
Watering must avoid these five points, or the succulent plant will not survive this summer.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The 17th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

17 July


Foreword Qian Yan

Love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply "Community" to share with 20W meat friends!

The background replied "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil allocation, disinfestation, black rot" to view the relevant maintenance knowledge.

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Author / casual

Coordinates / Yueyang City, Hunan Province

Editor / succulent plant sink

Can you really water it? You have to put away these tips, and don't step on the minefield!

Watering meat seems to be an eternal topic, you may have asked a lot of people, meat friends, Taobao sellers, or even shed owners, and the answers are not the same!

Some say a week, some say half a month, some say a month, it is estimated that the little friends are confused, who in the end listen to?

In fact, what they said is right, it just suits them! It's not for you! Besides, the meat they raise is in a different state!

So when is the best time to water? Today this post must be the ultimate watering version! And easy to learn, suitable for the whole country!

First of all, I would like to say that using time to judge the watering method is wrong!

Because of the differences between the north and the south, the meat-raising environment, the size of flowerpots, and the distribution of soil, these differences determine the speed of water drying!

Even in the same environment, the flowerpot size, material and moisture drying speed are absolutely different! Do you agree with this? According to different situations, it is divided into the following parts

I. mature seedlings and old piles

Second, leaf cuttings and seedlings

Third, the meat before taking the basin (that is, the root system of the meat that just started has not yet grown).

Fourth, spend the summer

Please put the meat in the right seat!

I. mature seedlings and old piles

1, super simple, to see whether the leaves are flat, wilted! (as shown below)

2, pinch whether the leaf is soft or not

The above two cases prove that there is a shortage of water and can be watered!

3. How to water

It can be watered thoroughly along the root (the bottom of the flowerpot is permeable, as shown below)

Watering is best in the evening or evening when there is better ventilation!

You can also spray and water the flowers, but remember to blow off the water droplets on the leaves after watering!

Second, leaf cuttings and seedlings

Leaf cuttings and seedlings both like water and try to keep it moist. Their watering methods are very different from those of old piles. They can also be watered thoroughly once a week.

Seedlings and leaves as far as possible do not direct sunlight, put in the sunshade or balcony more cool position!

Third, the meat before taking the basin

A moist environment is needed to promote root growth before the new meat is served, so it can also be judged by time, watering about once a week!

By the way, why let friends dry the meat they have just received for a day, or plant and water it the next afternoon, because the roots may be hurt in the meat peeling express, and if the wound is not dried and healed, it is easy to rot due to bacterial infection in the case of contact with water!

Fourth, spend the summer

This is a season that is considered like death! In fact, it's no big deal, except to do a good job of pest prevention (and then write an experience post on pest prevention) the only secret to watering is to hold back and don't be cheap! Ha ha ha!

The experience of the great god is:

1. Water once a month and a half, that is, about 45 days (even if the leaves are wrinkled again)

2. Choose to water in the windy evening or evening

3. Blow off the water droplets on the leaves after watering

4. Keep ventilation and sunshade all day for the next three days. Electric fans are available for insufficient ventilation.

Keep in mind the above points, there is basically nothing wrong with spending the summer.

Meat will be seriously short of water in summer. Don't be distressed! Hold it!

For the meat during the serving period, keep the soil moist, it will root in about a week or two, then pinch the leaves, if it is a little hard, it will already take root, and then you can bask in the sun, but you can't expose yourself to the sun.

I believe that seeing this, everyone should also have their own way of watering. The head of the meeting will talk to you from a different angle. There are 5 things you must not do about watering.

1. Watering every day

This is the most common problem for beginners. They are always worried that the succulent plant is dry, but I believe that the succulent plant is stronger than you think, and the succulent plant itself is a drought-tolerant plant, so watering generally adopts the principle of dry rather than wet.

Especially in summer, watering once a month or two is also possible, the specific method of operation is referred to above.

2, watering at noon

The temperature is high at noon and the light is the strongest. It is easy to water the succulent plant to death at this time. After all, it is too exciting to come here in summer. I would like to advise you to stay up until the evening.

3, stagnant water in the heart of leaves.

Some meat friends will pour water on the leaves and think they can drink water faster, but in summer the light is strong and the water drips on the leaves like a magnifying glass. the sun focuses on the leaves and immediately burns the leaves, leaving purple scars.

If there is stagnant water in the center of the leaf, it is best to suck it dry with paper. Because the stagnant water in the heart of the leaf is easy to cause rotten heart and rotten leaves, and it is also easy to breed bacteria.

4, pelvic floor stagnant water

The most direct consequence of the stagnant water at the bottom of the basin is that the roots are rotten and the roots are rotten, so this succulent plant is really miserable, so it is recommended to choose one with holes when choosing flowerpots.

Secondly, in the basin bottom pad ceramsite can also play the role of air and water permeability, and the price is also relatively parity.

5. The water quality is not pure.

Huichang does not mean to water succulent plants with pure water that is very natural without impurities, but to avoid sewage, laundry water, rinsing milk bottles, and so on. In general, do not use water other than tap water Rain Water.

Some meat lovers may think that the water rinsed with milk is very nutritious, but our succulent skin is not a teenage girl's skin and is not maintained in this way.

And if it is used for a long time, it will not only affect the soil, but also easily attract worms, so water for succulent plants can be watered with normal tap water and can be hung and used again.

In the final analysis, it is not easy to water too much in summer. at the same time, we should pay attention to ventilation and sunshade, watering time should be chosen in the cool evening, and we should not blindly apply other people's watering principles. Only when we understand the principle can we find out what is most suitable for us.

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