
These eight kinds of flowers like drinking water the most, the more they are watered in summer, the more they bloom and the flowers burst into pots.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer has come, how to water the right amount of flowers has become a difficult problem for flower friends, watering less wilting flowers without spirit, watering too much and afraid of silting rotten roots, a careless flower will die! What a nuisance! Today I would like to recommend some water-loving ones to you.

Summer has come, how to water the right amount of flowers has become a difficult problem for flower friends, watering less wilting flowers without spirit, watering too much and afraid of silting rotten roots, a careless flower will die! What a nuisance!

Today, I recommend several kinds of flowers that like water. I'm not afraid to water them. Let's take a look.

Blue snowflake

Blue snowflakes belong to summer flowers, that is, cool and moist, good-looking and easy to raise, summer to a pot, is really a good choice!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Blue snowflakes like water very much. in general, water is watered once a day. If the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, it is best to water it more than once a day, early or late, depending on the situation.

2. If you are short of fertilizer, you can spray some potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution and put it in a place with good light, either on the south balcony or windowsill, so that the blue snowflakes will burst more easily!


If you find the blue snowflake wilting, you have to think about whether you forgot to water it! Then first move it to a cool and ventilated place, first pour water, see the branches and leaves slowly come over, and then put it on the balcony to bask it.

Bowl lotus

Bowl lotus is planted in muddy water, without water, it will be in vain. When it comes to flowers that like water, it is the most suitable!

Key points of maintenance:

Although Wanlian likes water, it is easy to rot leaves if there is too much water. You can't fill it with water all at once. It's not right. It is necessary to water less in the early stage of sowing and increase gradually in the process of growth.

2. Proper pruning. Bowl lotus maintenance, there will be dense leaves, it is easy to appear yellow leaves, dead leaves, so appropriate pruning, not only to keep the plant shape beautiful, bowl lotus breathing will also be smooth, conducive to strong plants, promote flowering!


If you find that the lotus leaves are wilting, you should quickly add clear water to have a look, remove the withered and yellowed leaves and maintain nutrients. Take a look at the situation after watering, as long as the new leaves floating on the water are still in good condition, it will be all right and can grow normally.

Tongqian grass

Copper money grass is a very easy to raise a kind of flower, they will secretly grow up. Even if the flower killer, can also raise a pot of green copper grass!


1, copper money grass likes water, but also likes to bask in the sun, the summer temperature is high, watering water once or twice a day is fine, pay attention to ventilation and good light, copper money grass will grow more and more prosperous!

2. When applying fertilizer, you can wash two or three grains of compound fertilizer with water and pour them inside, so that the leaves of the grass will grow bigger and bigger, catching up with and surpassing the coins every minute!


Once there is a lack of water, the branches will wilt, and if they are watered once, they will slowly recover; if the branches have wilted so much that they cannot stand up, then cut off all the wilted branches and let them send new leaves.

Tortoise back bamboo

Because the tortoise back bamboo leaves are broad, the summer temperature is high, and the evaporation is also large, so it should be watered in time to ensure normal growth.

Key points of maintenance:

1. Watering in summer, you can water it once a day, preferably in the evening. If the temperature is above 35 ℃, you can water it in the morning and evening.

2, summer should be put in indoor breeding, balcony astigmatism is the best. Apply self-made rotten fertilizer water or cake fertilizer water once a month, thin fertilizer and less use, so that the tortoise back bamboo leaves will also come brighter!


When the water shortage is serious, the leaves of the tortoise back bamboo will droop directly. At this time, it should be watered thoroughly and placed in a cool place until the leaves recover, and then put in a place of astigmatism.


It's perfect to keep a few pots of cool mint in summer. Peppermint fragrance is cool, but also can pick a leaf to make tea to drink, clear heat and remove fire. Or stick a few pieces of cheek on the forehead, instantly cool down, a rare cold paste!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Peppermint likes to be moist. In a humid environment, it grows very quickly. If the sun is good and ventilation is good, it is OK to water it once a day or two. Be careful not to accumulate water, otherwise the roots will rot easily.

2. If you want to make the peppermint burst quickly, you can pinch its heart during the peppermint growing season. When it grows to the ideal height, the terminal bud will be removed in time to promote the meristematic lateral bud. So you can burst the basin!


The temperature is high in summer, if you forget to water mint, its leaves will be gray and begin to droop and wilt. At this time, it will be watered again, and it will be fine if it seeps into the basin soil. After the leaves regain their spirits, just pour out the excess water.

Acorus calamus

Summer is the peak growing season for calamus. You can keep one or two pots at home, dig a few trees in the riverside wetlands, and come back to make a bonsai. The house looks elegant and cool, and the simplicity is full of happiness.

Key points of maintenance:

1. Calamus likes water, but don't pour it on the leaves when watering, and don't spray the leaves directly, which can easily cause the leaves to rot. Watering can be done along the edge of the basin or into the blank soil.

2. Watering water once a day or two in summer is OK. If the temperature is too high, it can be increased appropriately. This should be determined according to the water shortage. Be sure to pay attention to ventilation and ventilation, and don't choke the roots because of siltation.


If there is a lack of water for a long time, the leaves of calamus will curl at the dry tip, which should be watered once and put in a cool and ventilated place, which will soon come back slowly.


Gardenia blossoms in summer, the pungent fragrance gives a cool feeling to the muggy environment. I believe many flower friends are raising it. Gardenia can also be regarded as a water-loving flower, and it should be watered properly in summer.

Key points of maintenance:

1. The temperature is high in summer, so you can water it once a day or two. You can also use a spray can to spray water around the leaves and flowerpots sooner or later to ensure adequate air humidity.

2. Gardenia blossoms should be pruned in time, cut off residual flowers and weak branches and overgrown branches, avoid unnecessary nutrient consumption and store energy, so as to make gardenia grow more prosperous!


If the gardenia is seriously short of water, the leaves will curl and be weak, then quickly pour water through the basin soil, and it will be all right to let the gardenia slowly come back. if it is really unable to recover, you can only try to change the soil.

Dryopteris przewalskii

Key points of maintenance:

1. Dryopteris likes high humid environment, and many flower friends put it by the window of the bathroom to relieve boredom and raise eyes. It's very good! It is OK to water it once a day in summer.

2. If you want the leaves of Dryopteris to be greener, you can also spray some potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to the leaves, and the concentration should be well controlled.


If the air humidity is not enough, or if you forget to water it for a long time, the leaves of Dryopteris will wilt and droop. At this time, it should be watered once, and even the leaves can be sprayed once, and then put it in a cool and ventilated place. It will slow down soon!

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