
The leaves of rubber trees are thick, broad color, thick green, beautiful and easy to lodge in this way.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rubber tree, native to India, is a famous potted and ground-planted foliage plant. Its leaves are bright and evergreen, and pots decorate the living room and study. It not only has high ornamental value, but also can purify formaldehyde in organic matter and absorb one in the air.

Rubber tree, native to India, is a famous potted and ground-planted foliage plant. Its leaves are big and bright, evergreen all the seasons, and potted plants decorate the living room and study, which not only has high ornamental value, but also can purify formaldehyde in organic matter, absorb carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the air, and has a good absorption and purification effect on smoke and dust. If there are smokers in the family, raising a rubber tree can protect the family from secondhand smoke. Some flower friends complain that their rubber trees do not grow vigorously, their leaves are thin and small, they grow fiercely and have few branches, and even the plant type is too tall and lodging, which is mainly caused by the following reasons.

1. Soil. Rubber trees grow so fast that it is recommended to change their pots every spring. Rubber trees like loose and breathable slightly acidic soil. It is suggested that the rotten pine needle soil or rotten leaf soil plus garden soil and river sand should be allocated at the ratio of 3:2:1. Pine needle soil is slightly acidic and loose, so it is a kind of soil that rubber trees like very much, but if the garden soil is not added, it is easy to cause bad root, and lodging may occur after the plant grows tall. Before putting on the basin, you can add a small amount of rotten chicken manure to the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer.

two。 Light. Because the rubber tree is native to India, it especially likes the warm environment. Families can raise it in the courtyard, or put the plant on the southward balcony or bedroom windowsill to allow it to receive plenty of light. The midsummer season can be properly shaded. If long-term placed in the indoor too shady position, the plant can not fully carry out photosynthesis, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of long stem nodes, thin, small and gray leaves.

3. Water it. Rubber trees have little demand for water. However, during the peak growth period in summer, when the temperature is high and the water evaporates quickly, the lack of water will hinder the growth of rubber trees, and excessive water or long-term stagnant water in the basin will lead to fallen leaves or rotten roots, so watering should adhere to the principle of seeing dry and wet, and keep the basin soil slightly moist. And with water spraying on the leaf surface, the blade can be cleaned to make it bright and maintain the air humidity it needs.

4. Fertilize. Rubber tree is a fertilizer-loving plant, which should be dominated by nitrogen fertilizer and supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer can promote more exuberant growth of branches and leaves, while phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can enhance the ability of cold resistance and lodging resistance of plants and increase their resistance to the outside world. In the spring and autumn season, nitrogen fertilizer or rotten bean cake water can be applied every 20 days, or a few cooked soybeans can be buried around the basin. Rubber trees grow rapidly in summer and can be applied with thin organic liquid fertilizer every 15 days.

5. Trim. For small rubber trees, in order to control their overgrowth and promote the germination of more branches, appropriate coring and topping can be carried out according to the plant type. Prevent the plant from lodging too high. Tall plants can be pruned every year in late spring and early summer. Cutting off overdense branches and cross branches and overlapping parallel branches can not only promote the germination of more lateral branches, but also increase plant permeability and prevent the occurrence of diseases.