
These 10 kinds of money to spend, raise more and more money, every family must have!

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Growing flowers is not only an appreciation, but also a good sign. Many flower lovers want to raise flowers with good meaning, but they don't know which ones to choose. Today, Huahua summarizes 10 kinds of flowers, all of which are prosperous flowers, which can be raised by a company at home, and the people of Huawang are more prosperous!

Money tree

The gold tree is evergreen all the year round, and its leaves are thick and bright, like ancient coins strung together, so the name money tree means to attract wealth and prosperity.

In addition to the good meaning, looking at its domineering appearance can not only purify the air, but also be a good hand in decorating the home, which is almost a must for every family.

1. You can have as many money trees as you want.

Despite the arrogance and coldness of the money wood, it takes only a few leaves to reproduce a large pot: pick a few healthy leaves, put them in the wet sand, put them in a cool place, and keep them moist. It can take root in less than 10 days.

2. Money trees put money in place, and people with prosperous flowers are more prosperous.

The money tree should be placed in a spacious and bright ventilated position to avoid exposure to the sun, such as both sides of the TV table in the living room, both sides of the sofa, corridors and so on. These are also the financial positions of our family, which are not only conducive to the growth of the money tree, but also can maintain luck.

Rich bamboo

Rich bamboo is no stranger to everyone, fresh and elegant, implying wealth and peace, a few at home, good-looking and easy to take care of

The hydroponic culture of rich bamboo is clean and hygienic, and it looks refreshing; the soil cultivated rich bamboo grows bigger and stronger, and can sprout from time to time.

1. Rich bamboo takes root by hydroponic culture.

Many flower lovers buy rich bamboo branches directly and put them in a vase when they go home. They can sprinkle some rooting powder in the water, or soak the rich bamboo in sugar water for 1-2 hours, cut off the length of the bottom 1-2 cm, and then put it in a water vase to speed up rooting.

2. Add a rusty iron nail to the water, and the rich bamboo will be green all the year round.

Hydroponic rich bamboos need to change the water every 3-5 days. There is no nutrition in the water, so it is easy to have yellow leaves. You can put rusty iron roots in the water bottle to supplement some trace elements and reduce yellow leaves and fallen leaves.

Money pocket

The scientific name of money pocket is Flutong, which means both good fortune and good fortune. It is a very popular feng shui green plant. It is evergreen all the year round, and its leaves are round and big like a belly pocket, so everyone calls it money pocket.

Money pocket, introduced from New Caledonia, has been very popular in southern China in recent years, especially in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Guangzhou.

1. Occasionally spray water, the leaves glow green

Money pocket leaves are large, photosynthesis is also relatively strong, occasionally spraying water, cleaning the leaves, is conducive to the smooth breathing of leaves, usually do not need too much watering, do not accumulate wet roots and leaves

2. With enough light, the longer you grow, the more prosperous you will be.

The money pocket is suitable for keeping in a place with good light at home. Don't be exposed to the sun and avoid blowing. Only in this way can you grow vigorously and grow taller and bigger.

Make a fortune tree

The tree of making a fortune is no stranger to everyone. It can be raised in the office and at home, which means not only getting rich, but also representing energy. If you take a look at it every day, your spirit will be redoubled.

The rich trees are big and small, the big potted plants look at the atmosphere, and the small ones are full of vitality on the desk and windowsill.

1. Pruning and cutting of rich trees

The rich tree can be cut and take root relatively fast, but it grows slowly and can only be raised as a small potted plant. If you like big rich trees with strong branches, you'd better buy them directly.

2. The ventilation position is rich in wealth and gas, and the water is properly controlled out of the old pile.

The location of the rich tree must be ventilated and bright, which not only promotes wealth and energy, but also contributes to the growth of the rich tree itself. watering should not be too much, and when the basin soil is dry and rewatered, it is easy to accumulate yellow leaves and wilt in the basin.

descendants of royal families

Jinzhi Yuye is very artistic, implying that the family is noble, the family is everlasting, and the family is of one heart and one mind. Potted plants can be shaped arbitrarily, and each one is unique and beautiful.

Some of the golden branches and jade leaves that are often sold on the market are pink in the middle. In fact, they are all produced by medication and can be bought, but the pink will disappear after being kept for a while.

1. Pruning and cutting of golden branches and jade leaves

Casually cut off the branches of golden branches and jade leaves, insert them in the basin soil and keep them moist. They can take root and survive in 1 to 2 weeks, so if you raise one pot, you can change it into 10 pots.

2. Only by pruning regularly can you get a shape.

Many flower friends wonder why other people's home is a work of art, their own home is no different from a pot of weeds? Be sure to trim it ruthlessly. According to the shape you like, you can feel it by clicking a few scissors.

Tongqian grass

The leaves of copper grass are round like small copper coins, implying that there is copper money and good luck at home, and the most delightful thing is that it is very easy to burst.

Many flower friends have copper grass at home, and some flower friends keep the leaves fat and big. Flowers have to be admired. The master is among the people.

1. A copper grass can fill the basin.

The vitality of Rabdosia angustifolia is so strong that as long as you pick a leaf (preferably with a root) and put it in the water (it is better to add some soil to the bottom), more leaves can be produced in 2 weeks, and the pot will burst in less than a month.

2. Half soil and half water, occasionally trimmed

Copper grass had better be half-soil and half-water, so that it can not only ensure nutrition, but also maintain moisture, it is difficult not to burst the basin, pruning when it is too dense, the remaining leaves can grow bigger and bigger!

Money string

A string of money is like a string of copper coins, implying auspicious wealth, or raising it yourself, and it is also very appropriate to give it to others as a gift.

Although the string of money is succulent, it is not so delicate, and there is no pressure to raise it. As soon as the sun is exposed, it turns red, and one pot can explode 100 pots!

1. Money string cuttings, one branch can burst a pot

The leaves of the money string are all strung up, so it can only be cut, cutting the money string branches into small segments, each with a leaf, planting it in the soil, watering it thoroughly, and waiting for it to take root in a cool place.

2. Money string and millet star

Many flower friends can't tell the difference between the money string and the millet star. The millet star's leaves are smaller, angular and redder, and the contrast is obvious.

Rich son / hundred taels of gold

The rich seed is also called hundred taels of gold, and its fruit is red and grows under the leaves. It looks auspicious and festive and is suitable for marriage and housewarming.

The fruit of Fuguizi is red and gorgeous, and it is also a medicinal herb, but it is better not to eat it without the guidance of a doctor, and those who have children at home should also pay attention to it.

1. Fuguizi sow seeds

Fuguizi has so many fruits that they can sprout and crack after a while without any control on the tree. at this time, they can be picked and buried in the soil and sprayed with water. The temperature can sprout and grow seedlings at 18-26 degrees Celsius.

2. Only by raising a rich son in this way can he be rich year after year.

The rich son who has just been bought looks energetic and should be properly taken care of when he comes home: put it in a semi-shady place with good light, water it properly, water it once every 1-2 days in summer and once every 3-5 days in spring and autumn, and keep warm and less water in winter.

Financial recruiter

Many flower lovers find fengshui plants difficult to raise, so try this pocket cactus-recruit rich hands, hoping to make more money.

The scientific name of the recruiter is Ji Coral, which is relatively pocket-sized and round, with emerald green color and red florets. We must make a clear distinction.

1. The lazier you are, the better. The little hands that attract money sprout crazily.

As a cactus, you don't need too much water. It can be watered once every three or five days in summer and once a week in spring and autumn. Slow growth in winter requires less watering. In short, if you bask in the sun, you can continue to sprout.

2. Put a basin near the electronic products

A small pot of wealth tellers can be placed next to televisions and computers to relieve visual fatigue and purify the air.

Good luck

Good luck is familiar to everyone, which means a lot of good luck. It is evergreen all the year round, bright colors and long flowering period, so it is often used in both company and home decoration.

The scientific name of the star pineapple is Xinghua pineapple, which has not only red, but also rose, yellow and yellow pineapple, which is also a special fengshui flower.

1. Watering in this way will make you feel energetic.

Good luck should be watered from the heart of the flower, not into the basin soil. It is best to use precipitated tap water, not too much at one time. If the water in the center of the leaf is slow to dry, some toilet paper will absorb water.

2. Hard-hearted pruning and explosion of cubs

Good luck usually blooms only once, and of course it will bloom for a long time, and some small buds will grow in the pot at the end of the flowering period. at this time, cut off the flowers and arrows, and the small buds can grow quickly.

These fengshui flowers with prosperous wealth

Do you have any seeds in your family?

If you raise it very well,

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