
Be sure to pay attention to these problems when planting chili peppers in summer.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The summer climate is dry, the temperature rises, the temperature difference between day and night is big, the pepper growth problem occurs frequently, it is difficult to prevent. Today, the editor has sorted out the matters needing attention and implementation measures for the maintenance of chili peppers. Please collect them quickly.

The summer climate is dry, the temperature rises, the temperature difference between day and night is big, the pepper growth problem occurs frequently, it is difficult to prevent. Today, the editor has sorted out the matters needing attention and implementation measures for the maintenance of chili peppers, so please collect them quickly.

Chili pepper

Matters needing attention


Temperature / watering

There is a large temperature difference between day and night in summer, when the temperature decreases at night or the rainy season is continuously cloudy, the fruit will be affected, withered / small fruit. So pay attention to the sunshine temperature. Too high temperature is not suitable, the flowers and fruits of chili peppers higher than 35 degrees will wither. In terms of moisture, chili peppers are neither drought-resistant nor waterlogged. If the soil is too dry, it will cause "zombie fruit" to have too much water. Chili peppers will die after being soaked in water for a few hours, so pay attention to drainage in the rainy season. In addition, chili peppers prefer dry air conditions, so the plot should be flat and ventilated.


Soil / fertilizer

Pepper has requirements for soil and fertilization at the same time (if the soil is too dry, excessive fertilization or the root absorption of water is affected, the fruit will become shorter) it can be planted on slightly acidic or neutral land, the root system of pepper is relatively delicate, oxygen requirements are relatively strict, so the choice of soil layer, to be permeable sandy soil or hermaphroditic soil, in addition, the soil should be deep and fertile, rich in organic matter.


The growth of hot pepper needs sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and it should be noted that nitrogen and potassium should not be too sufficient at seedling stage, which will cause excess growth of branches and leaves and affect flower bud differentiation and fruit. In addition, phosphorus has an important effect on the growth of flowers, and potassium is a necessary element to affect fruit expansion. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should complement each other in maintenance. In addition, if we apply enough base fertilizer and do a good job of topdressing, we can choose special microbial agents for agriculture to improve yield and quality.

Chili pepper

Management measures


Turn over the soil and drain water

Due to the long growth cycle of pepper, in order to ensure that the plant continues to blossom and bear fruit, it is necessary to maintain a suitable growth environment, and the root of pepper needs to be breathable so as not to suffocate to death, so it is particularly important to plant and turn over the soil (usually 10~15cm) watering should be short drainage, each ditch link, to ensure that the plum rainy season does not accumulate water.



Colonization and close planting

Pepper planting should be "close planting", because the plants are relatively compact, cover each other after close planting, even into the summer roots will not be exposed, but also can make the change of soil temperature and humidity smaller. (generally using double plants or 3 plants and 1 hole) colonization and close planting is beneficial to increase yield.

Chili pepper

Special hint

Be careful with herbicides. Chili peppers are very sensitive to herbicides, especially during the growing period (2.4D EC is especially obvious). Improper use of pesticides can cause damage to chili peppers.

The residual plants of pepper can be regenerated and cultivated, and pepper seedlings can grow faster and bear faster results.

When the pepper harvest is finished, it will begin to enter the aging period, in which the residual pepper plant should be removed from the crown (15-20 cm above the ground), dug up the old pepper plant and planted in the protected ground for the cultivation of regenerated pepper seedlings.