
Breeding green pineapple in summer to avoid these points, the branches will flourish and the leaves will grow upward.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The hot summer is coming slowly, and many flower friends are beginning to worry about whether flowers and plants can spend the summer safely, but the flower friends who raise green pineapple at home don't need to worry at all, because summer is it.

The hot summer has slowly come, and many flower friends are beginning to worry about whether flowers and plants can be safely spent in the summer, but the flower friends who raise green pineapple at home do not need to worry at all, because summer is its peak growth period. As long as you pay a little attention to it, you can make the green radish rub up.

Avoid the wrong watering time

The temperature in summer is very high, plant watering time must avoid the hotter time, just like noon to 3: 00 must not be watered, and in the more muggy time should also be avoided, otherwise it is easy to make the plant root growth disadvantageous. And when watering with tap water, you can dry it and volatilize the nitrogen before you use it.

Avoid flower racks

For example, when growing flowers indoors, most of them will raise flowers and plants with flower shelves, just like some metal flower shelves. When they are exposed to strong light, they will be higher than the indoor temperature. If the green pineapple is put on such a flower rack, it will make it difficult for the roots of the green pineapple to breathe, which is not conducive to the growth of the green pineapple.

Avoid direct glare

Green pineapple is a typical shade-tolerant plant, which only needs slightly scattered light, so we must avoid direct sunlight in summer, otherwise it is easy to make the leaves of green pineapple yellow and lifeless, so when raising green pineapple in summer, be sure to breed it in a place with suitable room temperature and sufficient scattered light.

Avoid changing positions frequently

The temperature is higher in summer, many people will put the green pineapple under the air conditioner, or move around to change places for it, which is not conducive to plant growth, because the green pineapple often has no time to adapt to the surrounding light and growth, so it will make the green pineapple lifeless.