
When you see a harmful grass in the farmland, don't get rid of it at will. It used to be a poor man. Life-saving grass is very valuable.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the improvement of living standards in rural areas and the improvement of medical standards, people are not concerned about whether they can have enough to eat and cure the disease, but how to earn more money and live a better life.

With the improvement of rural living standards and medical standards, people are now concerned not with whether they can eat enough or cure diseases as before, but how to earn more money and make their lives better, so that they are not so concerned about wild vegetables and weeds on the roadside, so that many young people do not know most weeds now.

The following author introduces such a weed, which is common near farmland, but is often considered a pest and eliminated.

Every year after the arrival of spring, the countryside will be full of all kinds of weeds, and weeds near the farmland, has always been regarded as harmful weeds, ordinary farmers friends as long as they see weeds near the farmland, they will get rid of them, or apply pesticides to them, but also for fear that weeds near these farmland snatch the nutrients of crops, resulting in poor crop growth, and affect the harvest.

And in the vicinity of farmland there is such a weed, it is brown stem more than one foot high, on the stem branches. Leaves such as mint leaves, pale green without teeth. Branches end flowering into ears, thin as corn, bluish white, three or four inches long, curling droop. This kind of weed is "star vegetable".

Speaking of Constellation Vegetables, many young people might not be familiar with them now. After all, they did not grow very well. Moreover, they grew on the edge of farmland and were often removed before they could grow. However, in the past, at least 20 years ago, constellations were the treasures of many old farmer friends.

I remember that at that time, many of the older generation of peasant friends did not have enough to eat or wear warm clothes, so they relied on weeds to satisfy their hunger and cure diseases, and Xingxiu vegetables were one of them, so they were also called "lifesaving grass" by many older generation of peasant friends.

So what's the value of constellations?

Firstly, the tender stems and leaves of Constellation Vegetables could be eaten as wild vegetables. It tasted sour and tasted delicious. According to the data, Constellation Vegetables contained protein, sugar, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In the past, it was considered a good wild vegetable. And with constellations vegetables to soup, the soup color bright yellow, so there are old farmer friends called it "eel grass."

The second point, that is, constellation vegetables also have a very good medicinal value, constellation vegetables with roots can be used as medicine, with blood circulation, scattered stasis, diuresis, dampness, Shu Jin Tongluo, detumescence effect, in the folk often used to treat injury, joint rheumatism pain, women amenorrhea, breast carbuncle, scrofula, red eye swelling pain, edema, jaundice, malaria, dysentery and other symptoms, especially for women irregular menstruation has a very good effect, so it is also called by old farmers friends "Dingjing grass."

Therefore, although this constellation vegetable grows on the edge of the farmland, it is not a harmful grass. Instead, it is a very useful weed. Its value is very precious. Don't get rid of it at will.

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