
We know too little about changing pots.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The risk of the curator's succulent change is relatively high, and some meat owners prefer the meat in the small basin, so even if the meat is big enough to change the basin, many meat owners still choose not to change it. Then change the basin after all.


Picture and text: curator

The risk of succulent change is greater, and some meat owners prefer small pots of meat, so even if the meat is big enough to change pots, many meat owners still choose not to change. Is it necessary to change the basin after all? Today, the curator is going to talk about this issue with everyone.


Why change the basin?

Under the condition of long-term artificial cultivation, the root system of succulent plants will fill the whole flowerpot, reducing the drainage and air permeability of meat, and the soil nutrients have been consumed, from the original granule to powder, and the soil is acidified. It is not suitable for the growth of meat, so when the plant grows to a certain stage, it must turn the pot and change the soil.


How long is the cycle of changing the basin?

The pot of meat is changed every 1 to 3 years (the seedlings of some varieties can even be transplanted several times a year). Most varieties generally change pots from mid-March to early April, while some "winter-type species" that grow in winter and dormant in summer can also change pots from the end of August to the beginning of September. In short, the time to change the pot should be carried out when the dormant period is coming to an end and the plant is about to grow. Tufted plants can also be propagated at the same time when changing pots. In addition, if it is found that the plant has rotten roots, you can change the pot at any time.


What are the steps to change the basin?

a. Root pruning

1. Remove the plant from the original pot and gently pat the periphery of the basin to separate the root system from the basin completely.

two。 Get rid of the old soil completely.

3. Wash the roots with water.

4. If the root of the plant is too strong, you can trim the old root system, do not trim the main root (thicker root) too short.

5. Put the succulent plants that have cleared the roots in a cool, ventilated place and wait for about seven days for the root wound to be naturally air-dried before planting.

b. Upper basin

1. Take a reticulated plastic sheet to place the hole at the bottom of the basin to avoid leakage of the medium and reduce the chances of insects climbing into the medium from the bottom hole.

two。 Lay one or two centimeters of ceramsite at the bottom to permeate the bottom.

3. Put the prepared medium into about half of the pot, leaving room for the growth of new roots of the plant.

5. Apply rooting powder evenly to the root of the plant with a brush, which can not only sterilize to avoid infection, but also make the plant grow new roots more quickly. (recommended steps)

6. Put the plant in the middle of the pot and begin to add the medium for about eight or nine minutes.

7. Cover with decorative soil, with fine-grained red jade soil, volcanic rock, Maifan stone is better, do not use chemically dyed colored stones. (non-essential steps, decorative soil can be laid according to personal preference)

8. Change the pot of the plant in a bright and ventilated place, at this time the root system has not been able to absorb water, remember not to be placed in direct sunlight, otherwise the plant is easy to die due to lack of water.

9. After about three days, spray the surface of the medium with a sprinkler at night or early in the morning, so that the soil moisture can induce the plant to grow roots.

10. Depending on the environment, gently lift the plant up in about seven days. If there is a sense of attachment, it means that the new root system has grasped the medium and can begin to absorb water and transport nutrients.

11. Move the plant to a place with sufficient sunshine and good ventilation, and water it once every seven days for normal management.

Generally speaking, the basin can be changed every two years, and the changing time of succulent plants is concentrated in the growing period, which is conducive to meat and meat to adapt to the new environment. If there is a phenomenon of rotting roots, emergency treatment should also be carried out.

Remember: cut off the water a few days before changing the basin, clean the soil when changing the basin, deal with the roots, cut off the roots in bad condition, and keep the strong roots. Root washing and root pruning are also very important, the purpose of root washing is to remove the residual bacteria from the root, although it cannot be completely cleaned up, but this step is still necessary, and then take scissors to those that have dried up. The broken roots intertwined for pruning, because the withered roots and dead roots can not absorb nutrients, in contrast, they will hinder the normal life activities of the meat, trimming to leave the main root.

There is a saying that there is no need to completely remove the soil, you can leave the old soil wrapped in the roots and go directly to the new basin, and half of the new soil can also allow the meat to quickly adapt to the environment, but the curator has not tried this method. Generally speaking, it is to completely remove the soil and then put it on the basin, so interested meat owners can try it. If meat owners and parents have already tried this method, please leave a message. Share your experience.

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