
The hotter and hotter the 10 most common summer plants are, especially for lazy people who don't take care of them very much.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When summer comes, many flowers and plants become wilted, afraid to bask in the sun or water. Especially for flower friends who live in buildings, growing a flower in summer feels like waiting on his wife. So, are there any flowers and plants that grow more and more prosperous in summer?

When summer comes, many flowers and plants become wilted, afraid to bask in the sun or water. Especially for flower friends who live in buildings, growing a flower in summer feels like waiting on his wife. So, are there any flowers and plants that become more and more exuberant in summer, and the more they can surprise you? The answer is: yes. Next, the little exquisite life will take you to know the hotter and more prosperous flowers and plants.

1. Jasmine

Speaking of the hotter and hotter, jasmine immediately naturally emerged, exactly, the more the sun, the more prosperous the jasmine blossoms. In the hot summer, the delicate fragrance of the jasmine in Tsing Yi is always shocking. "around the Tsing Yi, Yingying plain dimple, facing the wind is infinitely quiet. The dust is marked, and the moon is the gentlest. Worthy of love and elegant. Even if I parted, I refused to worry. Immersed in water, amorous into, the bottom of the cup dark fragrance. " It is the most vivid portrayal of jasmine by Liu Yong, a famous poet in the Song Dynasty. PS: it seems that the price of jasmine in this area has gone up this year.

2. Milan

Compared with the faint scent of jasmine, Milan is an indescribable unique aroma. I remember that my exquisite life had just brought home a basin of Milan, and for several days I would occasionally smell the aroma of if nothing. Only later did I find that it was sent by Milan. From then on, I was deeply fascinated by the aroma of Milan. Milan is also the higher the temperature, the stronger the aroma, as the ancient poem said: "Shijia Golden Valley Xidan branch, ten miles of orchid incense over Bixi." If you don't have a good color, you will be surprised by every little bit. "

3. Catharanthus roseus

When I first saw Catharanthus roseus in a friend's place, it had not yet bloomed. The inconspicuous stems and leaves make me wonder why my friends raise such ordinary flowers. Out of curiosity, he asked the name of the flower and replied, "bloom every day." Yes, the local name of Catharanthus roseus is Tiantianhua. My friend gave me a pot I didn't want, but accepted it out of courtesy, and then opened the veritable "open every day mode" on my balcony. Ordinary Catharanthus roseus, as long as the ordinary garden soil, can burst the flowers all summer. "it's only thanks for one branch and Yin for the other, but it's because of spring work and leisure. Even if the peony is said to be gorgeous, it will be a glorious film in the end. " It unexpectedly echoes the wonderful poem of Zhu Shuzhen, a poet of the Song Dynasty.

4. Purple bamboo plum

When I first saw purple bamboo and plum, I was also with a friend. Covered in purple, hanging on the edge of the flowerpot, the deep purple fell a little pink, which stunned me. Want one to go home, only to find that the greener the moon, and finally directly become a green vegetable. Ask a friend to know that this product needs to be exposed to the sun, and the sun is getting more and more purple. And you can put it there, remember to pour some water, do not remember to put it down, one day you will find that it has unwittingly grown into a waterfall.

5. Tortoise back bamboo

Tortoise back bamboo likes high temperature and humidity, but it is afraid of sun exposure. Therefore, the tortoise back bamboo is generally raised indoors. Every time the tortoise-backed bamboo grows a leaf, it also grows a stem and an air root. Tortoise back bamboo in my impression is very casual, atmospheric but not flamboyant, free but well-behaved, raising a pot of turtle back bamboo at home, in addition to purifying the air, there is also a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

6. Dishui Guanyin

Let's talk about dripping Guanyin again. When it comes to tortoise back bamboo, I think of dripping Guanyin, which is also suitable for indoor maintenance and likes high temperature and humidity. If the tortoise back bamboo is compared to a modest gentleman, that drop of water Guanyin is a young girl, graceful and graceful, Yingying, only a figure, can also pour the country. Drip-answer, that a smooth round wisdom water, through a thousand years, there is still warmth.

7. Sunflower with loose tail

Sunflower is also a tropical plant, like high temperature and humidity, afraid of sun exposure, suitable for indoor maintenance. Swaying posture, beautiful and moving sunflower, add some tropical amorous feelings to the room.

8. Wanlian

There are so few elegant and chic lotus flowers in summer. Large lotus is not suitable for domestication, so raise a bowl of lotus on the balcony in the morning. The lotus has always been related to the gentleman and the Dharma. "the bowl gives birth to the lotus god, my Buddha, and the Tathagata throne is narrow Lianxi." A spoonful of water makes a gentleman virtuous and good at living in an appointment. " It is a compliment to the bowl of lotus.

9. Copper grass

If you want to experience what it means to burst, then plant copper grass. After experiencing the terrifying explosion rate of copper grass, look at other flowers and you will always question why they all grow so slowly. Small exquisite life raises copper money grass never use flowerpot, waste hand washing basin, unused iron pot can be used to raise copper money grass, half soil and half water, coupled with the summer sun, let the pot burst more violently!

10. Sunflower

The tenacious sunflower has another common but apt name: immortality. Pull out the sunflower and leave it in the hot sun for a few days. You think it is dying, but if you insert it into the soil and moisten it a little bit, it will miraculously come back to life. At noon, when other flowers are listless, all kinds of sunflowers are proudly blooming, the scorching sun, what can I do?

Life should be like summer flowers. Summer is actually the most gorgeous season for many tenacious flowers to bloom. As long as you have the heart to love flowers, you will find beauty at any time.

The little exquisite life is arranged and released.