
Control period and method of wild wheat in wheat field

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The control period and method of wild wheat in wheat field commonly referred to as wild wheat include brome, wild oat and Aegilops. In the south of Hebei Province, wild wheat has done harm one after another. Shahe wheat planting area of about 110000 mu, most of the wheat fields are wild.

Control period and method of wild wheat in wheat field

The so-called wild wheat includes brome, wild oat and Aegilops.

In the south of Hebei Province, wild wheat has done harm one after another. The planting area of wheat in Shahe City is about 110000 mu, and most of the wheat fields are damaged by wild wheat. Wild wheat not only compete with wheat for water and fertilizer, sunshine and space, but also easily induce wheat lodging and reduce yield. Some biological characteristics of wild wheat, coupled with the infection and spread of external factors, determine that its elimination is more difficult, and the harm has a trend of increasing year by year.

1 reasons for the difficulties in the control of wild wheat

1.1 the seeds of wild wheat have strong vitality. The plough layer buried in 20 cm can survive for 2 ~ 3 years, or even longer. Once the external conditions permit, it can sprout, grow and bear fruit. Some seeds can sprout after burning and livestock intestines and stomach.

1.2 strong reproductive ability. The tillering ability of wild wheat is strong, generally, 10 ~ 20 tillers can be produced per plant, and almost all of them can form panicles and seeds. The yield increased with the improvement of fertilizer and water conditions. Wild wheat is highly competitive and competes strongly with wheat.

1.3 early maturity and easy shedding of grains. It matures 5 ~ 10 days earlier than wheat, the grain is small, and the spike mouth is loose, and the seed is easy to fall after maturity, and the seed drop is more serious after mechanical harvest. Seed drop is the main source of re-infection.

1.4 A wide range of transmission routes. The transportation of wheat seeds and the cross-regional operation of harvester carry wild wheat seeds, which leads to long-distance transmission. Wild wheat seeds are light and can spread with wind or irrigation water, infecting adjacent or downstream fields. Some of the immature organic manure may contain wild wheat seeds, which may cause re-infection if applied to the farmland.

(2) measures and methods to eliminate and control wild wheat.

2.1 selected seeds. Before sowing wheat, select good seeds and weed out wild wheat. If possible, seed coating can be carried out, or coated seeds can be purchased directly.

2.2 Chemical control. At present, for wild wheat, the most effective herbicide is methyl disulfuron (Shima) oil suspension. Before wheat overwintering, after weeds come out, 30% Shima oil suspension 30 ml/ mu can be used, plus special auxiliaries 100 ml, water 30 kg spray, it is best to use a special sprinkler. Generally speaking, medication is not recommended in spring.

2.3 manual removal. Chemical control of incomplete wheat fields, manual plucking in the following spring is a very effective method. Although wild wheat can be pulled out before it is ripe, the sooner it is pulled, the better. Wild wheat can be identified from the starting stage of wheat, especially after heading, it is easier to identify. To pull out the root, size, pull out 2 ~ 3 times in a row. The plucked plants must be taken out of the field and concentrated on burying, burning or feeding livestock. At the same time, the weeds in the ridges and ditches were removed to reduce the source of spread.