
Let's go to the plant exhibition at the weekend in Beijing.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As one of the four classic permanent exhibitions of the Beijing Nature Museum since its establishment in 1958, the Plant World is very popular with young people and children. The updated "Plant World" exhibition is located in Beijing's natural relics.

As one of the four classic permanent exhibitions of the Beijing Nature Museum since its establishment in 1958, the Plant World is very popular with young people and children. The updated "Plant World" exhibition is located on the north side of the second floor of the Beijing Nature Museum, with an exhibition area of more than 850 square meters, with more than 1200 fossils and living plant specimens on display. The three exhibition halls are divided into three parts: "Plant Evolution", "prosperity and adaptation of angiosperms" and "plants and Human beings".

The plant evolution hall takes time as the axis, starting from the birth of the earth, cyanobacteria, endosymbiosis, algae, naked ferns, cuneifera, true ferns, pre-gymnosperms, seed ferns, cycads, ginkgo biloba, conifers and angiosperms are introduced in turn. The curve of the exhibition line is like a time-space tunnel of plant evolution, with all kinds of fossils and living plant specimens hanging on the exhibition wall and placed in the showcase, which seems to be telling the story of the plant evolution journey.

The middle of the exhibition hall restored the Carboniferous swamp forest about 350 million to 290 million years ago, restoring extinct plant science such as scale wood, seal wood and Reed wood in the forest, lifelike. These plants flourished in that period, and after their death, they were buried in the swamp for a long time, carbonized and metamorphosed into coal, so the Carboniferous was also an important coal-forming period in the geological history.

The second part describes all kinds of angiosperms adapted to their living environment, and selects plants from six vegetation types for display, including tropical rain forest plants, mangrove plants, desert plants, alpine plants, insectivorous plants and parasitic plants. The hanging banyan stem with a height of about 3 meters and a diameter of more than 1 meter and plate roots more than one meter high are displayed in the tropical rain forest plant exhibition area; plateau cushion plant sac recommendation, moss-like flea affixation, cushion-shaped Ganoderma lucidum specimens are displayed in the alpine plant exhibition area; pitcher plant, thatch extract and beaver algae and other specimens are displayed in the insectivorous plant exhibition area, these plant specimens use their unique morphological characteristics to describe their special ability to adapt to their living environment.

The plant and human exhibition hall is divided into two parts, the outer wall is the first part, showing the plant content related to people's material civilization, including edible plants, medicinal plants, oil plants, fiber plants, spice plants, dye plants and other plants of important economic value.

In the edible plant exhibition area, a large number of seed specimens of rice, sorghum, wheat, corn and soybeans are encapsulated in exquisite acrylic round boxes and neatly arranged on the back of each niche. Although the "popcorn" variety of corn is not handsome, it is the best raw material for the production of popcorn. These are crop varieties cultivated by scientists and indispensable food for each of us in our daily life.

Plants are also inexhaustible medical treasures, and the immersed specimens and crude drug specimens of all kinds of medicinal plants are displayed in the exhibition area of medicinal plants. You can see the immersed specimens of the Artemisia annua plant from which Chinese scientist Tu Youyou and her team extracted artemisinin in the 1970s, saving the lives of millions of malaria patients and winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. Liuwei Dihuang pills and loquat cough syrup are commonly used medicines. Their main formulations are Radix Rehmanniae, Cornus officinalis, Chinese yam, alisma, Cortex moutan and loquat leaves, Baibu, mulberry bark, Platycodon grandiflorum, Baiqian and poppy shell. These specimens of medicinal materials are also displayed in this exhibition area.

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