
Cultivation Techniques of Cut Flower Anthurium in Solar Greenhouse

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Anthurium cut sunlight greenhouse cultivation technology Anthurium native to South America tropical rain forest, flower unique and rich in color, loved by people. Since the late 1970s, China began to introduce cut flowers Anthurium, mainly concentrated in Shanghai, Yunnan...

Cultivation techniques of cut Anthurium andraeanum in Solar greenhouse

Anthurium andraeanum is native to the tropical rainforest of South America, with unique flowers and rich colors, so it is very popular. China began to introduce cut Anthurium andraeanum in the late 1970s, and now it is mainly concentrated in Shanghai, Yunnan, Guangzhou, Beijing and other places. In the late 1990s, the commercial cultivation of cut Anthurium andraeanum flowers began in China. with the change of consumption fashion and the enhancement of national purchasing power, the social demand for medium-and high-grade flowers increased, which stimulated the expansion of Anthurium andraeanum production scale. Most of the existing production areas of cut Anthurium andraeanum in China are produced in intelligent greenhouse, which is difficult for general enterprises to bear and can not participate in the production. Using solar greenhouse to produce cut Anthurium andraeanum has lower infrastructure investment and energy consumption than intelligent greenhouse, but the quality and output of cut flowers will not be affected.

Beijing is an important center of flower consumption and scientific research in the country, and the proportion of flower industry in Beijing's agriculture is gradually increasing. According to the survey, in recent years, the consumer groups in Beijing flower market have a high awareness of cut Anthurium andraeanum, the demand is high, and the market is in short supply. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of market development, studying the cultivation technology of cut Anthurium andraeanum in solar greenhouse can promote the development of flower industry, increase farmers' employment, and obtain obvious economic, social and environmental benefits.

1 preparation of solar greenhouse

1.1 Construction requirements

The construction of solar greenhouse should meet the requirements of the Code for the Construction of Solar greenhouse.

1.2 requirements for supporting equipment

Circulating fans, water treatment equipment and drip irrigation equipment should be installed in the greenhouse. Fan, wet curtain and automatic fog cooling equipment should be added in summer production of cut Anthurium andraeanum, and heating equipment should be added in winter.

1.3 Sanitary treatment

Clean up weeds and debris inside and around the greenhouse before planting. Insecticidal use of high-efficiency, non-toxic or low-toxic insecticides, such as 1% ~ 2% biological soap aqueous solution, or 40% phoxim EC 1.25 ‰ aqueous solution sprayed on the ground, seedling beds, gutters, etc. A brief introduction to the first author: Zhang Liyuan (1984 -), female, landscape engineer; mainly engaged in landscaping and flower production technology research and promotion. 12 ~ 24 h, such as 45% chlorothalonil smoke remover. During this period, personnel are not allowed to enter, and forced ventilation is required for 6 ~ 12 hours after the end.

2 cultivation mode

It is appropriate to choose the pot method, the diameter of the flowerpot is 21 cm, and each pot is planted 2 ~ … 3 strains. Put the flowerpot at a height of 50 ~ 70 cm and a width of 60 ~... On the cultivation shelf of 80 cm, one drip irrigation emitter is arranged in each pot to save water and fertilizer. The width of the channel is 80 ~ 100 cm.

3 preparation before colonization

3.1 Matrix and treatment

The floral mud block should be selected as the matrix, and the matrix should be 2 ~ 3 cm long on the side. The cube. It is necessary to soak or rinse repeatedly with irrigation water to make the pH value up to 5.56.5. If the pH value is too low, you can add lime to adjust, rest so that it is fully drained and ready for use.

3.2 Seedling treatment

After the arrival of the seedlings, open the package and ventilation as soon as possible and plant in time. If it can not be planted in time, it should be placed in a cool and dry place with a temperature of 15 ~ 20 ℃ to avoid direct sunlight. Dip the root with 600 ~ 800 times of 72.2% aldicarb hydrochloric acid before planting.

4 colonization

4.1 planting time

It can be planted every year, and it should be in 3 ~ 5 months or 9 ~ 10 months.

4.2 planting density

The density of potted plants is 14 ~ 21 plants / m2.

4.3 planting depth

The planting depth should keep the root neck of the seedling flat with the surface of the substrate.

5Post-planting management

5.1 Environmental Control

Water thoroughly after planting. The leaf surface should be kept moist within 15 days after planting, and the leaf surface can be sprayed with water. during this period, the surface of the matrix becomes dry and a small amount of water can be irrigated until there is liquid exudation at the bottom of the substrate. 15 days after colonization. Fertilization is prohibited, the temperature is kept at 18-28 ℃, the relative humidity is kept at 70-80%, and the light intensity is 8000-12000 lx. 15 days... After the operation in accordance with the growth period management method, at least ventilation every day. Once.

5.2 pruning

If any florets grow after planting, they should be removed immediately. After 50 ~ 70 days of planting, the leaves were pruned and the old leaves were removed, and 2 intact mature leaves were retained in each plant.

6 growth period management

6.1 Environmental Control

6.1.1 the suitable light intensity is 12000 ~ 20,000 lx. The maximum light intensity is no more than 25000 lx.

6.1.2 the temperature should be controlled at 18 ~ 28 ℃, the lowest temperature is not less than 14 ℃, and the maximum temperature is not higher than 30 ℃.

6.1.3 the suitable relative humidity is 70% ~ 80%, the minimum relative humidity is not less than 50%, and the maximum relative humidity is not higher than 90%.

6.2 Water and fertilizer management

6.2.1 the quality of irrigated water requires that the quality of irrigated water shall meet the requirements of the schedule, and if not, water treatment shall be carried out.

Water quality requirements for scheduled irrigation

6.2.2 nutrient solution configuration method the nutrient solution is 100 times concentrated mother liquor, which is divided into An and B tanks.

6.2.3 during the vegetative growth stage, calcium nitrate 37.5 kg, magnesium nitrate 5 kg and 6% chelated iron (DTPA) were added to the 1 000 L irrigation water in the A tank. 3.75 kg;B tank was added 25 kg of potassium nitrate, 15 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 20 kg of magnesium sulfate, 34 g of manganese sulfate, 150 g of boron, 115 g of zinc sulfate, 24 g of copper sulfate and 24 g of sodium molybdate per 1000 L irrigation.

6.2.4 during the reproductive growth stage, 50 kg of calcium nitrate and 6% chelated iron (DTPA) 3.75 kg;B were added per 1000 L of irrigation. 25 kg of potassium nitrate, 15 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 5 kg of potassium sulfate, 25 kg of magnesium sulfate, 34 g of manganese sulfate, 150g of boron, 115g of zinc sulfate, 24 g of copper sulfate and 24 g of sodium molybdate were added.

6.2.5 watering method when there is no liquid flow out of the substrate by hand, it needs to be irrigated until there is liquid exudation at the bottom of the substrate. The nutrient solution should be irrigated with water, once a day in spring, summer and autumn, once in 2 ~ 3 days in winter, and irrigated separately every 30 days during the fertilizer application period. If the greenhouse environment does not reach the appropriate level of environmental control, the number of irrigation should be reduced appropriately, and the phenomenon of rotting roots should also be reduced. During the growth period, the pH and EC values in the matrix were detected every 15 days, and if they could not meet the requirements, they should be adjusted to the appropriate level in time.

7 common diseases and insect pests and their control

7.1 disease

7.1.1 main symptoms of root rot: yellow and drooping at the edge of the leaf, brown and rotten at the root. The disease is easy to occur in adverse environmental conditions, such as dry matrix, humidity fluctuation, or low temperature. Prevention and cure method: irrigate the root with 72.2% aldicarb hydrochloric acid saline solution (concentration) 600 ~ 800 times, once a week for 3 weeks.

7.1.2 main symptoms of leaf spot disease: Brown spots appear on the leaves, the spots dry in the center, and the edges are yellow. Prevention and control methods: spray fungicides, such as 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 ~ 800 times.

7.1.3 the main symptoms of bacterial Fusarium wilt are mostly in leaves and flowers. The lesion is brown in the middle and yellow at the edge. At the initial stage of infection, the spots showed water stains, and then formed spots, which spread to the whole leaves, resulting in plant death. Germs are spread by mechanical and splashing water droplets. Prevention and treatment methods: at present, there is no specific medicine for prevention and treatment. Give priority to prevention, spray agricultural streptomycin 72% soluble powder 4000 ~ 5000 times regularly, and destroy the diseased plants in time.

7.2 insect pests

7.2.1 the main symptoms of red spiders are harming young leaves and buds and causing them to wither. The red spider pierced the plant cell with the mouthparts to absorb the juice, which made the plant green and showed silver spots. When damaging flowers, the spawn shows brown spots. Prevention and control method: 1% ~ 2% biological soap diluent or 1.8% avermectin EC 3000 ~ 4000 times.

7.2.2 main symptoms of thrips: thrips mainly use mouthparts to pierce the plant tissue to absorb juice, resulting in brown stripes on the leaves and flowers. When the damage is serious, the leaves become brittle and deformed. Prevention and control methods: hanging blue board monitoring, trapping, or spraying 1.8% avermectin EC. 3 000 ~ 4 000 times liquid, 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 ~ … 3 000 times of liquid.

8 harvesting

8.1 harvesting time

When the inflorescence of fleshy spike 2-3-3-4 changes color and stamens are seen, it can be harvested.

8.2 harvesting method

Clamp the middle of the stem with the thumb and index finger, and take the blade in the other hand to cut obliquely along the end of the stem from bottom to top. The stem length of about 3 cm should be left on the plant. Immediately after harvest, it was put into a container containing watering water and temporarily stored in an environment of 15 ~ 18 ℃. In the process of harvesting, the blade is disinfected with 75% alcohol in time. Containers must be cleaned daily and disinfected weekly.