
Potted fragrant sherry blossoms several times a year how to maintain the bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The flowering period of Xiangxue orchid is from April to May, but I can prolong the flowering period and keep it blooming from February to May by properly adjusting the flowering period to make it bloom early. So, under normal circumstances, potted fragrant snow.

The flowering period of Xiangxue orchid is from April to May, but I can prolong the flowering period and keep it blooming from February to May by properly adjusting the flowering period to make it bloom early. So, under normal circumstances, how many times a year does potted cherry blossom? Next, the editor will discuss it with you.

The most suitable growth temperature of Xiangxue orchid is usually between 15 °C and 20 °C, and the flowering temperature should be maintained between 13 °C and 15 °C. However, this temperature condition is usually met only in the spring and autumn season. However, after entering June in summer, the local part of the plant on the soil surface will gradually wither, and the seed bulb in the basin soil will gradually enter the dormancy state with the increase of temperature. Based on this, it is usually not suitable to plant in spring.

The rest is naturally autumn, and fragrant cherry is the most suitable for planting in autumn, not only the temperature is suitable, but also the light is easier to control. And Xiangxue orchid is also a kind of bulbous plant, which is generally planted by burying the bulb in the basin soil to breed the young plants in September of autumn.

Although Xiangxue orchid is planted in autumn, it often blossoms from the end of winter to spring and the necessary maintenance and management work needs to be done during this period. In order to let the fragrant snow orchid blossom as soon as possible, prolong the florescence, usually need the best friend to raise the temperature, change the light condition at the same time, of course, you can also apply some plant growth regulators properly.

Due to the low temperature in winter, the plant is still easy to go into dormancy. In order to promote the formation and differentiation of flower buds, wWw.pJCn.ORg can appropriately increase the temperature to keep the winter temperature between 13 °C-15 °C. at the same time, if it is a sunny day, it can provide 9-10 hours of sunshine. In order to promote flowering, some low concentration of gibberellin diluent can be sprayed on the plant, and the inflorescence can be drawn out smoothly after about 1-2 weeks. By adopting the above three kinds of management and protection measures, the goal of early flowering of sweet cherry can be achieved.

However, after the flowers fade in May and enter the summer in June, the plant will wither again, and the bulb will gradually go into dormancy with the increase of temperature. After autumn, as the weather turns cooler, the seeds will gradually wake up from dormancy. As long as the temperature is suitable and slightly watered to adhere to the humidity of the basin soil, the seed balls will continue to take root and sprout. As a result, there is a return to the previous process, thus completing a reincarnation.

Through the above analysis, it is found that potted vanilla is generally planted in autumn, but blossoms in spring and begins to wither in summer. It can be seen that potted sweet cherry can only blossom once a year, but in order to prolong the flowering time, we can take the necessary means to adjust the flowering period to prolong the flowering period.

Vanilla flowers are elegant, beautiful, mainly white, a bulbous herbaceous flower plant that usually blossoms in April-May and bears fruit in June-September. However, many people plant red, yellow, purple and other varieties, which also have a very high ornamental value. Therefore, fragrant snow orchid is very suitable as a potted ornamental, but also can extract essence.

In recent years, with the gradual understanding and understanding of Xiangxue orchid, more and more people like potted plants, and the price of potted plants is also on the rise. So, how much is a pot of champagne in the flower market? It is believed that due to different regions, its price is also different.

After a visit and investigation, it is found that the price of potted vanilla is generally about 15 yuan, which is cheaper compared with many other flowers and plants, but for potted vanilla with poor appearance, the price will be lower, ranging from 2 yuan to 10 yuan. But if it is planted as a potted plant, it is generally suitable to plant about 5 plants in each flowerpot.

Although there is a large price difference between potted sweet cherry and other flowers and plants, it is mainly due to people's lack of understanding of it. However, through the understanding of Xiangxue orchid on the market, this flower plant is more and more accepted by people, it is believed that its price will be higher and higher, and wait for its price change and trend.

Relatively speaking, the price of potted vanilla is relatively low, on the one hand, it may be due to the fact that many potted friends do not know much about it, and on the other hand, it may be because the branches and leaves of this flower plant will wither and wilt after the flowers fade and enter the summer. and the seed balls left in the potted soil have to go through ball raising and then storage, and will go into a dormant state. Therefore, there seems to be some trouble in management.

However, as the saying goes, "one minute's hard work, one minute's harvest." if I want to harvest the beauty, elegance and striking fragrance of potted fragrances, I still have to work hard on planting. The ornamental value and practical value of potted Xiangxue orchid are very high, and it is usually worth paying. However, it is recommended that potted friends who like to plant fragrant cherries plant more than one variety in a flowerpot. After all, this plant has a wide variety of flowers and colors, and when it blooms, it will certainly become a beautiful scenery.