultivating grape.