
Raising these 10 kinds of succulent plants at home has its own aroma all summer.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The 19th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

On the 19th


Foreword Qian Yan

Love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply "Community" to share with 20W meat friends!

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It is not enough to raise more meat and look good. It would be wonderful if you could send out a refreshing fragrance from time to time, accompanied by the summer wind.

Today, Huichang took an inventory of meat with its own flavor, from candy to fruit to milk to ice cream flavor. Succulent meat is amazing!

Fruity aroma

The son holds the white lotus

With a very obvious sweet smell of candy, people can not help but want to take a bite to see if its meat is also sweet.

In the process of maintenance, watering is a very important link, holding white lotus in the spring and autumn growing season, can give it enough water, when the soil is nearly dry, it can be watered once.

Hot summer should pay attention to water control, feel the basin soil moisture, can not be watered, watering a small amount of water is good, do not need to be thoroughly watered. Pay attention to avoid stagnant water in the center of the leaf when watering, and it is easy to get sunburn.

The proportion of soil with good permeability and drainage, such as peat soil and granular soil, can be selected at 1:1.

Clotting fat lotus

There is another better-known name, Raul, which is also sweet and fruity, has a fragrant and charming flavor, and is more intense when there is a shortage of water, so if it suddenly becomes very fragrant, be careful. It's already short of water!

In addition, in the case of more sufficient light and greater temperature difference between day and night, the leaves are more colorful, so they are maintained outdoors as much as possible.

When the light is insufficient or the soil moisture is too much, the whole plant is light green or dark green, and the leaf sparse spacing elongates, which accelerates the upward growth, which seriously affects the ornamental property, and may even die because of the obstruction of plant photosynthesis.

Clotting lotus is easy to rot in excessive damp environment. Don't water too much. In order to avoid water deposition in the root, it is best to choose a basin with a drainage hole at the bottom, and a red pottery basin with good air permeability can be used for beginners; glass containers are endothermic and have poor air permeability, so they should be used with caution.

Spring sprout

Because this succulent plant is a hybrid of clotting fat lotus and other succulent varieties, it inherits the aroma of condensed fat lotus, and the fragrance is also very good, especially after being exposed to the sun, which can be smelled from afar.

Compared with other succulent plants, Chunmeng is much more adaptable. It is resistant to cold and drought, has strong growth, and likes an environment with smooth ventilation and plenty of sunshine. It can be watered more during the growing period, and the number of times of watering can be reduced accordingly in summer.

Lily Lily

Its aroma is very obvious, like the combination of fruity and flower aroma, elegant and refreshing, the kind of super good mood when asked.

Lily maintenance is not difficult, pay attention to sunshade in summer, as little direct sunlight as possible, spring and autumn season had better be in a sunny, well-ventilated place for breeding.

Can be fully watered, but not long-term rain, the soil to choose a loose medium, convenient and breathable.

Ice cream flavor

Iced plum

The taste of iced plum is really good, refreshing and sweet, you take a bite of vanilla taste is probably this kind of feeling, but also a little taste of first love ~

The dried iced plum will also have a stronger flavor, and in terms of appearance, the iced plum whose leaves will turn pink will not lose to other succulent plants.

Once the ice plum grows in groups, it will be more beautiful, but when planting, you should pay attention to choosing the right soil. First of all, you should have good air permeability. When watering, you should wait until it is dry before watering. At this time, you should also water thoroughly. If the soil does not become dry, do not water it.

Summer when the plant will also enter the dormant period, this time must be taken care of carefully, timely shading and ventilation work, watering the number of basically two or three times a month, to avoid too dry and then cause the plant to dry.

Blue bean

The aroma is somewhat similar to ice berries, but also light and sweet, not as rich as ice berries, and only during the day, with almost no flavor at night.

It is a perennial herb with light blue leaves and orange or pink leaves in an environment with large temperature difference and sufficient sunshine.

Usually watering should not be too wet, usually it is best to put it in the indoor sunny ventilation place, which is conducive to its photosynthesis. It is best to apply fertilizer twice a year, not too much each time to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer damage.

Cool mint flavor

Ji Xing Beauty

Ji Xing beauty is a light mint aroma, clean and light, smells like a fresh wind in summer, but not strong, need to slowly taste, in order to appreciate this ordinary sense of super satisfaction.

Ji Xing beauty's own color is also very high, in weak light is crisp green, strong light will appear attractive pink.

It has good drought tolerance, likes warm, dry and sunny environment, and does not need too much water. The soil had better be loose to facilitate drainage.

In such summer high temperature and strong light, take appropriate shade, but the time should not be too long, otherwise the stems and leaves are tender and easy to lodge.

Refreshing lemon flavor

Dharma Funiang

Dharma Funiang's taste should be lemon fragrance, in the sun, the aroma will be more obvious than usual.

This kind of aroma is relatively fresh and nostalgic, as if in the arms of nature, it is difficult to leave for a long time.

Damofu Niang does not have a great demand for light and likes a cool and ventilated environment. In summer, she should pay attention to ventilation and shading and control watering.

A faint aroma of apple

Touch incense

When touched by people, it will automatically emit an apple-like aroma, comfortable and natural, in fact, this principle is similar to the "shy" principle of mimosa.

Usually touch the incense will also send out a faint fragrance, but this fragrance is not easy to detect, when its leaves are touched, the fragrance becomes stronger (there is also on the hand), people feel that it will smell as soon as it is touched.

When you touch the fragrance and like the sun, the fleshy leaves will be thick in the sunny environment, and the leaves will become flat and thin when the light is insufficient. It should be placed at an appropriate time of light, and too high temperature will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

If raised for a long time, the lowest stem will slowly Lignification, will also cause the surrounding leaves yellow, and then withered, this is normal.

Rich flavor of milk

Buddha beads

The taste of Buddha beads will be very rich when it blossoms, with the smell of milk, probably the whole balcony will be the fragrance of Buddha beads, but it will be a little easy to get bored.

Outdoor cultivation in summer should pay attention to shading, do not make the light too strong, otherwise sunburn will easily occur, heat prevention and cooling should pay attention to ventilation, watering should be adequate in the spring and autumn growth season, basin soil should always be kept moist, and branches and leaves should be often sprayed with water close to room temperature to prevent dry tips, but not stagnant water.

After reading these, I feel that succulent hin is really perfect, and every fragrance is intoxicating. Go to the balcony and smell it, and come back to Huichang to praise it.

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