
This wild fruit looks like bayberry. The ancients called it kidney fruit, but it rotted on the tree and no one dared to eat it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Warm tips: Hemu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if medicinal, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor to avoid problems! Children who grow up in rural areas have eaten some wild fruits more or less.

Warm reminder

Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems!

Children who grew up in rural areas have more or less eaten some wild fruits, the more delicious wild fruits are raspberries, mulberries, mountain grapes and so on, and some of them have now become the objects of vigorous cultivation. However, not all wild fruits are popular. There is one of the most common wild fruits in the countryside. It looks red, looks like red bayberry and tastes as sweet as honey, but most of them fend for themselves and rot on trees. No one dares to eat them. Only a few of them are fed to pigs by farmers. Why?

This kind of wild fruit is called "Chu peach". Because its fruit looks like a green peach, it has this name. The tree that grows Chu peach is a tree. It can be said to be the most common kind of tree in the countryside. As long as one tree grows, it will soon become a forest. It can be said that it is a kind of "harmful tree" in the countryside, because it has strong fecundity, destroys soil fertility and destroys cultivated land, so farmers generally cut off its leaves together with fruit and feed them to pigs. Pigs gain weight quickly after eating, which is more cost-effective than eating corn and chaff, so farmers like to use it to feed pigs.

In fact, its fruit can be eaten as wild fruit. When I was a child, I often saw birds pecking at it. I secretly tasted a few of them and found that it tasted very sweet. In the past, when I saw some Chu peaches growing by the water fall into the water, even the fish would swim up and scramble to eat. And its sweet smell when it matures attracts not only birds and fish, but also a large number of flies, maggots and ants, so people dare not eat them when they see them crawling on them, and can only let them rot in the trees. In fact, peaches can not only be eaten, but also a very good rare product for tonifying kidney deficiency.

Chu Taozi was regarded as a good medicine for tonifying deficiency and yang in ancient times. The famous "Shenxian Shishi Pill" was made with Chu Taozi as the main material, and its main effect was to lighten the body and warm the body, tonify the kidney and tonify deficiency. Its efficacy is recorded in the book "General examination of Medicinal Properties": "Yushizi, impotence can be strong, edema can be withdrawn, fill the skin, help waist and knees, tonify strength, tonify fatigue, please color, strengthen muscles and bones, and clear eyes." Therefore, in traditional Chinese medicine, Chu Taozi is considered to be the "fruit of the kidney" and an important medicine for tonifying kidney deficiency, which shows that Chu Taozi's role is still very powerful. It is said that in some rural areas of Chongqing, some farmers use it to soak wine and treat tinnitus.

However, although Chu peaches are sweet, they should not be eaten too much. after eating too much, Chu peaches will get angry and his tongue will blister. Some old people also warn children not to eat, otherwise they will have a "rotten mouth", but they do not realize that it is a rare commodity for tonifying kidney deficiency. Dried seeds (the seeds inside) can be sold for 35 yuan per jin, which is a very expensive medicinal material. Readers, have you ever eaten peaches?

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