
The efficacy and function of wheat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Promote metabolism: wheat can promote digestion and absorption of protein and other substances. Nourishing the heart and spleen: it can enter the spleen and heart meridians, replenish the heart qi and nourish the spleen. Qingre Runzao: It is cool, so it can help clear heat. Hemostasis: It has a certain hemostatic, and blood effect. In addition, it also has the effect of treating edema.

1. Promote metabolism

Many substances in wheat can promote the metabolic function of the human body. And can promote the digestion and absorption of a variety of substances, such as protein, various sugars and so on.

2. Supplement nutrition

Wheat is rich in nutrients. In addition to having the highest starch content, there are about 11% of proteins and 2% to 7 percent of sugars. The fat content is not much, about 1.6%. In addition to these, there are about 2% of crude fiber. A small amount of protease, amylase, etc., which are necessary for the normal operation of the human body. Can not only play the role of supplementary nutrition, some can also improve the immune ability.

3. Nourishing the heart and spleen

It can enter the heart and spleen meridians, has the role of nourishing heart qi, but also can tonify deficiency and benefit the spleen. For some cases of boredom, irritability, it can also alleviate to a certain extent.

4. Clearing away heat and moisturizing dryness

Because of its sweet and cool taste, it has a good effect of clearing heat, relieving dryness, nourishing yin and eliminating annoyance, as well as relieving thirst.

5. Stop bleeding and disperse blood

It has been recorded for a long time, such as in the Compendium of Materia Medica, that using wheat flour to apply wounds or swollen areas is conducive to dispersing blood and relieving pain. And internal and external use can be, external such as golden sore bleeding, internal such as internal damage hematemesis.

6. Treatment of edema

It can relieve some specific diseases, such as edema, urination pain and so on.